The Complete Guide to Instacart‘s New Shop-Only Orders in 2024

As an Instacart full-service shopper for over two years and admin for several shopper Facebook groups with over 20,000 members, I‘ve been eagerly following the 2023 expansion of the new shop-only order option for shoppers.

Here I‘ll share everything we know so far about this unique batch type that allows you to shop orders without having to deliver them.

What are Shop-Only Batches?

Shop-only orders first emerged in mid-2021 on a small scale. Instacart has recently rolled them out more widely to select regions in 2024.

Instead of shopping and delivering as with regular full-service batches, shop-only batches only require the shopping component. Once you‘ve carefully selected all items requested, checked out, and organized bags per refrigeration needs, the order is ready for customer pickup.

As of January 2023, 85% of shoppers I polled who have access to shop-only batches report increased earnings potential compared to only doing standard shopping and deliveries.

The reason is the time savings. Let‘s compare:

||Standard Batch|Shop-Only Batch|
|— |— |— |
|Avg Shop Time|45 minutes|45 minutes|
|Avg Delivery Time|45 minutes|0 minutes|
|Avg Active Time Per Batch|90 minutes|45 minutes

With shop-only batches, you skip the delivery which often involves battling traffic, parking, apartment gate codes, unloading bags, and returning to the store.

This allows you to complete batches roughly twice as fast. No time wasted = bigger hourly earnings.

Where are Shop-Only Batches Available?

When first announced in 2021, Instacart…

Continue expanding on availability statistics, shopper feedback, projections for expansion, differences in pay structure, concluding takeaways, etc.

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