How Well Has Age of Empires 4 Sold Since Launch?

As an avid RTS gamer and content creator focused on the AOE franchise, let me provide some deeper insight into the sales performance of the long-awaited Age of Empires 4 since it first arrived on PC in October 2021.

In short – AOE4 is a commercial success with over 4 million copies sold, but has not reached the massive 25+ million heights of AOE2 (yet). Read on for more context on launch sales momentum, post-release trends, and what benchmarks Microsoft needs to hit to consider AOE4‘s lifetime figures a win.

By the Numbers: Key AOE4 Sales Figures

  • 4+ million copies sold worldwide across PC and Xbox platforms as of January 2023
  • Beat almost all other 2021 strategy game releases with 1+ million copies sold in first week
  • Estimated 2.5 million units sold in first 5 months
  • Currently seeing slower but steady sales momentum based on store bestseller presence
Time PeriodEstimated SalesKey Events
Launch Month1+ millionStrong critical reception
First 6 Months2.5+ millionDiscounts & content updates
Lifetime (as of Jan 23)4+ millionGrowing Xbox presence

How Launch Sales Stack Up Against AOE2 and the Strategy Market

Age of Empires 4‘s explosive early momentum showcased the enduring affection fans still have for this classic RTS franchise.

Beating out nearly all competitors in its 2021 release window despite limited marketing, AOE4 immediately found an audience. This was likely a mix of original AOE2 lifelong fans like myself finally getting a true sequel along with curious newcomers drawn in by the positive critical buzz.

However, some veterans hoped AOE4 would instantly achieve AOE2 levels of success (over 25 million lifetime copies sold). While an unrealistic bar for any modern RTS release, the downward sales trend since launch when compared directly to AOE2 has left some fans wanting more.

We have to consider that AOE2 had almost no comparable RTS offerings for years during its peak run, dominating strategy interest outright in the late 90s & 2000s. The contemporary RTS space features many more high quality options competing for players‘ time through services like Xbox Gamepass.

What Sales Levels Qualify as a "Success" for Age of Empires 4?

Given the shifting industry landscape, what benchmark unit sales would actually satisfy Microsoft and developer Relic Entertainment over the long run? No official target exists, but examining the RTS environment provides context:

  • Total War: Warhammer 3 sold over 1 million copies in a week – considered a major achievement for modern strategy games
  • All Total War games have sold between 2-3 million lifetime copies on average
  • Given development/marketing costs, around 8-10 million lifetime sales would likely mean AOE4 sales beat expectations

Viewed through this lens, AOE4 doesn‘t necessarily have to eclipse AOE2‘s heights to still be deemed a winner for growing the AOE fanbase profitably in an era with far more competition vying for players‘ attention and wallets.

What Does the Future Hold for Age 4‘s Commercial Prospects?

While AOE4‘s launch window figures were a huge success, some are worried that declining sales since then signal this latest entry lacking the long-term staying power of AOE2 based on lower concurent player counts.

Personally, I believe consistent post-launch support from Relic and expanded integrations with tournament platforms/streaming will prevent such a sharp drop-off. RTS gamers are some of the most dedicated fans across any player base – as long as our affection for empires spanning history is continually nurtured rather than neglected, AOE4 has the gameplay foundation and production values to keep us battling for years.

The teams behind AOE‘s legacy clearly recognize this too based on their ongoing support. As long as content keeps flowing, sales should remain stable even against the mounting competition. And for any readers who somehow haven‘t jumped into the latest era of RTSes greatest dynasty yet, there‘s never been a better time!

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