How to Scrape Amazon: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

Amazon is a goldmine of valuable data for businesses and researchers alike. As one of the world‘s largest e-commerce platforms, Amazon offers rich insights into consumer behavior, market trends, competitive landscapes, and more. By scraping Amazon data, you can:

  • Monitor competitor pricing and optimize your own pricing strategy
  • Research bestselling products and uncover emerging market opportunities
  • Analyze customer reviews and sentiments to improve your offerings
  • Track sales rank and estimate product demand over time

However, scraping Amazon is no easy feat. Amazon employs sophisticated anti-bot measures that can quickly detect and block basic web scrapers. Extracting data at scale requires advanced techniques and tools to circumvent these defenses.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll walk through multiple methods to scrape Amazon in 2024, from manual scraping with Python to leveraging powerful tools like Bright Data. Whether you‘re a beginner looking to extract data for a small project or an enterprise needing to scrape Amazon at scale, this guide has you covered.

Scraping Amazon Manually with Python

For simple, small-scale scraping tasks, you can write your own Amazon scraper using Python. Here‘s what you‘ll need to get started:

  • Python 3.7+
  • Requests library for making HTTP requests
  • BeautifulSoup library for parsing HTML
  • Pandas library for data manipulation and analysis
  • Playwright library for rendering JavaScript content

First, install the required libraries:

pip3 install beautifulsoup4 requests pandas playwright
playwright install

Next, let‘s write a basic script to scrape a page of Amazon product listings:

import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
import pandas as pd

async def scrape_amazon():
    async with async_playwright() as pw:
        browser = await pw.chromium.launch(headless=False)
        page = await browser.new_page()
        await page.goto(‘‘)

        results = []
        listings = await page.query_selector_all(‘div.a-section.a-spacing-small‘)

        for listing in listings:
            result = {}
            name_element = await listing.query_selector(‘h2.a-size-mini > a > span‘)
            result[‘product_name‘] = await name_element.inner_text() if name_element else ‘N/A‘

            rating_element = await listing.query_selector(‘span[aria-label*="out of 5 stars"] > span.a-size-base‘)
            result[‘rating‘] = (await rating_element.inner_text())[0:3] if rating_element else ‘N/A‘   

            reviews_element = await listing.query_selector(‘span[aria-label*="stars"] + span > a > span‘)
            result[‘number_of_reviews‘] = await reviews_element.inner_text() if reviews_element else ‘N/A‘

            price_element = await listing.query_selector(‘span.a-price > span.a-offscreen‘) 
            result[‘price‘] = await price_element.inner_text() if price_element else ‘N/A‘

            if result[‘product_name‘] != ‘N/A‘:

        await browser.close()

        return results

results =
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
df.to_csv(‘amazon_products_listings.csv‘, index=False)

This script launches a browser instance using Playwright, navigates to an Amazon fashion page, and extracts key data points for each product listing, including:

  • Product name
  • Star rating
  • Number of customer reviews
  • Price

The extracted data is stored in a list of dictionaries, which is then converted into a pandas DataFrame and exported to a CSV file.

To scrape multiple pages of results, you‘ll need to identify the pagination elements and simulate clicking on the "Next" button. Be sure to add delays between requests to avoid overwhelming Amazon‘s servers and triggering its anti-bot detection.

While this basic scraper works for collecting data from a single page, it is quite brittle and likely to break over time as Amazon makes changes to its HTML structure. It also lacks more advanced features needed for reliable, large-scale scraping.

Advanced Amazon Scraping Techniques

To scrape Amazon effectively, you‘ll need to implement more sophisticated techniques, such as:

Handling Dynamic Content

Much of Amazon‘s content, including product reviews and ratings, is loaded dynamically via JavaScript after the initial page load. Simple HTTP requests will not capture this data.

To scrape dynamic content, you‘ll need a tool like Playwright or Selenium to fully render the JavaScript on the page before extracting data. Make sure to set appropriate wait times for content to populate.

Avoiding Detection and IP Blocking

Amazon actively monitors for suspicious activity and will quickly block IP addresses making too many requests or exhibiting non-human patterns.

To fly under the radar, you should:

  • Introduce random delays between requests
  • Rotate user agents and IP addresses frequently
  • Solve CAPTCHAs programmatically when encountered
  • Limit concurrent requests and overall scraping speed

Filtering Out Ads and Sponsored Listings

Amazon search results often include sponsored products and advertisements that can pollute your scraped data if not filtered out.

Look for specific HTML attributes or tags that denote an ad, such as "Sponsored" text or identifiers like data-component-type="sp-sponsored-result". Skip over these elements when iterating through the product listings.

Implementing these techniques is crucial for scraping Amazon at scale, but requires significant time and technical expertise to get right. For an easier, more comprehensive scraping solution, it‘s worth considering a dedicated web scraping service like Bright Data.

Scraping Amazon with Bright Data

Bright Data is a leading web data platform that offers powerful tools to simplify scraping Amazon and other e-commerce sites. With Bright Data‘s Scraping Browser, you can navigate Amazon‘s dynamic content and anti-bot protection without the hassle of manual configuration.

To get started with Bright Data:

  1. Sign up for a free trial account at
  2. In the Bright Data dashboard, go to Proxies & Scraping Infrastructure > Scraping Browser and click "Get Started".
  3. Name your scraping browser (e.g. "Amazon Scraper") and copy the generated access parameters (username, password, host).

Here‘s an example script that uses Bright Data‘s Scraping Browser to extract Amazon product data:

import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
import pandas as pd

browser_url = f‘wss://{username}:{password}@{host}‘

async def scrape_amazon_bdata():
    async with async_playwright() as pw:
        browser = await pw.chromium.connect_over_cdp(browser_url)
        page = await browser.new_page()
        await page.goto(‘‘, timeout=600000)

        results = []
        listings = await page.query_selector_all(‘div.a-section.a-spacing-small‘)

        for listing in listings:
            result = {}
            name_element = await listing.query_selector(‘h2.a-size-mini > a > span‘)
            result[‘product_name‘] = await name_element.inner_text() if name_element else ‘N/A‘

            rating_element = await listing.query_selector(‘span[aria-label*="out of 5 stars"] > span.a-size-base‘)
            result[‘rating‘] = (await rating_element.inner_text())[0:3] if rating_element else ‘N/A‘   

            reviews_element = await listing.query_selector(‘span[aria-label*="stars"] + span > a > span‘)
            result[‘number_of_reviews‘] = await reviews_element.inner_text() if reviews_element else ‘N/A‘

            price_element = await listing.query_selector(‘span.a-price > span.a-offscreen‘) 
            result[‘price‘] = await price_element.inner_text() if price_element else ‘N/A‘

            if result[‘product_name‘] != ‘N/A‘:

        await browser.close()

        return results

results =
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
df.to_csv(‘amazon_products_bdata_listings.csv‘, index=False)

The script is very similar to the manual scraping example, but instead of launching a new browser instance, it connects to Bright Data‘s Scraping Browser using the provided access parameters. This enables the scraper to run on Bright Data‘s infrastructure, leveraging its vast proxy network and pre-configured environment.

With Bright Data handling the complexities of rendering, IP rotation, and CAPTCHAs, you can focus on writing the core data extraction logic. The Bright Data version of the scraper is not only simpler to implement, but also much more scalable and resilient against blocking.

Bright Data‘s Ready-Made Amazon Datasets

For those who want to skip the scraping process entirely, Bright Data offers an extensive collection of pre-scraped Amazon datasets. These datasets are available through the Bright Data Market and cover a wide range of Amazon data types, such as:

  • Product details (title, description, images, ASIN)
  • Offers (price, seller, condition, availability)
  • Reviews (body, rating, votes, date)
  • Best Sellers Rank (rank, category)
  • Ratings (overall score, breakdown by star rating)

Bright Data‘s Amazon datasets are collected from multiple Amazon domains (.com,, .de, etc.) and updated regularly to ensure freshness. The data is delivered in structured formats like CSV or JSON for easy integration into your existing systems and workflows.

To purchase a dataset:

  1. Log in to your Bright Data account and go to Datasets & Web Scraper IDE > Dataset Marketplace.
  2. Search for "Amazon" and browse the available datasets. Use filters to narrow down by Amazon domain, data type, and update frequency.
  3. Select a dataset and choose your desired plan based on data points and cost.
  4. Complete the checkout process and receive a download link to your dataset.

With Bright Data‘s pre-scraped Amazon datasets, you can get instant access to high-quality, structured data without the technical challenges and maintenance burdens of scraping it yourself. This allows you to spend more time on analysis and less time on data collection.


Scraping Amazon data opens up a world of opportunities for e-commerce businesses, market researchers, and data scientists. Whether you choose to build your own scraper with Python or leverage a scraping service like Bright Data, having access to reliable Amazon data can give you a significant competitive advantage.

When deciding on a scraping approach, consider your technical skills, data requirements, and project timeline. Running a basic manual scraper can be a good learning experience and sufficient for small, one-off data pulls. However, for ongoing, large-scale scraping, tools like Bright Data‘s Scraping Browser will be much more efficient and cost-effective in the long run.

Bright Data also offers the added option of purchasing ready-made datasets, which can be a great alternative if you don‘t have the resources or need to scrape Amazon yourself. With a variety of datasets covering different Amazon domains and data types, you can find the specific insights you need to inform your business decisions.

Whichever route you choose, always be mindful of Amazon‘s terms of service and use scraped data responsibly. With the right tools and techniques, you can unlock valuable insights from Amazon data while staying compliant and ethical.

To learn more about web scraping and data extraction solutions, visit

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