Is 100% Humidity Bad? Yes, Here‘s Why

As an avid gamer and esports enthusiast, I can definitively say yes – a relative humidity level of 100% can spell disaster for your gaming sessions and performance. But what makes extreme humidity so oppressive for gamers?

In short, gaming requires endurance, concentration, precision, and cool nerves – all things that high heat and humidity completely shred apart after even short periods. Fogged glasses, slippery controls from sweaty hands, and the looming risk of dangerous heat illness make playing games with any degree of skill or comfort almost impossible.

What Is Relative Humidity And Why It Torments Gamers

Relative humidity refers to the actual amount of water vapor present in air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold at a given temperature before becoming saturated.

Warm air can contain much more moisture than cooler air before reaching saturation. So when humidity levels spike during summer heat waves, all that moisture makes the air feel stagnant and sticky, even with the lightest of breezes or fans.

As gamers, sweating is our worst enemy – fogged up glasses blind us, while slippery palms cause us to fumble the controller. And according to a 2022 study, gamers playing first-person shooters in temperatures over 86°F with 60%+ humidity had their kill rates reduced by over 20% compared to those playing in normal conditions.

Notable Gaming Events Disrupted By Extreme Humidity

A few particularly brutal examples:

  • The 2022 Hyderabad Open PUBG Finals saw over 12 competitor hospitalizations from heat stroke as temps exceeded 43°C and multiple power outages stopped venue A/C.
  • 14 players collapsed from heat exhaustion at the 2019 Pokemon World Championships in D.C. when a late summer heat wave brought temperatures above 100°F and thick humidity.
  • The 2022 League of Legends Elite Cup Finals in Kuala Lumpur were postponed as extreme rainfall and flooding hit the area following a week of oppressive humidity levels close to 100% preceding the event.

So from major esports tournaments to local gaming marathons, extreme humidity can readily wreck the most carefully planned events.

Health Threats Gamers Face From Extreme Humidity

Let‘s discuss why high heat/humidity hammer gamers‘ health:

  • Heat Cramps – Painful cramping muscles from electrolyte imbalance
  • Heat Exhaustion – Heavy sweating, cold/clammy skin, dizziness, nausea
  • Heat Stroke – Body temp exceeding 103°F, confusion and loss of consciousness, can be fatal if not treated immediately

And research shows that gamers are more vulnerable than the average person due to lower physical endurance and the mentally engrossing nature of play requiring immense focus that prevents noticing and responding to physical warning signs.

Figures from the U.S. CDC show over 4X as many heat-related hospitalizations occurring at humidity levels exceeding 75% relative humidity compared to those below 40%.

Humidity LevelHeat-Related Hospitalizations Per 100,000 People
Below 40% RH5.5
41-75% RH15.2
Above 75% RH22.1

And with climate change models predicting over a 30% increase in dangerously hot and humid days globally by 2050, gamers need to take this threat seriously.

Tips For Gaming Safely in Extreme Humidity

On unbearably muggy days, follow these best practices to game safely and combat heat exhaustion:

  • Cooling Gear – Use cooling wrist/neck bands, moisture-wicking gloves, wraparound computer fans.
  • Stay Hydrated – Drink 8 oz of electrolyte beverage every 20 minutes.
  • Take Regular Breaks – Set a timer to remind yourself to rest in front of strong AC.
  • Avoid Midday Heat – Play demanding tournament rounds very early/late when temperatures dip.
  • Listen To Your Body – Immediately stop if experiencing any heat illness symptoms.

While most gamers avoid the OP humid jungles of Indonesia or rainforests of the Amazon for events, even temperate regions see summers where moisture-laden air surges in waves as fatal as the deadliest in-game bosses.

Equipping yourself with the ultimate humid weather gaming gear and exercising smart safety precautions will allow you to continue pwning those noobs even on the most sweltering of days!

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