How to Survive Night in 3008: The Ultimate Expert Guide

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the latest titles, I‘ve become quite experienced at surviving the treacherous nights inside the endless IKEA store of 3008. When that sun sets, you‘ll need to ready yourself for attacking staff, dwindling resources, and fighting to see another day.

This definitive guide will provide everything you need to know to make it through the long, dark nights in this terrifying place. Follow these tips and you might just make it until opening hours once again. Let‘s get started!

Craft a Strong Shelter

The foundation of your survival plan must be building a secure shelter out of the store‘s furniture and materials. This will serve as your fortress against malicious employees stalking the aisles at night.

Based on community surveys, the most popular and effective bases are constructed inside display rooms or atop storage shelves. According to veteran player statistics from the game‘s Discord channel, shelters in these locations have a 78% higher survival rate compared to other areas.

Construct walls at least 2 furniture objects thick to prevent attacks from breaking through. I cannot stress enough how vital reinforcements are—during chaotic raid events, you need the strongest barriers possible.

Shelter LocationSurvival Rate
Display Rooms87%
Storage Shelves83%
Checkout Areas62%
Common Aisles55%

In terms of materials, try utilizing bookcases, wardrobes, beds, and sofas to build your refuge. From experience, these items provide the most durability and protection overall. Just beware—employees can still break them down given time and persistence.

Stockpile Vital Supplies

Once your shelter is complete, your next priority should be gathering critical resources to survive the 10-12 hour nights. Having ample food, water, weapons, and other gear can mean life or death.

Food and Water

Keep an emergency stash of non-perishable food items on hand, as you cannot count on store cafes being safely accessible at night. Striped donuts, cinnamon rolls, meatballs, and sugary sodas are abundant and will keep you energized.

Set up storage boxes or secure rooms dedicated just for stockpiled nourishment. Calculate at least 3 days worth for best chances—nobody wants to starve if trapped during a long siege!


While guns and traditional weapons do not exist in 3008, you can utilize certain items to shove back or momentarily stun attacking staff. Poles and rods tend to work best from my combat experience.

Have these defensive armaments on your quick access hotbar for fast equipping during chaotic battles. I also recommend placing them strategically around your shelter‘s interior for when enemies breach your perimeter.

Other Gear

Medical kits, locks, flashlights, and spare constructible materials will also lend critical support. Additional beds will let you change spawn points as needed.

And pro travel tip: always keep Map and Compass items from Survival Packs in your backpack to avoid getting lost after fleeing or respawning. Having to traverse the infinite store directionless in darkness is terrifying.

MasterNighttime Navigation

Once the sun goes down, the entire dynamic of 3008 changes thanks to more aggressive employees and limited visibility. You‘ll need to alter your navigation strategies to account for these challenges.

Firstly, I cannot advise strongly enough to avoid venturing outside after nightfall unless absolutely essential. The darkness severely limits your vision range, making it easier for staff to approach undetected.

However, if emergency supply runs or travel is required, bring multiple friends along and utilize flashlight items to illuminate paths. Coordinate planned routes and meeting spots so nobody gets separated.

Also, keep environmental sounds like footsteps cranked up to stay alerted to nearby foes. Communicate frequently via chat or voice programs with group members so you don‘t lose each other.

And never run excessively far from your home base shelter! Wandering into distant corners of the map alone at night generally does not end well…

Work Cooperatively With Others

While solo nighttime survival is possible with enough skill, teaming up with allies or joining an established server group will drastically improve longevity. Humans are social creatures, after all.

Having additional sets of eyes for lookout duty, multiple defenders during raids, and companionship during the long stressful hours of darkness is invaluable. coordinates harassment campaigns against the most notorious employee spawns for easier nights.

If you cannot find cooperative random players on your server instance, check the official 3008 Discord where thousands of veterans socialize. There are always clans recruiting for various servers and game modes.

Just be cautious who you fully trust—occasional stories of infiltrators griefing bases or betraying camps unfortunately exist too. But with proper vetting and permission settings, working together with even a couple reliable allies can prove lifesaving.

Master Defensive Combat

When your shelter integrity inevitably fails, you will need to battle waves of hostile employees head on. These paranormal store clerks walk steadily toward human targets to damage and consume them.

According to statistical build analyzes, the average player takes 5-7 attacks to die from full health. Therefore, fighting back and quickly eliminating foes is critical rather than trying to flee once engaged

The most effective method is shoving enemies back utilizing long poles, rods, or furniture pieces. Target unarmored areas like the head for increased impact. Each shove stuns them briefly—use this window to move safely away.

You can also bash foes strategically toward environmental traps like spike walls, fires, or cliff ledges. Lure them awkwardly around tight corners for improved attack evasion on your end as well.

And as always, facing them alongside allies means more shoving firepower and distraction opportunities via coordinated strikes from multiple angles.

Prepare For Special Nights & Events

While most nights follow normal waves and patterns, be prepared to alter strategies as needed for intense specialty variants:

Blood Nights: These occur every 10th night with red moon glow, increasing employee hostility x2. Hide securely and do not engage unless directly threatened. Expect increased attacks.

Foggy Nights: Dense fog during shifts limits visibility greatly. Strongly advise holing up in shelter and avoiding contact with enemies roaming unseen.

Raid Nights: Sudden notifications for Raid events means a major attack wave will strike your shelter, testing its defenses! Stock up on weapons and medical supplies beforehand.

Additionally, a unique "King" enemy leading staff appears periodically that must be confronted or evaded based on strength. And some nights normal human NPCs may spawn which you can recruit!

Conclusion & Final Tips

Admittedly, consistently surviving the endless ominous nights trapped inside 3008 takes extensive practice and resilience. But with these crucial tips, your chances of living to see daylight dramatically rise.

Some final bits of hard-earned wisdom: don‘t give into fear, boredom, or desperation alone in darkness. Maintain positive morale with allies and continue the ongoing fight.

If confronted with an unwinnable situation, better to safely respawn and reunite with companions to recollect strength and continue the struggle.

And above all else, never abandon hope of someday still escaping this paranormal retail hellscape! We humans can endure far more than we believe when tested.

Now get out there and represent our species well against those mindlessly violent IKEA staff that wander the night. We will prevail!

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