Is 256GB SSD enough for Sims 4 with mods?

As a lifelong Sims enthusiast and content creator with over 800 hours played, one of the most common questions I receive is whether a 256GB SSD has enough storage capacity to handle the massive array of expansion and game packs, mods, CC and player-created content.

So let‘s thoroughly analyze Sims 4‘s storage requirements and determine if 256GB SSDs can survive years of intense modding and gameplay!

Inside The Sims 4‘s SSD Storage Needs

Based on aggregating data from community forums and monitoring my personal install, here are the approximate storage requirements for Sims 4 components:

Base Game: 15-25GB
Expansion Packs: Average 2GB each (Range 1-3GB)
Game Packs: 500MB – 1.5GB

Stuff Packs: Under 500MB each

For players owning all current DLC (early 2023), total install footprint is ~50GB.

Mod usage varies wildly. From monitoring my friends & fellow YouTubers, typical ranges are:

Mod Collection SizeApprox. Storage Needed

When tallying up all DLC, mods, plus 5-10GB for player saves and content – extreme power users might fill 60-70GB.

The Verdict: 256GB SSDs Are Ideal

Based on these projections, 256GB SSDs offer ample capacity for the average Simmer today and into the future.

You receive 190GB+ of free space even when reserving 70GB for Sims. This allows room for:

  • Installing all new DLCs through 2025
  • Continuing to expand your mod collection
  • Saving abundant screenshots/videos
  • Potentially installing some indie/retro games

Essentially, 256GB provides complete flexibility to customize your Sims 4 experience with thousands of CC items and mods over years without storage limits.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy Simming ☺️

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