In What Order Should I Play The Elder Scrolls Games? The Ultimate Guide

As a hardcore fan who has sunk over 2000 hours across the Elder Scrolls games, let me tell you the perfect order to dive into this award-winning open world fantasy RPG franchise. Should you play by storyline chronology or release date? Does it matter at all? Well, while the "right way" is subjective, understanding the connections across the games lets you appreciate clever references that loyal fans love.

Let me guide you on an epic journey across Tamriel‘s rich lore!

Chronological Order – The Story So Far

It all begins in the Second Era with Elder Scrolls Online, set 1000 years before Skyrim where you battle in faction wars and demonic schemes that eventually lead to the rise of Tiber Septim, the first emperor to unite Tamriel.

Jumping ahead, the first five mainline games chronicle Tamriel‘s Third Era – a turbulent time of scheming warring factions and catastrophic events that culminated in the Oblivion Crisis:

GameYear (3E)LocationStory Summary
Arena399Across TamrielHero defeats Imperial Battlemage threatening dynasty
Daggerfall405High Rock & HammerfellNumidium brass god crisis averted by Hero
Morrowind427Vvardenfell, MorrowindHero defeats Dagoth Ur & becomes Nerevarine
Oblivion433CyrodiilHero stops Mehrunes Dagon‘s demon invasion
Skyrim4E 201SkyrimHero battles Alduin dragon & civil war

Note the 200 year gap between Oblivion and Skyrim – this marked the end of the Third Era with enormous political upheaval. I‘ll avoid spoilers, but events in one game often have far-reaching implications for later chapters.

Now let‘s analyze each game‘s highlights so you know what to expect…

Breakdown & Analysis of Each Game

Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)

Set 1000 years before Skyrim, the MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online lets you join warring alliances battling for control across Tamriel. With deep lore and locations to suit veterans and newcomers alike, ESO offers ample freedom to adventure solo or cooperatively:

  • Release Date: 2014
  • Location: All Tamriel
  • PlayStyle: Solo / MMORPG Hybrid
  • PlayTime: 100+ hours
  • Rating: 8.1/10


The very first Elder Scrolls game from 1994, Arena impresses even today with its ambition and scale. Journey across the whole continent to collect staff pieces and defeat the scheming Imperial Battlemage. Dated visuals are compensated by strong lore and RPG foundations:

  • Release Date: 1994
  • Location: Across Tamriel
  • PlayStyle: First Person Open World RPG
  • PlayTime: 20-30 hours
  • Rating: 82%


Daggerfall expanded the format with a game world 2x size of Great Britain! This bold leap in scope came paired with enormously deep RPG systems and factions that remain unparalled. A buggy mess on launch but later patches resolved this:

  • Release Date: 1996
  • Location: High Rock & Hammerfell
  • PlayStyle: First Person Open World RPG
  • PlayTime: 60+ hours
  • Rating: 86%


Often considered the franchise highlight, Morrowind transports you to the exotic volcanic island of Vvardenfall. The alien landscapes, factions and lore perfectly capture the unique Elder Scrolls flavor. Dated visuals again, but incredibly immersive world:

  • Release Date: 2002
  • Location: Vvardenfell, Morrowind
  • PlayStyle: First Person Open World RPG
  • PlayTime: 60-80 hours
  • Rating: 89%


Oblivion brought Tamriel into the modern HD era with vibrant lush forests and streams. The endless handcrafted dungeons captivate for 100+ hours. Simplified RPG systems disappointed some but strong quests deliver an epic journey:

  • Release Date: 2006
  • Location: Cyrodiil
  • PlayStyle: First Person Open World RPG
  • PlayTime: 80-100 hours
  • Rating: 94%


The breakout mainstream mega-hit, Skyrim let you unleash godlike powers against dragons atop snow-capped peaks. Radiant side activities like infinite quests and crafting provide endless gameplay perfect for newcomers despite simplified systems.

  • Release Date: 2011
  • Location: Skyrim
  • PlayStyle: First Person Open World RPG
  • PlayTime: 100+ hours
  • Rating: 94%

Let‘s now see which order suits different gamers…

What Order Should YOU Play?

Given the series spans 30 years of gaming evolution, different playstyles are accommodated across the eras:

For Roleplayers

If you want maximum freedom and world interactivity with convoluted stats/skills, go Morrowind → Daggerfall → Oblivion → Skyrim:

  • Morrowind has the most detailed world and RPG systems
  • Daggerfall has insanely deep factions, skills, magic schools
  • Oblivion retains some complexity but more accessible
  • Skyrim simplifies systems but focused action for mass appeal

For Graphics & Accessibility

If you prefer modern presentation and convenient gameplay, go Skyrim → Oblivion → Morrowind:

  • Each game adds more dated visuals, clunky UI and mechanics
  • Skyrim perfect for casual gamers who value exploration over systems
  • Morrowind incredibly immersive but frustrating without mods

For Lore Devotees

If you want the chronological story experience, go ESO → Arena → Daggerfall → Morrowind → Oblivion → Skyrim

  • 1000 years of backstory provided in ESO
  • References and reoccurring factions tie back to previous games
  • Play sequentially to appreciate clever lore connections

Ultimately there‘s no right or wrong order – jump in where it grabs you! But understanding these key differences allows better aligning games to your tastes.

Let‘s recap everything we‘ve covered…

In Summary

While Elder Scrolls games can be played in any order, the connections between the games provide clever references and continuity to loyal franchise fans.

In terms of chronological story order:

  • Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) kicks off the saga
  • Then the five mainline games chronicle Arena → Daggerfall → Morrowind → Oblivion → Skyrim across the stormy Third Era

But release order or gameplay preferences may suit you better:

  • For roleplayers, play Morrowind → Daggerfall for deepest systems
  • For accessible action, Skyrim → Oblivion introduces smoothly
  • For lore fans, play Arena → Daggerfall → Morrowind chronologically

Ultimately with such scope spanning 30 years, different era appeal differently. Hopefully breaking down the key strengths of each game helps you decide where to embark on your Tamriel quest! Let us know which adventure calls out to you.

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