How to sell the Deluxo in GTA Online

As a long-time GTA fanatic with over 1000 hours logged in Online, I‘ve owned and sold practically every vehicle there is. And the Deluxo remains one of my absolute favorites for its unparalleled versatility as both a land and air ride.

But perhaps you‘re looking to clear space in your garage for the shiny new Pegassi Weaponized Ignus. Or need some quick GTA$ for the new luxury apartment interior. Either way, you‘ll probably want to know:

How much money can I get for selling my Deluxo?

By taking your cherished Deluxo down to Los Santos Customs and selecting the ‘Sell‘ option, you will receive:

  • 60% of the original list purchase price from Warstock Cache & Carry
  • Plus 50% of any conversion/upgrade expenditures at the counter

For comparison:

Original Buy PriceSale Price
Trade Price Deluxo$3,550,000$2,130,000
Non-Trade Price Deluxo$4,721,500$2,832,900

So for a fully-loaded custom Deluxo originally bought at full sticker, you‘re looking at recouping about $2.8 million in cold hard GTA$ cash.

Not too shabby! But is it worth selling such an elite vehicle? Let‘s dig deeper…

Deluxo Sell Price – How does it compare?

The resale limit is approximately 60-70% for many top-tier weaponized vehicles in GTA Online. In terms of cash returned, the Deluxo fares reasonably well against its competitors:

Original PriceSell PricePercent Recovered
Ruiner 2000$5,745,600$3,447,36060%
Ramp Buggy$2,815,000$1,500,00053%

Based on other top-tier vehicle sell rates, the 60% return on the Deluxo is definitely fair and expected.

Note: Limited time special event vehicles like the Lost Slamvan may have reduced sell limits around $50k-$100k to prevent exploitation. But that doesn‘t apply to our magnificent Deluxo!

Should You Sell Your Deluxo in GTA Online?

With its hovering, VTOL flying, missile barrages, and machine guns – plus room for a gunner – the Deluxo is extremely versatile in combat and transportation. Easily one of the most useful vehicles in the entire game thanks to its mix of performance and firepower.

Nevertheless, here are reasons you might want to consider selling it:

  • You need money quickly for the newest DLC content
  • Already own multiple weaponized flying vehicles like the Oppressor MK2
  • Want to replace it with the new Vigilante or Ruiner 2000
  • Bored of the Deluxo after extensively using it for years

Conversely, here are reasons NOT to sell this powerhouse:

  • It can dogfight with Lazers and Hydras better than almost any other aircraft
  • Easier to control than the Scramjet or Vigilante at high speeds
  • Great for completing contact missions due to hover mode
  • Holds two players for double the firepower
  • It‘s a Back to the Future time machine! Come on!

At the end of the day, the choice depends on your playstyle preferences and needs at the moment. The Deluxo will bring a good chunk of change at $2.8 million, but remains one of the most useful vehicles you can own despite the growing competition.

Choose carefully before hitting that ‘Sell‘ button! Because re-buying it later won‘t be cheap if you have seller‘s remorse.

Let me know in the comments if this guide helped you decide or if you have any other Deluxo tips to share!

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