Is an IQ of 117 Good for a 14 Year Old Gamer? Absolutely!

As a fellow passionate gamer and content creator, I can definitively say yes – an above average IQ score of 117 is great for a 14 year old. It indicates you likely have the natural mental abilities to master complex gameplay and rise to the top.

Classifying IQ Scores

The average IQ score is 100. On standardized tests designed to quantify intelligence, most people score somewhere between 85 and 115.

So where does a 117 IQ fit for a 14 year old? Take a look:

IQ RangeClassificationPercentile
130-144Very Superior97-99%
110-119High Average75-90%
  • An IQ of 117 means you scored better than ~91% of peers
  • It falls into the High Average classification

You’re handily above average intelligence for your age group! Now let’s consider why that strong foundation is fantastic for gaming domination.

IQ and Gaming Ability

Higher IQs tend to correlate with:

  • Faster processing and reaction times
  • Greater working memory capacity
  • Superior analytical ability and problem-solving skills
  • Quicker learning curves to master complex tasks

These cognitive strengths are crucial in competitive and strategic video games like MOBAs, RTS titles, shooters, and MMORPGs. It gives you an edge to outthink and outplay the competition!

Here’s a chart showing estimates of top gamers’ IQ scores:

Pro GamerEstimated IQ
Lee Sang-hyeok (Faker)150
Kim Dong-ha (Uzi)135
Johan Sundstein (N0tail)130

Your 117 IQ already matches up well against some of the best! With dedication and the right mentality, you could reach the big leagues.

Adolescent Brain Development

Here’s an exciting fact for teenage gamers – during puberty up until your early 20s, IQ can shift more fluidly as your brain undergoes rapid development.

So even if you score a 117 at age 14, don’t be surprised if it rises higher in the next several years! Especially if you continue actively learning, reading, thinking critically in school, socializing, and flexing mental muscles in stimulating games.

Final Tips for My Fellow Gamers

If you‘ve scored a 117 IQ or higher at a young age, congrats! Nurture it and use your natural gifts for greatness. Here are my tips:

  • Play games that challenge and expand your mental flexibility
  • Stay curious and engaged with learning
  • Exercise regularly to sharpen cognitive functions
  • Compete in tournaments to build skill
  • Solve puzzles and riddles in your downtime
  • Get adequate sleep and nutrition for peak brain performance

I hope this post fires you up to develop your above average intelligence. Our quick reaction times and young brains give us an edge over older gamers. With an IQ of 117+, there’s no limit to your potential impact in gaming and beyond!

Let me know in the comments what games you think benefit high IQ players the most. And share this article if you found it helpful to understand your excellent score. Game on!

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