How to Use cURL With Proxies: The Complete Guide

cURL is a powerful command-line tool for making HTTP requests and transferring data over the internet. While cURL is useful on its own, combining it with proxies unlocks even more possibilities.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about using cURL with proxies. You‘ll learn how to configure various types of proxies, discover helpful tips and tricks, and understand which proxies are best suited for different use cases. Let‘s dive in!

What Is cURL?

cURL, which stands for "Client URL", is a command-line tool and library for transferring data using various network protocols. It supports an extensive range of protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and many more.

Some common uses for cURL include:

  • Making HTTP requests to interact with web APIs
  • Downloading or uploading files
  • Automating data transfers
  • Testing server connections
  • Web scraping

cURL‘s versatility and wide protocol support have made it the most widely used command-line HTTP client.

Why Use Proxies With cURL?

On its own, cURL is a very useful utility. However, combining cURL with proxies provides several additional benefits:

  • Anonymity: By routing requests through a proxy server, you can hide your real IP address and location from destination servers. This helps protect your privacy online.

  • Geo-unblocking: Many websites and services restrict access based on geographic location. With a proxy located in the right country, you can bypass these restrictions and access geo-blocked content.

  • Web scraping: Sending a high volume of requests from a single IP address can get you rate-limited or blocked by websites. Proxies allow you to distribute requests across many IP addresses to avoid detection.

  • Improved security: Some proxy servers provide encryption (like HTTPS proxies) which can protect you when transferring data over untrusted networks.

Now that you know why proxies are useful with cURL, let‘s look at how to get started.

Installing cURL

The process for installing cURL varies by operating system. Here are instructions for the most common platforms:


cURL comes pre-installed on macOS, so you likely already have it. Open the Terminal app and run curl --version to check.


Windows 10 and later include cURL by default. However, the curl command is an alias for PowerShell‘s Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. To use the native cURL executable instead, use curl.exe in the terminal.

To check your cURL version on Windows, run:

curl.exe --version


Most Linux distributions include cURL by default. To verify, open a terminal and run:

curl --version

If you don‘t have it installed, use your distribution‘s package manager to add it. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian:

sudo apt-get install curl

Setting Up Proxies for cURL

To use a proxy with cURL, you‘ll need access to a proxy server. At minimum, you‘ll need to know the:

  • Proxy protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, etc.)
  • Host / IP address
  • Port number

Some proxies also require authentication with a username and password.

The general format for a proxy URL is:


The username, password, and port are optional depending on the proxy server.

You can find free proxies on sites like Free Proxy List. However, free proxies tend to be unreliable, slow, and may steal your data. For any serious use case, it‘s best to use proxies from reputable paid providers like Bright Data.

With your proxy URL ready, let‘s look at how to configure cURL to use it.

Using HTTP/HTTPS Proxies

There are a few ways to specify HTTP and HTTPS proxies in cURL.

Command Line Arguments

Use cURL‘s -x or --proxy command line options followed by the proxy URL:

curl -x http://user:[email protected]:8080
curl --proxy http://user:[email protected]:8080

Environment Variables

Set the http_proxy and/or https_proxy environment variables with your proxy URL.

On Linux/macOS:

export http_proxy="http://user:[email protected]:8080" 
export https_proxy="http://user:[email protected]:8080"

On Windows:

set http_proxy=http://user:[email protected]:8080
set https_proxy=http://user:[email protected]:8080

Now any cURL requests will automatically use the specified proxy:


To disable the proxy, unset the environment variables:

unset http_proxy
unset https_proxy

Config Files

You can set a proxy to use for all cURL requests in a config file.

On Linux/macOS, create or edit ~/.curlrc and add:

proxy=http://user:[email protected]:8080

On Windows, create or edit %APPDATA%_curlrc with the same line.

With the config file in place, cURL will route all requests through the proxy automatically.

Using SOCKS Proxies

The method for specifying a SOCKS proxy in cURL is similar to HTTP, just with a different protocol in the URL.

For example, with a SOCKS5 proxy:

curl -x socks5://user:[email protected]:1080

Or using the --socks5 option:

curl --socks5

The available protocols are socks4, socks4a, socks5, and socks5h (SOCKS5 with hostnames).

cURL Proxy Tips & Tricks

Here are a few handy tips for working with proxies in cURL:

Quick Proxy Toggle

Quickly turn proxies on/off by defining shell aliases for setting the proxy environment variables:

alias proxyon="export http_proxy=http://user:[email protected]:8080; export https_proxy=http://user:[email protected]:8080"  
alias proxyoff="unset http_proxy; unset https_proxy"

Now you can do:


Bypassing Proxies

To ignore proxies for a specific request, even if you have them enabled globally, use the --noproxy option:

curl --noproxy "*"

Insecure SSL

Sometimes SSL verification fails when using a proxy. To ignore SSL errors and proceed anyway, use -k:

curl -x http://user:[email protected]:8080 -k

Warning: This disables an important security check. Avoid using it unless absolutely necessary.

Verbose Output

For more details on exactly what cURL is doing, add the -v option:

curl -x http://user:[email protected]:8080 -v

This prints information like the actual proxy requests, SSL negotiation, response headers, and more.

Choosing the Right Proxy for cURL

There are several types of proxies to choose from, each with different characteristics:

  • Datacenter proxies are fast and cheap, but limited in number and easier for sites to detect and block.

  • Residential proxies use IP addresses from real physical devices, making them much harder to detect. Great for web scraping.

  • ISP proxies are provided by real internet service providers. They are reliable and look more trustworthy to websites.

  • Mobile proxies use IP addresses from mobile networks. Useful for accessing mobile app APIs.

Your ideal proxy setup will depend on your specific use case. For most needs, residential proxies offer the best combination of anonymity, reliability, and performance. ISP proxies are great when you need maximum trust, while mobile proxies work best for mobile-specific targets.

Whichever type of proxies you choose, it‘s critical to use a reputable provider. Free proxies may save money in the short term, but they create risks of slow performance, downtime, getting banned, or even having your sensitive data intercepted.

Bright Data is a leader in the proxy space, offering a huge network of datacenter, residential, ISP, and mobile proxies. With over 72M residential IPs alone, you‘ll have no shortage of options.

Start Using cURL With Proxies Today

You now have all the knowledge you need to begin using cURL with proxies like a pro. Whether you‘re scraping data from websites, pentesting an API, or just staying anonymous online, combining the power of cURL and proxies is a game changer.

Remember, for any serious applications, investing in reliable, high-performance proxies from a trustworthy provider like Bright Data will make a significant difference. You‘ll spend less time troubleshooting issues and more time focused on your actual goals.

Take the first step now and sign up for a free trial of Bright Data‘s industry-leading proxy network. With 72M+ residential IPs, 700K+ ISP IPs, and full-service support, you‘ll be ready to take your cURL game to the next level.

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