Is 2000 Rubles a Lot for Gamers in Russia in 2024?

For gamers and tech enthusiasts in Russia, 2000 rubles does not go a super long way – but it‘s enough for some gaming essentials if you budget right.

As a fellow gamer, I know you want the inside scoop on what your ruble can get you in Russia‘s gaming scene. Let‘s dive into the stats and costs so you can decide if 2000 rubles is a decent budget or just pennies for gaming.

How Far Do 2000 Rubles Go for Gamers?

Here‘s a quick breakdown of what 2000 rubles will buy specifically for gamers in Russia:

  • 1-2 new video games (AAA titles are 2,000-4,000 rubles)
  • A gaming headset or keyboard
  • 10-20 older/indie game titles
  • A ticket to a major gaming convention like Igromir
  • 50+ hours of gaming at a PC bang
  • A generous budget for gaming merch/swag

So while 2000 rubles won‘t get you a new console or gaming PC, it‘s enough for essential gear, new titles now and then, conventions, and gaming fun.

Average Gaming Industry Salaries in Russia

To better understand how far 2000 rubles goes, let‘s look at average salaries for gaming jobs in Russia:

Gaming JobAverage Monthly Salary
Game Developer80,000 rubles
Game Designer70,000 rubles
Esports Player50,000 rubles
Gaming Blogger40,000 rubles

As you can see, 2000 rubles represents only 2-5% of average gaming industry incomes. So for most gamers, while 2000 rubles in a day or month is nice, it won‘t make you rich or cover major costs.

Cost of Living for Gamers in Russia

What about the cost of living for gamers? Here are some average costs to give you an idea:

  • Rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in Moscow: 15,000 rubles/month
  • Groceries: 5,000 rubles/month
  • Eating out: 1,500 rubles/week
  • New AAA Game Titles: 2,000-4,000 rubles
  • Gaming PC: 60,000-120,000 rubles
  • Gaming Conventions: 1,000-3,000 rubles for a ticket

So 2000 rubles could cover a few days of meals out, some groceries and games, or a fraction of your rent. But as a fellow gamer, you know it won‘t buy your dream gaming PC or cover major bills.

Changes in the Ruble‘s Value

One important factor is the volatility of the ruble compared to USD and other currencies. Just 10 years back in 2013, 2000 rubles was equal to about $60 USD. But today, it‘s only around $25 USD.

So while prices of some imported games and tech have gone up with inflation, 2000 rubles doesn‘t buy nearly as much as it used to. This changing value impacts what goods and services you can purchase.

Tips for Stretching Your Gaming Budget

As a fellow gamer living in Russia, here are my top tips for getting the most out of 2000 rubles:

  • Wait for Steam sales to buy discounted games
  • Prioritize free-to-play titles like Apex Legends
  • Split costs by sharing games with friends
  • Buy used games and hardware to save money
  • Set a strict monthly gaming budget
  • Take advantage of loyalty programs and promos


While 2000 rubles gives you some solid options for gaming gear, new titles, events, and leisure, it‘s certainly not enough to live off of long-term as a gamer. With the average gaming salary around 40,000-80,000 rubles in Russia, 2000 represents maybe 5% of a month‘s earnings.

My verdict? For serious gamers in Russia, 2000 rubles is a good budget for short-term gaming needs and entertainment. But you‘ll still have to grind and level up your IRL cash to really unlock everything gaming has to offer. Choose your purchases wisely, and may your FPS be high and ping be low!

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