Is NBA 2K22 Worth It on PS4 in 2024?

As a long-time basketball gamer and NBA 2K enthusiast, one of the biggest questions I‘ve gotten recently is if NBA 2K22 is still worth picking up on PlayStation 4 in 2024. With the game over a year old at this point, how does it hold up on last-gen hardware?

Well after extensive playtime, research, and analysis, my verdict is a resounding YES – even with 2K23 now out, 2K22 remains an excellent virtual hoops experience on PS4 that is absolutely worth buying today.

Let‘s break things down in detail so you can decide for yourself.

Gameplay and Mechanics: Refined on-court action

Gameplay is king in any sports title, and 2K22 brings welcome improvements that make playing virtual basketball more skill-based and enjoyable than ever:

  • Enhanced ball physics and player animations make everything feel more responsive whether you‘re drilling jumpers, attacking the rim, or locking down on D.
  • New signature dribble styles, dynamic combos, and precision shooting controls expand your offensive arsenal.
  • Improved AI means teammates and opponents move and react more realistically on both ends.
  • More risk/reward balance to shooting, dunking, steals makes user skill paramount.

Scoring doesn‘t come easy, but the challenge brings satisfaction. Executing the perfect pick and roll, beating your man off the dribble for a poster dunk or using quick hands to jump the passing lane feels great. This is high-level virtual hoops.

Graphics and Performance: Impressive on aging hardware

Given the PS4‘s aging hardware, some may doubt NBA 2K22‘s visual presentation and performance. Thankfully the excellent optimization ensures one of the best looking, best playing sports games available on the platform:

  • Character models boast impressive detail from accurate facial scans to lifelike uniform physics during intense on-court action.
  • Crisp 4K capable graphics at a largely unwavering 60 FPS framerate with full support for PS4 Pro enhancements.
  • Authentic TV broadcast presentation remains sleek and dynamic.
  • Numerous new arena designs along with enhanced crowd, lighting, and signature player intros amp up the atmosphere.

Simply put, NBA 2K22 looks and runs phenomenally well considering the PS4‘s 2012 hardware. Visuals won‘t blow you away like the PS5 edition but are highly polished and hold their own. Combined with rock solid performance, it‘s a great playing experience.

Game Modes and Content: Something for Everyone

When it comes to variety of gameplay, 2K22 offers fans an overwhelming amount of content to sink their teeth into across a plethora of modes new and old:

  • MyCareer – Live your NBA dreams through a fully voiced cinematic narrative whilst building up your own custom player.
  • MyTeam – Collect cards to compile your fantasy roster and take them into competitive online matches.
  • MyNBA – Craft every aspect of the league how you see fit as an all-powerful commissioner or coach.
  • The W – Take an WNBA icon through the league journey to claim the first championship.
  • Play Now – Exhibition games with current rosters or all-time great teams.

And much more beyond that like detailed franchise planning, street hoops in The Playground, online leagues and tournaments… trust me it is deep. If there‘s a way you like to play basketball video games, it‘s here.

PlayStation 5PlayStation 4
Visuals/PerformanceNative 4K/60FPS1080P-1440P/60 FPS
Gameplay/ControlsNew precision shooting, dribbling combos, alley-oopsSame core mechanics as PS5 version with minor omissions
Depth/ModesAlmost all modes feature parity with PS5 versionMissing The City open world, minor mode differences
Polish/BugsMostly smooth experienceSome minor legacy bugs persist
Price (Standard Edition)$70 for new purchase$30 or less for new purchase

Community Activity: Still Going Strong

Even with NBA 2K23 being the latest release, 2K22 retains an impressively large active player base across PlayStation 4 ensuring finding matches is quick and frustration free:

  • Over 1.7 million players logged monthly during peak periods per player statistic sites.
  • Healthy number of online leagues, tournaments, and hobby streamers keeps community thriving.
  • Quick matchmaking across multiplayer modes like MyTeam, Play Now Online etc based on firsthand experience.

You‘ll have no problem tracking down competition thanks to crossplay extending the pool. Lobbies remain well populated with waiting times rarely exceeding 1-2 minutes.

Developer Support: Still Receiving Updates

Another concern getting a yearly sports title late is the developers quickly abandoning support, however Visual Concepts continues rolling out updates for NBA 2K22 on PS4 in 2024:

  • Recent January 2023 patch brought a new playable rookie class, lineup changes, player rating tweaks and some bug fixes.
  • Expect occasional patches throughout 2023 focused on roster adjustments, stability improvements etc.

So while 2K23 sees more frequent attention, 2K22 remains on the support radar to address issues. It‘s not entirely left out in the cold just yet.

My Take: Money Well Spent For Virtual Hoops on PS4

As someone who records, reviews and creates content around sports games, I‘ve spent countless hours with NBA 2K22 across PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PS4.

While the PS5 edition offers the most next-gen flash complete with The City, native 4K visuals and hyper-realism – the PS4 version captures a lot of the same excellent gameplay for a more affordable price.

It still looks fantastic in motion, handles smoothly and has a metric tonne of content to play through. Considering it routinely sells for $30 or less brand new nowadays – that is tremendous value.

If you don‘t plan on upgrading from your trusty PS4 just yet or want a quality basketball fix without breaking the bank, NBA 2K22 fills that role nicely even now.

There‘s never been a better time to pick it up. So in summary, my answer is a wholehearted yes – well worth buying in 2024. Thanks for reading!

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