Is 2 kd good in apex?

In one word: yes. As an experienced Apex Legends player and content creator, I can confidently say a 2 KD (kill-death ratio) is highly impressive and a mark of elite skill in Apex Legends.

To put this in perspective, the average KD in Apex is around 1.0 to 1.2. This means a player with a 2 KD is netting twice as many kills as an average player in the same number of matches. Clearly, they are winning their share of battles.

But the question is – how good is a 2 KD compared to the top tiers? Let‘s analyze the KD scale and see where a 2 KD lands you.

Apex Legends KD Tiers

Here‘s an overview of the major KD tiers and skill levels in Apex Legends:

TierKD RangePercentileSkill LevelLobby Type
Bronze0-1.0Bottom 35%BeginnerLow tier
Silver1.0-1.5Top 65%IntermediateMid tier
Gold1.5-2.0Top 25%Moderately SkilledHigh tier
Platinum2.0-3.0Top 10%Very SkilledCompetitive
Diamond3.0-4.0Apex PredatorsExpertRanked / Pro
Master4.0+Top 0.2%Esports / StreamersTournaments

As visualized above, a 2 KD clearly puts a player in the top percentile of all Apex players. It‘s on the higher end of the Gold tier – reflecting very strong skills.

According to Apex stat tracker SWL, the top 5% of players by KD sit between 2.3 and 2.7. So a 2 KD even puts you above 95% of the playerbase.

What Impacts Your Apex Legends KD

As a preface – KD varies heavily based on factors like:

  • Game mode (battle royale, ranked, arenas etc.)
  • Party size (solo queuing vs 3 stacks)
  • Platform (PC vs console)
  • Region (NA/EU matchmaking and styles)

That said, here are the core elements that influence an Apex Legends player‘s KD:

Gun Skill & Aim

Winning battles comes down to aim. Tracking, flicking, recoil control and one clipping impact eliminating enemies before getting knocked.

Movement & Positioning

Strafing, crouch-spamming and escape tactics help turn the tables while good rotation and high-ground allow you to catch others by surprise.

Game Sense & Decision Making

Knowing when to push, reset, or disengage fights based on factors like loot, circle position and teammates is crucial.

Legend Abilities & Team Synergy

Certain legends like Wraith, Horizon and Valkyrie have escape tools that preserve KD while team composition and coordination affords tactical advantage.


Having strong weapons like a kitted Spitfire or R301 makes it much easier to erase enemies before getting knocked yourself in a duel.

Now that we‘ve covered the ingredients – let‘s analyze the dish.

What a 2 KD Says About a Player

Maintaining a 2 KD over a large volume of matches signifies some clear strengths:

  • Very accurate aim and tracking capability
  • Familiarity controlling recoil for different guns
  • Knowledge of effective positioning in engagements
  • Capability evading threats using movement
  • Understanding of key factors to win fights
  • Ability to out-damage opponent reliably

Essentially, a 2 KD player has cultivated advanced proficiency in the core combat mechanics that decide skirmishes in Apex Legends.

This generally indicates strong FPS fundamentals – particularly in crucial facets like aiming. It also shows competency utilizing Apex-specific elements like legends, loot and mobility to gain tactical advantages during moments of confrontation.

Simply put – a player has to be Versace to maintain a 2 KD in the cutthroat food chain of Apex Legends‘ competition. It puts you in an elite class.

Closing Thoughts

For a dynamic elimination-based Battle Royale like Apex Legends, KD gives a clear indicator of fighting capability. Players with a 2 KD demonstrate the gun skill, movement and decision-making to reliably take out opponents.

So if you have achieved this elite benchmark yourself – pat yourself on the back. You are dominating more than just your share of enemies. Consider flexing your prowess in Ranked leagues and pursuing competitive scenes.

And if you‘re still working towards this goal – hopefully this analysis has outlined areas to focus on improving. Master the weapons, fine-tune positioning, and get those reflexes razor sharp. You‘ll be wiping squads in no time.

Now get back out there, and chase that glorious 2 KD! I believe in you.

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