Is 170 cm Too Tall for a Girl? A Thorough Exploration of Female Height

At 170 cm, or about 5 feet 7 inches, a girl is on the tall side but not excessively or abnormally tall. While social perceptions around female height persist in some circles, our society is gradually becoming more accepting of all shapes and sizes. For tall girls hoping to exude confidence and break barriers, height can be embraced as an asset rather than viewed as a flaw.

What is Considered a Tall or Above Average Height for Females?

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average height for adult women over 20 years old in the United States is just under 5 feet 4 inches (162.5 cm). The standard deviation is around 3 inches (7.6 cm). This means roughly 68% of women fall within 5 feet 1 inch to 5 feet 7 inches tall.

By that benchmark, any woman over 5 feet 7 inches may be considered tall compared to the general population. However, it‘s a broad spectrum with room for far more diversity in height.

Below are some key percentiles for full-grown female height in the US according to CDC data:

  • 5th percentile: 4‘10.5" (149 cm)
  • 25th percentile: 5‘2.5" (159 cm)
  • 50th percentile (average): 5‘4" (162.5 cm)
  • 75th percentile: 5‘5.5" (166 cm)
  • 95th percentile: 5‘8" (173 cm)

Globally, the average female height varies significantly by region based on genetic differences and childhood nutrition impacting growth. For example, the average woman over 20 is:

  • Netherlands: 5‘6" (169 cm)
  • Latvia: 5‘6" (167 cm)
  • Estonia: 5‘5" (166 cm)
  • Germany: 5‘5" (165 cm)
  • UK: 5‘4" (163 cm)
  • USA: 5‘4" (162 cm)
  • Peru: 5‘ (152 cm)
  • Philippines: 5‘ (150 cm)

So while 170 cm is considered tall in the US, it aligns with average heights in several Northern European countries. Proper childhood nutrition and healthcare play a major role in allowing people to maximize their genetic growth potential.

At What Age is a Girl‘s Final Adult Height Determined?

The peak period of growth for girls occurs between ages 10 and 14 as puberty triggers the body to release its main growth hormones, like estrogen. Most girls reach their adult height by age 16, though their bodies will continue to develop fully through their late teens and early 20s.

The key factors impacting a girl‘s height include:

  • Genetics: If one or both parents are tall, a girl is more likely to inherit that trait. Genes dictate the height range, while environmental factors determine reaching full potential.

  • Nutrition: Adequate nutrition including protein, calcium, calories and vitamins during childhood impacts development.

  • Health: Chronic illness, undiagnosed disorders like Celiac disease, and medications can impair growth if not properly managed.

  • Hormones: Estrogen drives height development during puberty. Insufficient estrogen can limit growth potential.

While genes largely set the height trajectory based on parental heights, optimal nutrition and health is key for allowing natural growth within that range.

Height is Just One Attribute Among Many

While humans have evolved to make visual judgements based on appearances, it is important for parents of tall girls to reinforce that height is just one of endless attributes that make up a person.

A girl‘s character, personality, passions, values, and talents ultimately matter infinitely more than outward appearance. Her height does not determine her worth or potential to do great things in this world.

Though some social stigma persists surrounding height extremes for women, cultural norms are gradually shifting towards embracing diversity in all shapes and sizes. Female empowerment groups provide community and a reminder that confidence comes from within.

Actionable Tips for Tall Girls to Stand Tall with Confidence

Though social perceptions may be slow to fully change, tall girls can take proactive steps to project confidence and Own Their Height®.

  • Posture is crucial. Walk tall with shoulders back and down to exude confidence. Slouching minimizes presence.

  • Prioritize properly fitted clothing. Well-tailored pants, tops and dresses complement the frame. Avoid anything too short or tight which accentuates discomfort.

  • Flaunt footwear. Heels and wedges extend legs and project confidence. Unique shoe styles show personality.

  • Surround yourself with supporters. Avoid those who make insensitive comments. Seek friends who provide uplift.

  • Find female role models excelling as tall women. Athletes, models and public figures embracing height provide inspiration.

  • Join tall groups. Connect online or in-person with fellow tall women. Share experiences and tips.

  • Remember inner strengths. Stay grounded in passions, talents and character. Don‘t let height overshadow inner light.

Health Considerations for Tall Girls

While height itself does not cause health issues, rapidly growing taller in the pre-teen and early teen years can come with some considerations including:

  • Joint pain: Growth spurts can strain joints. Engage in low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, rowing. Avoid high impact sports like gymnastics or competitive cheer.

  • Scoliosis: Accelerated growth can increase risk for scoliosis or other postural issues. See a doctor annually for spine checks. Physical therapy helps.

  • Heart conditions: Being tall correlates to slightly elevated risk for irregular heart beats. Monitor for symptoms like dizziness.

  • Blood clots: Tall women have higher risk of blood clots in legs. Stay active, keep blood flowing on long flights.

With proactive care and self-confidence, tall girls can thrive through the physical and emotional journey of rapidly gaining height. Your daughter‘s pediatrician can provide guidance on minimizing risks.

Tall Female Trailblazers Breaking Barriers

While tall women faced rigid expectations in decades past, many bold trailblazers have stepped up in recent times to challenge height barriers across various fields including:

  • Fashion: Models like Brooke Shields (6’), Gwendoline Christie (6‘3”), and Geena Davis (6‘) have found major success on runways and in campaigns.

  • Sports: WNBA stars Brittney Griner (6’9”), Liz Cambage (6’8”), Breanna Stewart (6’4”) and countless others leverage height as a dominant advantage in basketball.

  • Entertainment: Comedians like Leslie Jones (6’) and Ellie Kemper (5’10”) openly joke about awkwardness of towering over others.

  • Politics: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (5’10”) and other tall female leaders stand tall in the halls of power.

Seeing more tall women thriving confidently in the spotlight provides inspiration for the next generation of girls. While insensitive comments may still arise, these women prove with the right attitude height can be embraced as an asset rather than viewed as a flaw.

No matter her height, the most important thing is to provide your daughter with unconditional love and support to grow into a confident, kind and successful person. Her physical stature is just one small piece of the whole picture. Focus on developing her inner character and strengths. With the right foundation, she can stand tall and make her own positive impact on the world.

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