How to Use ChatGPT with Microsoft Excel: The Complete Guide

ChatGPT‘s natural language AI combined with Excel‘s computational power creates a game-changing duo for next-level data analysis. This in-depth guide will teach you how to set up the integration in a few easy steps and put its capabilities to work enhancing your spreadsheets.

Introduction to ChatGPT

Created by AI research company Anthropic, ChatGPT launched in November 2022 as one of the most advanced conversational AI systems available. Let‘s look at what makes it so powerful:

  • Human-like dialog – ChatGPT can have back-and-forth discussions and adjust responses based on clarification.
  • Knowledge base – Trained on vast datasets, ChatGPT has knowledge spanning general information to specialized topics.
  • Natural language processing – It comprehends complex sentences, questions, and concepts stated in plain English.
  • Creative applications – You can provide prompts for writing, content creation, conversation, and more.
  • Speed – Responses are nearly instantaneous thanks to the efficiency of its transformer architecture.

These attributes make ChatGPT extremely versatile for both generating helpful information and automating tasks. Integrating it into Excel supercharges your spreadsheets with an AI assistant right at your fingertips.

Why Integrate ChatGPT with Excel?

Combining Excel‘s powerful computational capabilities with ChatGPT‘s natural language intelligence enables all kinds of valuable applications:

  • Data analysis – Get new insights by conversing with your data.
  • Research – Rapidly get explanations on any concept related to your data.
  • Reporting – Turn figures into eloquent narration.
  • Data organization – Clean and process datasets through conversation.
  • Formula assistance – Get Excel formula suggestions tailored to your needs.
  • Task automation – Create scripts and macros with natural prompts.
  • Decision support – Weigh options andsimulate scenarios informed by data.

The use cases are endless! ChatGPT supercharges your productivity and basically gives you an AI assistant in your spreadsheets.

Step-by-Step Setup Instructions

Integrating ChatGPT into Excel requires using ChatGPT‘s API and writing some Visual Basic code. Follow these steps:

Get Your API Key

The API key allows you to authenticate and connect to ChatGPT.

  1. Go to and login or sign up for a free account.
  2. After logging in, click your profile picture > View API keys.

ChatGPT API keys page

  1. Click Create new secret key.
  2. Copy this private, secret API key to use later.

Install the ChatGPT API Wrapper

The API wrapper code handles connecting and querying the API:

  1. In the Excel VBA editor, go to Tools > References and check Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
  2. Go to Tools > References again and add a reference to Microsoft WinHTTP Services Version 5.1.
  3. Get this VBA code which wraps the ChatGPT API. Open the .bas file and copy all the code.
  4. In the VBA editor, create a new module and paste the code. Name it something like ChatGPTAPI.

Write VBA Code to Call ChatGPT

Now write code to query the API:

  1. Create a new module named ChatGPTIntegrator.
  2. At the top, create a constant storing your API key:
Const CHATGPT_API_KEY = "sk-yourlongapikeyhere" 
  1. Add a function to query ChatGPT and return the response:
Function QueryChatGPT(prompt As String) As String

  ‘ Create ChatGPT API instance
  Dim chatgpt As New ChatGPTAPI 

  ‘ Build request
  Dim request As New ChatGPTAPIRequest
  request.prompt = prompt

  ‘ Get response
  Dim response As ChatGPTAPIResponse
  Set response = chatgpt.Ask(request, CHATGPT_API_KEY)

  ‘ Return response text
  QueryChatGPT = response.choices(0).text

End Function
  1. Call this anywhere to query ChatGPT!

Integrate into Sheets

  1. Add a command button to your sheet and assign the QueryChatGPT macro.
  2. In a cell, type a prompt for ChatGPT.
  3. Click the button to run the macro. The response will be inserted.

ChatGPT response inserted into Excel sheet

And that‘s it! Follow those steps and ChatGPT is integrated into your Excel sheet. Time to put it to use!

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of how ChatGPT can supercharge your Excel workflow:

Data Analysis

Provide an overview of your data and ask high-level questions to get analysis and insights:

=QueryChatGPT("Here is sales data for the last year: "&A1:D20&". What are the key trends and insights you can derive from this dataset?")

Research & Explanations

Get definitions and explanations of concepts related to your data:

=QueryChatGPT("Can you explain the difference between median and average in simple terms?")

Report Generation

Turn figures into narration for automated reporting:

=QueryChatGPT("Please write a 200 word executive summary of the key takeaways from the yearly sales data in A1:D15") 

Formula Help

Get suggestions for Excel formulas tailored to your dataset:

=QueryChatGPT("What would be the formula to calculate year-over-year growth for each product in column E based on the sales data in A:D?")

Data Organization

Clean, categorize, and process data based on conversational prompts:

=QueryChatGPT("Here is a list of product names in A1:A100. Please create categories for each product in column B.")

The options are endless. Be curious, try different prompts, and see how ChatGPT can add value!

Best Practices for ChatGPT in Excel

To use ChatGPT effectively, keep these tips in mind:

  • Provide context – Give clear background on your data and goals.
  • Start simple – Begin with basic prompts before complex questions.
  • Rephrase prompts – Retry prompts using different wording if needed.
  • Double check accuracy – Verify any formula suggestions or analysis.
  • Monitor usage – Keep an eye on API requests to avoid disruptions.
  • Watch for biases – Review responses critically, as AI can exhibit biases.
  • Use responsibly – Don‘t overly depend on ChatGPT. Apply your own judgment.
  • Automate where possible – Use templates and macros to integrate ChatGPT seamlessly.

With some thoughtful practice, you‘ll soon be leveraging ChatGPT‘s full potential!

Limitations to Note

ChatGPT has some remarkable capabilities, but also limitations to be aware of:

  • Potential inaccuracies – Responses can sometimes be incorrect or nonsensical. Verify information.
  • Limited knowledge – Knowledge is impressive but limited to 2021 training data.
  • No user memory – ChatGPT cannot develop long-term memory or personality.
  • API costs – High volume use can get expensive, monitor usage carefully.
  • Slow processing – Large requests or high loads can slow response times.
  • Bias risks – Like any AI, ChatGPT can exhibit problematic biases.

Being mindful of these limitations ensures you develop realistic expectations and find the bestprompts for your use case.

Comparison to Excel‘s Smart Narratives

Excel recently introduced Smart Narratives, an AI assistant feature with some overlap to ChatGPT integrations. Some key differences:

  • Flexibility – ChatGPT has far more flexibility for custom prompts and use cases.
  • Cost – Smart Narratives is free but limited, while ChatGPT requires API subscription.
  • Knowledge – ChatGPT has vastly more data/knowledge from broader training.
  • Conversational ability – ChatGPT can have interactive, back-and-forth dialog.

The open-ended nature of the ChatGPT API makes it more versatile, but Smart Narratives can be a free starting point to try out AI-assisted reporting.

The Future of AI-Enhanced Spreadsheets

Integrating natural language AI like ChatGPT into Excel foreshadows a paradigm shift in how we work with data. Conversational interfaces enable more intuitive workflows. By combining the computational power of spreadsheets with the knowledge and language capabilities of large language models, more focus can be placed on critical thinking and interpretation rather than rote Excel skills.

Exciting innovations on the horizon include:

  • Smarter formula assistance – Analyze data and suggest optimal formulas automatically.
  • Advanced data organization – Automated dataset cleaning, normalization and preprocessing.
  • Augmented analysis – AI providing analysis, summaries and insights as a collaborator to the analyst.
  • Multimodal interfaces – Support for inputs like speech and images rather than just text.

The future of Excel promises to be far more powerful, intuitive, and collaborative thanks to innovations in natural language AI.


This guide provided a comprehensive overview of integrating ChatGPT into Excel to supercharge your spreadsheets with an AI assistant. The transformative potential of combining natural language processing capabilities with spreadsheet computation is vast.

We walked through how to easily set up the integration with clear instructions and examples. With the foundation covered here, you can now start experimenting and find creative ways ChatGPT can enhance your Excel workflow.

As with any technology, remember to apply sound judgment, validate its responses, and start small before working up to more advanced use cases. Used responsibly, the problem-solving power of ChatGPT in Excel is now at your fingertips!

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