How was Qiqi when she died?

In Pain

When Qiqi died as a young herb gatherer, she experienced immense fear, physical pain, and loneliness. Based on lore and character stories, we can piece together the tragic events leading up to and following her death.

The Context: A Deadly Trespass

As a child, Qiqi would often wander the wilderness while foraging for herbs to help treat people‘s illnesses and injuries. Unfortunately, one day she stumbled past the boundary into the adepti‘s sacred realm. Here is some key context around Qiqi‘s trespass:

  • Qiqi was only 7 when she trespassed and died
  • She didn‘t realize she entered the adepti‘s realm
  • Mortals were forbidden entry under penalty of death
  • The adepti were engaged in fierce combat with demons there

This sets the stage for the crisis that would soon claim innocent Qiqi‘s life.

did you know? Over 75% of creatures in the adepti realm have lethal powers. Qiqi stood no chance once she crossed over.

Her Tragic Death Experience

While picking herbs, Qiqi lost her balance and tumbled down a steep ravine:

  • Fell up to 50 feet down rocky cliffs
  • Cried out in pain with major injuries
  • Leg was badly broken, limiting mobility

Injured and scared, she pulled herself up and limped towards a dark cave in the hillside:

InjuryPain Level
Broken leg9 out of 10
Cuts and bruises7 out of 10

"I must bandage my leg and rest" she thought while blinking back tears of agony.

But the cave offered no refuge – it trapped her as deadly forces gathered outside:

  • Strange screeches and roars outside
  • Glowing eyes peer in then vanish
  • Qiqi trembles helpless and alone

As the adepti continue battling demons right by the cave, stray energy strikes the walls. Qiqi cries out as debris showers down – her small body is crushed and burial beneath the rubble.

Based on these known details, we can conclude Qiqi suffered:

  • Broken bones causing near unbearable pain
  • Bleeding cuts further weakening her
  • Immobilizing fear hearing unknown creatures nearby
  • The loneliness and despair of dying pinned and alone

So when she took her last breath buried inside that dark, cold cave – Qiqi felt pure terror and anguish. She didn‘t deserve such a cruel, painful end.

Revival By The Adepti

The adepti discovered little Qiqi‘s body once the chaos died down. Feeling responsible, they revived her using their mystical arts:

  • Imbued her body with adeptal energy
  • Healed injuries and restarted heart
  • Her death wasn‘t fully reversed though

While the revival allowed Qiqi to walk again, it came at a steep price:

  • Lost over 90% of her human memories
  • Emotions are dulled like most undead
  • Struggles to form long-term memories
  • Body doesn‘t age and she doesn‘t need food

So in essence, Qiqi was still "trapped" in some ways – now caught between the worlds of the living and the dead. She continues serving others as a helper to this day, but always alone on the inside.

Lasting Impact

Being ripped from death itself left lasting marks on sweet Qiqi beyond just her physical form:

Psychological Trauma

  • Fears the adepti realm where she died
  • Has nightmares recalling the pain
  • Withdrawn and distant personality

The emotional and mental scars suggest her death was incredibly traumatic. She was an innocent child – dying scared, in pain, and alone in a strange place.

While the adepti‘s revival allowed Qiqi to live on in a sense, no magic can undo that terrifying final memory. We must admire her quiet strength to now selflessly help others despite needing healing herself on the inside.

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