Is 1000 hours in CSGO good?

For casual CSGO players, 1000+ hours shows impressive dedication and a passion for the game. But for competitive players eyeing professional play, 1000 hours is just the beginning of the journey.

Casual Player Perspective

Getting to 1000 hours for the average hobbyist player signals a strong commitment to CSGO. It likely took at least a year of regular playtime to reach that milestone, equating to over 40 full days spent in-game.

Compare that to the average Steam player, who has only 100-300 hours total across their entire library. Hitting 1000+ hours in just CSGO is a massive timesink.

Player TypeTypical Overall Hours
Average Steam User100-300
CSGO Hobbyist1000+

For context, that level of CSGO dedication is enough to reach Gold Nova or Master Guardian ranks, which over 75% of players never exceed according to Leetify statistics.

CSGO RankPlayer Percentage
Gold Nova27%
Master Guardian15%

So while a casual player with 1000 hours still has lots of room for growth, they should feel proud of the major dedication shown towards playing CSGO.

Competitive Player Perspective

For those with aspirations of playing professionally, the journey is just kicking off at 1000 hours. Most current pros have over 5000 hours in CSGO alone, with some grinding over 15,000 like NAVI‘s s1mple.

Let‘s quickly breakdown roles and expectations at the higher levels:

In-Game Leader

  • Calls strategies/shot-calling
  • 7500+ hours average
  • Deep knowledge of smoke lineups, map control, meta


  • Enables stars with flashes/utilty
  • 5000+ hours
  • Advanced teamplay/trading skills


  • Primary sniper
  • 6000+ hours
  • Insane reaction time and precision

Add another 1000-2000 hours per role if switching from previous CS titles. Most established professionals began their journey back in 1.6 or Source before transitioning to CSGO.

So realistically, a player looking to enter the pro scene needs about 5000 hours minimum at their specialty to develop the world-class skills, game sense and reactions that competition demands. Raw mechanics start coming online around the 1000 hour mark, but thousands more are required to refine abilities.

The Grind is Just Starting at 1000 Hours

While 1000 hours shows serious dedication in CSGO, players must set their sights much higher if considering chasing professional play. Expect to commit at least 5000 hours (8+ hours daily) across multiple Counter-Strike titles to become truly elite.

For casual players, be proud of hitting 1000+. That likely puts you in the top 25% of all CSGO gamers in terms of time invested. But keep striving upwards if ranked progression is the goal.

Either way, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Or in this case, the first of a thousand hours on the servers.

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