In what order should you play Breath of the Wild? Whenever you want – but here‘s the enriched path for Zelda fans

As an passionate gamer who has eagerly awaited every Zelda release since the 90s, I can definitively say The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece that stands tall even amongst its storied franchise lineage.

Breath of the Wild is fully enjoyable whenever you play it – its lack of reliance on past plotlines and completely reinvented open world mechanics make it one of the most accessible entry points into the storied Legend of Zelda franchise. For newcomers and veterans alike, Breath of the Wild is absolutely mesmerizing from the very first moments emerging onto the Great Plateau.

And yet…with over 30 years and 20 games worth of rich, intricate world building and gameplay innovation, exploring some past Zelda titles can bring an added depth when finally venturing into Breath of the Wild‘s beautiful post-apocalyptic Hyrule.

As a long-time fan now sharing my passions as a content creator, allow me take you on a suggested adventure that is sure to amplify the experience for both first-timers and life-long Zelda devotees.

Why Play Past Zelda Games Before BotW?

Breath of the Wild is filled with nostalgic callbacks, clever references and familiar locations that long-time fans will delight at discovering. Finding descendants of characters like Impa and Zelda, stumbling on Ranch Ruins that look straight out of Ocarina of Time, or even recognizing the musical cues from past games elevates the adventure. You begin to realize Breath of the Wild isn‘t just reinventing the franchise – it is a culmination of everything that has come before.

Equally as important, earlier games provide crucial context into core aspects of Zelda so pronounced in Breath of the Wild – intricate dungeons, innovative items, melodic soundtracks and deep lore. Appreciating the series‘ measured introduction of groundbreaking new ideas with each successive game allows you to better understand how revolutionary Breath of the Wild truly is.

Finally, I‘d be remiss as a passionate fan not to promote playing some utterly magical Zelda experiences in their own right. While Breath of the Wild may now top many lists, Ocarina of Time still holds records for critical acclaim, Wind Waker‘s vibrant world is etched vividly across an entire artistic generation, and Link to the Past remains a seminal blueprint of game design genius.

Before wandering Breath of the Wild‘s ravaged fantasy realm, allow me take you on a suggested quintessential journey through the highest peaks of Hyrule lore.

Recommended Play Order For Newcomers

For those unfettered by decades-long fandom, here is focused list of the most critically/historically essential 3D Zelda games that set foundations for Breath of the Wild:

TitleOriginal ReleaseEst. PlaytimeKey Notes
Ocarina of Time1998 (N64)~20 hoursCornerstone 3D template, pioneering lock-on combat and puzzle mechanics, recurrent motifs like Gorons and Zora races
Wind Waker2002 (GameCube)~30 hoursVibrant cel-shaded art style, expansive sailing overworld, influential lore moments
Twilight Princess2006 (GameCube/Wii)~45 hoursMore mature tone, dense game map, Midna companion ties BotW Twilight lore
Skyward Sword2011 (Wii)~45 hoursOrigins of Master Sword and Zelda/Link reincarnation cycle, stamina mechanics inspiration for BotW
A Link Between Worlds2013 (3DS)~15 hoursExcellent top-down throwback, pioneered non-linear open exploration for Zelda

Platform note: All titles above are available on modern systems like Switch/Wii U via Nintendo Online or remastered ports

Release Order For Returning Heroes

For my fellow grizzled Zelda experts awaiting Breath of the Wild as the next fabled adventure in our 30-year saga, playing by release order allows you to vividly relive the series‘ entire fascinating evolutionary arc:

1986The Legend of Zelda (NES)The game that started it all – even now, overworld theme gives me chills of adventure
1991A Link to the Past (SNES)Quintessential 2D template, the Master Sword, iconic tunes – revolutionary perfection
1993Link‘s Awakening (GB)Charming experimentation with dream levels, side characters like Marin
1998Ocarina of Time (N64)First 3D leap – raised bar for game design and influenced generations
2000Majora‘s Mask (N64)Risky direct sequel – arguably scariest, most poignant Zelda tale with 3-day mechanic
2002Wind Waker (GC)Stunning cel-shaded art style, expansive sailing overworld, influential lore moments
2006Twilight Princess (GC/Wii)Doubled down on Ocarina mechanics for epic dark adventure – Midna ties BotW Twilight lore
2011Skyward Sword (Wii)Full 1:1 Motion, intro of stamina mechanics and Master Sword origins. Polarizing for fans
2013Link Between Worlds (3DS)Excellent top-down throwback pioneered non-linear open exploration realized fully in BotW
2017Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U)First true open world reinvention – wedded learnings from past experiments into utterly breathtaking experience

Whether you take the focused newcomer journey or nostalgic veteran ride through time, I hope this guide provides suggestions to amplify your time with my personal game of the generation – the awe-inspiring masterpiece Breath of the Wild.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, its time to dust off my trusty Switch and return to the bewitching fields of Hyrule once more!

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