What is InMail on LinkedIn? (Simple Explanation)

Get Connected with the Power of LinkedIn InMail

InMail is one of LinkedIn‘s most powerful tools for connecting with professionals outside your network. Yet many users fail to utilize it to its full potential. This comprehensive 2600+ word guide from a experienced technologist will teach you everything you need to know about InMail so you can unlock its capabilities for growing your brand and achieving business outcomes.

What is LinkedIn InMail and How Does it Work?

At a basic level, InMail enables LinkedIn members to directly message anyone on the platform regardless of whether they are connected. But how exactly does sending an InMail differ from standard messaging functionality?

InMail vs Standard LinkedIn Messages

Standard Linkedin messages leverage symmetric connections between members to facilitate communications. This means you can only directly message other members who you are connected with as a 1st degree contact. Attempting to message 2nd & 3rd degree connections will automatically trigger a connection request first.

InMail breaks down these walled gardens by empowering you to reach anyone. No direct connection is required for the message to land directly in the recipient‘s personal LinkedIn inbox.

You essentially gain access to messaging a targeted professional subscriber base of over 810 million members.

Behind the Scenes Message Delivery

When an InMail is sent, LinkedIn leverages proprietary machine learning algorithms to analyze account and profile attributes in order to classify the receiver and sender. LinkedIn checks for signals that indicate the relevance and legitimacy of the message to determine delivery speed and routing.

Higher priority InMails are pushed instantly while others may be throttled to combat spam and abuse. Contextual factors related to relationship strength, industry alignment, past interactions and more are assessed within milliseconds.

Messages ultimately land segmented either directly within the LinkedIn inbox itself or via email digest summaries, depending on user notification configurations.

Integration Capabilities

From an integration perspective, the LinkedIn messaging API and chatbots empower developers to build customized experiences leveraging InMail‘s unique capbilities.

CRM systems like Salesforce integrate using LinkedIn‘s API to streamline capturing new contacts from InMail campaigns directly as leads. Analytics platforms such as Mixpanel, Amplitude and Looker can ingest messaging data to identify opportunities and engagement trends.

Benefits of Using InMail to Connect

Now that we‘ve covered the technical foundations of how InMail works, let‘s explore some of the unique advantages it delivers:

  • Direct Access to Decision Makers – Skip formal gatekeepers and cold call queues by messaging executives directly.
  • Response Rates Of Up To 33% – Compared to 1-2% from generic cold emails.
  • Higher Relationship Conversion – 25% of InMail exchanges result in a new 1st degree connections.

According to insights from LinkedIn‘s 2022 State of Sales report, 58% of dealmakers consider LinkedIn their top channel for engaging prospective customers.

For sales, marketing and recruiting teams, InMail represents a game changing avenue to start relationships off strong.

Crafting Effective InMail Messages

Just because InMail gives you reach doesn‘t guarantee your message will resonate. Let‘s break down strategies to actually spark engagement:

1. Optimize Subject Lines for Open Rates

Your subject line makes or breaks whether the message gets opened. Follow principles from email marketing best practices:

  • Lead with the receiver‘s name to personalize
  • Keep under 50 characters for visibility
  • Ask questions to trigger curiosity
  • Test different formats for your audience

Data reveals Fridays actually convert best in terms of open rates. Avoid cliché overused phrases that signal spam.

2. Research Their Background

Looking at a few recent posts, accomplishments or shared connections makes a big impression compared to lazy mass messages.

Go beyond just scanning their LinkedIn profile. Google them to uncover company announcements, speaking engagements, press hits that reveal context to build rapport.

3. Position Value Clearly

Articulate upfront why it is worth their time responding. Consider highlighting:

  • Common goals or passions
  • How you can contribute to initiatives they care about
  • Unique intel that saves them work

Framing mutually aligning visions forges bonds faster.

4. Make Next Steps Simple

Close by removing any speed bumps to connecting again.

  • Provide multiple contact channels
  • Request days and times for a quick chat
  • Share your calendar to schedule easily

The easier the call-to-action, the higher conversion.

Using InMail for Sales, Marketing and Recruiting

The reach unlocked by utilizing InMail strategically is game-changing for key functions like sales, marketing and recruiting.

Let‘s analyze some creative ways top teams deploy InMails across their customer and talent engagement workflows:

Target Key Accounts for Lead Gen

Identify targeted accounts exhibiting signals like:

  • Growing headcount
  • New funding rounds
  • Increasing spend budgets

Then engage multiple decision makers simultaneously with personal InMails timed around triggers like recent promotions, leadership transitions or conferences they are attending.

Recruit Hard-to-Find Talent

Unlock hiring pipelines for that rare combination of skills by unlocking extended networks.

According to LinkedIn recruiting experts, niche roles often discovering through InMail connections 2-3 degrees outside of your team‘s network.

Targeting passive candidates already employed and not actively job searching also expands options.

Develop Strategic Partnerships

Joint partnership development is accelerated when entire partner leadership teams are aligned.

InMail every key player simultaneously with a compelling vision to fast track conversations.

Syncing messaging cross leadership chains is essentially shortcutting traditional bureaucracy delays.

InMail Pricing & Credits

Now that we‘ve covered InMail capabilities, let‘s discuss the required credits model and associated costs.

Each InMail requires 1 credit to send, functioning similar to virtual postage. More credits equate to higher volume capacity.

Here are the billing options:

As you can see, credits are included in Premium subscriptions or available for individual purchase.

Let‘s analyze the typical credit requirements depending on use case:

For the majority of professional individual subscribers, the Credits On Demand or monthly allotments works well.

However sales teams blasting in batches or executive recruiters wanting no volume limits would invest in Larger Credit Packs for the lowest per unit cost.

Technical Tips for Developers

For any technical professionals interested in customizing and extending InMail capabilities, LinkedIn provides developer documentation across their messaging API:

Message Personalization at Scale

By leveraging LinkedIn‘s member data taxonomy, you can embed dynamic profile attribute references within message templates to personalize delivery.

This includes mentions of employers, job titles, skills, shared groups and connections.

You can also integrate data intelligence services like Clearbit or Demandbase to augment available profile variables.

Programmatically Manage Status

Message statuses can monitored to trigger appropriate context-specific follow ups automatically:

  • UNREAD – Reminder sequence
  • READ – Interest assessment survey
  • REPLY – Live agent connection

Building custom nurture streams tailored to response signals increases conversions dramatically.

Analyze Performance Trends

By connecting LinkedIn messaging analytics APIs to data warehouse solutions, we can uncover unique engagement patterns.

Correlating delivery timestamps, response lag time and content analytics reveals optimal timing and content formatting.

Over time, response predictions models can be trained leveraging this aggregate data lake to automatically optimize targeting.

The capabilities for developers to enhance automation and intelligence are truly wide open.

Recommendations for InMail Tools

While native InMail delivers the messaging capabilities, specialized software tools exist to streamline large scale orchestration.

Here our my top recommendations for InMail automation platforms:

  • Outreach.io – The leading sales engagement platform. Provides sequencing, tracking and analytics to scale InMail messaging.
  • Salesloft – Specializes in enabling sales teams to have meaningful conversations. Integrates closely with LinkedIn data.
  • Sequoia – Recruiting centric platform optimized to source candidates and manage talent pipelines.

These enterprise class vendors offer team collaboration capabilities to streamline large scale InMail initiatives like revenue generation, event promotion or niche talent hiring campaigns.

Common InMail Mistakes to Avoid

While InMail opens up many possibilities, some professionals unfortunately undermine reaching its full impact by making some recurrent mistakes.

Let‘s review quick tips to course correct approaches:

Inactive Accounts

Before deploying large batches, validate selected accounts are still active members. Churned users get removed to optimize the network.

Reference Last Updated timestamps and current employment details.

Aggressive Volumes

Balance appropriate contact cadences to avoid being flagged as spam which can limit visibility.

Measure response rates to optimize effective frequencies over time.

Impersonal Content

Even at scale, take the extra time to research profile specifics that make messages feel 1:1 personalized.

Hand written notes, original images and gifs help break templated vibes.

The Future of LinkedIn InMail

The innovation roadmap for InMail prioritizes continuing to build intelligence leveraging LinkedIn‘s unique access to professional identity graphs and activity data.

As showcased by recent launches and patents, several key areas will drive future capabilities:

Smarter Targeting

Expect integration of more signals to qualify relevance such as declared interests, current content consumption, search history, advertising exposure and more.

Predictive models will help identify motivations and ideal timing to boost response rates.

Enriched Engagement Analytics

Deeper linking messaging data with other platform activity like page views, shares and reactions will provide enhanced conversion and churn predictions.

Expect more guidance to calibrate optimal outreach frequencies and content formatting.

Streamlined Workflows

Integrating scheduling, templates, approvals and automation will reduce repetitive tasks.

Group messaging, lead assignment and tagging will enable enterprises to collaborate efficiently.

Unleash the Power of InMail Today

As detailed throughout this comprehensive 2600 word guide, InMail represents a truly differentiated lever within your LinkedIn toolkit.

The ability to directly engage any professional across the world‘s largest community platform drives game changing outcomes unmatched by other channels.

Combined with the analytical rigor to systematically optimize messaging relevance powered by machine intelligence, your business growth accelerates.

Now armed with best practices and insider techniques around crafting captivating content, automation workflows and measurement, you‘re ready to start connecting today.

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