Is 100 GB of Storage Enough in 2023?

As an avid gamer and tech specialist, I get asked this question a lot. The short answer? For average users focused on web browsing, office work, and light entertainment, 100 GB is plenty of storage in 2023. But hardcore gamers and content creators working with massive file sizes will want more breathing room.

A Breakdown of Typical 100 GB Usage

To give you an idea, here is how much you can store with a 100 GB hard drive or SSD in 2023:

  • Approachably 35,000 average resolution JPEG photos or over 20,000 photos from 12MP smartphone cameras [1]
  • Around 165 hours of standard definition Netflix video [2] or 55 hours of 1080p high definition streaming [3]
  • The contents of over 1,800 standard DVD discs – that‘s hundreds of movies and games! [4]
  • Installation files for your essential productivity software like Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud
  • A smoothly running Windows 11 or Apple MacOS system with room to install other light programs

As you can see, 100 GB gives average users plenty of capacity for managing documents, browsing the web, light gaming, streaming entertainment, storing personal photos and more – even when running up-to-date operating systems.

When a 100 GB Drive Hits Its Limits

However, more demanding users like myself will quickly run into the limitations of a 100 GB disk:

  • Modern AAA video game install sizes range from 30 GB up to a massive 150+ GB per title [5]
  • 4K gameplay footage eats ~875 MB of space per minute when captured losslessly to maintain quality [6]
  • 8K video editing requires massive storage, with 1 minute of RAW 8K footage needing ~5.2 GB capacity [7]

As you can see, gaming and content creation workloads with large file sizes can easily overwhelm 100 GB of capacity. For these use cases, shoot for a 500 GB or 1+ TB drive.

Tips for Getting the Most From 100 GB

If you‘re trying to stretch 100 gigs as far as possible, follow these expert tips:

  • Store media archives in the cloud rather than locally
  • Uninstall programs when no longer needed
  • Compress photos, videos and media you don‘t access often
  • Clean temporary files, cached data and system junk regularly
  • Supplement with external storage for backups and extra capacity

Final Verdict: Ok for Most, Limiting for Gamers & Creators

Hopefully this gives you a sense of what you can realistically do with a 100 GB hard drive or solid state drive in 2023. In summary:

For general home and office tasks, 100 GB remains perfectly adequate. But hardcore gamers and content creators quickly need to scale up to 500 GB+ capacities instead.

Let me know if this analysis helps or if you have any other data storage questions!


[1] How Many Digital Photos Will Fit in a GB
[2] Netfix Bitrates for Streaming
[3] Calculating Video Size by Bitrate
[4] DVD/BluRay Average Capacities
[5] Game Install Sizes Over Time
[6] Required Bitrates for 4K Video Quality
[7] 8K Video File Size Calculator

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