The Optimal Order to Play Skyrim Quests for a Truly Epic Adventure

As a lifelong RPG fanatic, few games have captivated me like the sprawling masterpiece that is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After hundreds of hours exploring its frozen tundra, forgotten catacombs, and towering peaks across multiple playthroughs, I‘ve developed some strong opinions on how to approach this iconic game. Specifically, what is the ideal order to complete quests for the most epic and rewarding experience?

While Skyrim offers near limitless freedom to wander as you please, I believe following a structured progression amplifies immersion and unlocks greater power. In this guide, I‘ll share my hard-earned wisdom as a passionate gamer on optimally playing through Skyrim‘s quests for maximum adventure. Let‘s dive in!

Start with the Main Questline to Become the True Dragonborn

When first arriving in Skyrim as the Dragonborn, it just makes sense to pursue the main storyline focusing on this crucial role. These quests enable you to:

  • Visit the Greybeards at High Hrothgar to fully unlock your dragon shouts and powers. Unrelenting Force and Whirlwind Sprint gained here are total game-changers early on.
  • Meet key characters like Esbern and Delphine who offer insights into your destiny. Their knowledge aids the rest of your journey.
  • Fight your first epic dragon battles, establishing your prowess as Dovahkiin.
  • Progress the civil war storyline with the Season Unending quest.

I recommend completing at least the first 5-10 main quests before venturing off. This builds a solid foundation and introduces core gameplay mechanics related to dragon shouts and lore.

Pro Tip: Grab the Unrelenting Force and Whirlwind Sprint shouts ASAP to traverse the world faster and defeat groups effortlessly. Save often during dragon fights early on!

Join Factions to Build Your Legacy as a Hero

Once the Dragonborn‘s powers are unlocked, I suggest joining Skyrim‘s major factions which offer the most extensive and engaging side questlines:

The Companions in Whiterun

  • Jumping into The Companions quests first nets you an awesome home base at Jorrvaskr early on.
  • Their questline has fewer demanding combat encounters scaled for lower levels.
  • You gain access to Skyrim‘s only official werewolf transformations via The Companions. Wreak havoc and feast on foes!
  • Unique rewards include the ancient Skyforge steel weapons and the badass Wuuthrad Two-Handed Axe.
  • Having a Companions follower like Aela provides helpful ranged combat support.

Pro Tip: Speak with The Companions leaders and take on small jobs to boost combat skills before the major story quests.

College of Winterhold

  • The College features my favorite Skyrim questlines filled with magic, intrigue, and ancient secrets.
  • You‘ll explore dazzling ruins while uncovering the mysteries of Nirn‘s most powerful artifacts.
  • Master-level spell tomes reward dedicating time to progressing the College quests before anything else.
  • Unlocking master-level Conjuration spells like Storm Thrall makes combat a breeze going forward.
  • You gain access to enchanting/alchemy gear and trainers to power up your build.

Pro Tip: Take things slowly, and level up your magic before tackling the climactic College quests on Labyrinthian and the Eye of Magnus.

Thieves Guild in Riften

  • Joining the Thieves Guild offers a change of pace from epic battles to stealth raids.
  • It rewards methodical play, sneaking your way through heavily guarded estates and crypts.
  • The Nightingale armor and weapons look awesome and have useful effects.
  • You build connections across Skyrim while recruiting allies to restore the Guild‘s influence.
  • Unlocking fences provides vital merchants to sell your pilfered goods.

Pro Tip: Level up Sneak, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and Light Armor before tackling later Thieves Guild quests requiring perfect stealth.

The Dark Brotherhood

  • No Skyrim playthrough is complete without the macabre missions of the Dark Brotherhood.
  • Features some of the game‘s most memorable and twisted quests to assassinate key targets.
  • Offers the biggest gold rewards early if you complete assassination contracts before progressing further.
  • Unlocks Shadowmere, the demon horse with unlimited health for traversing the world in style.
  • Access elite alchemy ingredients and the ancient Dark Brotherhood armor.

Pro Tip: Stack up completed assassination contracts before progressing to maximize gold earned.

Based on my experience, interspersing faction questlines as detailed keeps gameplay varied and prevents burnout focusing on one group too long. But the order among them is flexible based on your preferred playstyle.

Embark on Daedric Quests for Legendary Artifacts

In between faction adventures, make time to seek out Daedric quests unlocking powerful weapons and armor:

  • Daedric artifacts are the most potent in Skyrim.
  • They buff key skills like One-Handed, Archery, and Heavy/Light Armor.
  • Many artifacts offer useful enchantments like health absorption or summoning allies.
  • Quests to earn them take you to iconic locations like abandoned dwarven ruins, remote grottos, and ethereal planes of Oblivion.
  • Most are fairly quick one-off excursions versus lengthy quest chains.

I like alternating Daedric pursuits as a change of pace from longer faction storylines. Just beware of higher difficulty enemies guarding these coveted relics early on.

Pro Tip: Wait until level 30+ before tackling dangerous Daedric quest bosses like Sigdis Gauldurson and Karstaag the frost giant.

Side Quests Provide Well-Earned Breaks between Epic Adventures

Skyrim‘s massive world is filled with smaller side quests perfect for taking breathers between intense faction missions.

Here‘s a breakdown of how much side content exists and types to focus on:

Quest Type# of QuestsMy Top Picks
Misc Objectives78Investigate the Bards College, Thieves Guild small jobs
Side Quests104Rise in the East, Forbidden Legend, Kyne‘s Sacred Trials
Daedric Quests16The Black Star, Discerning the Transmundane
Civil War Quests18Battle for Whiterun, The Battle for Fort Dunstad

I recommend prioritizing side quests offering unique loot and followers:

  • Gauldur Amulet Fragment Quests – Gain early access to one of Skyrim‘s best amulets
  • The Golden Claw – Unlock the valuable and memorable Golden Claw artifact
  • Ill Met by Moonlight – Battle to gain Hircine‘s Ring for unlimited werewolf transformations
  • Find the Forgemaster‘s Fingers Quests – Craft the badass Ahzidal‘s Armor set

Mixing in side content prevents burning out on lengthy faction storylines. But focus mainly on the high reward ones above versus random fetch quests and bounties.

Pro Tip: Always ask innkeepers for rumored local quests to discover more miscellaneous objectives worth undertaking.

Save the Civil War for Endgame Power

I recommend leaving the Civil War questline until later in your playthrough for a few key reasons:

  • These prolonged campaigns send you across the map to capture enemy-controlled cities and forts. Having access to fast travel options first makes them less tedious.
  • The major battle quests feature large-scale conflict with dozens of NPCs clashing. Allowing your system to handle these demanding scenes is ideal.
  • Your choices dramatically alter the world depending on which side you join. Experience Skyrim at peace first so you appreciate how civil war changes key cities and regions.

That said, make sure to complete Season Unending as part of the main questline for essential progress. Just save the extended war campaigns for after you‘ve completed the DLCs and other late game content.

Pro Tip: Side with the Imperials if you prefer structure and order. Join the Stormcloaks if you believe in Skyrim governing itself.

Conquer DLC Expansions Post-Main Story

Skyrim‘s DLC expansions Dawnguard and Dragonborn feature self-contained questlines best reserved for after completing the core game.

Dragonborn DLC

  • Traveling to Solstheim and battling Miraak feels like an epic endcap to your adventures. I recommend playing this last.
  • The island features tough new enemies like Ash Spawn and Seekers which can overwhelm lower level players.
  • Waiting until the late game enables you to acquire Dragon Aspect and Bend Will shouts needed to progress key story quests.

Dawnguard DLC

  • Joining the vampire hunting Dawnguard provides exciting new perk trees and crossbow weapons.
  • As a powerful vampire lord, it‘s thrilling to embrace the dark side and gain access to blood magic.
  • But mastering both skill trees and defeating enemies like Arch-Curates takes time after developing your powers.

Pro Tip: Stock up on healing potions and resist elements/magic enchanted gear before taking on the Dragonborn DLC quests.

So in summary, experience Skyrim‘s main islands before venturing to Solstheim, and complete the majority of vanilla quests before joining the Dawnguard (unless you desperately wantaccess to new vampire/werewolf perks).

Hopefully these tips on how I approach playing through Skyrim‘s quests in an optimal order gives you ideas to enhance your own adventures. I tried to learn from painful mistakes my first playthroughs. By sharing my hard-won wisdom, I hope I can shortcut your journey to discovering the joy of roleplaying in one of gaming‘s all-time classic open worlds.

Let me know if this guided walkthrough helps you get more invested and empowered on your quest to save Skyrim from legendary beasts, vengeful deities, and the endless strife of man. Here‘s to unraveling mysteries and tasting glories worthy of song together!

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