Should You Buy NBA 2K23 on PS4? A Passionate Gamer‘s Take

As an avid NBA 2K fan, I‘ve been eager to share my take on if 2K23 is worth buying on PS4 with the new generation of consoles out.

And my verdict is…yes, NBA 2K23 is definitely worth picking up if you still game on a PS4!

Below I‘ll break down exactly why from visuals, to new features, to overall value. As a long-time basketball gamer, I really think PS4 owners can dive in for tons of hoops action without missing much from the PS5 edition.

A Noticeable Visual Difference, But Still Plays Great

Let‘s clearly set expectations between both PlayStation generations. You‘ll absolutely get higher fidelity on the PS5 with 4K resolution at 60 FPS. Player models, uniforms, arena environments – everything looks crisper.

PS5 visuals are clearly improved, but PS4 holds up well. Via PushSquare.

But PS4 NBA 2K23 still looks sharp at 1080p/30 FPS. Character renders, authentic player faces, smooth animations are intact from past games. So while not a giant leap graphically, it plays fluidly once the ball gets rolling.

Playing intense games of Play Now or rattling off dribble combos feels right in line with my memorable 2K22 sessions. And load times entering The Neighborhood hover around 35 seconds – totally reasonable from my couch.

Defense, Shooting, Badges – Core Gameplay Refined

When it comes to controlling players and mastering fundamentals though, 2K23 brings marked improvements through several subtle changes. As a competitive 2K League wannabe, I geek out on these!

They‘ve overhauled shooting with a new meter focused more on timing and stick skills. Defense also relies more on positioning, lateral movement, and high-IQ plays rather than spamming steal. Takeover perks now activate based on in-game actions rather than just filling a meter too.

Shooting more RNG basedReworked shooting meter accuracy based on timing/aiming
Defense favors steals/blocksRewards more disciplined positioning and movement
Takeover triggers predictablyTakeover bonuses earned through play actions

Trust me, these gameplay tweaks pay huge dividends in having games feel fairer and more authentic on-court battles.

MyNBA Eras and Jordan Challenge – Old School Hardcore Fan Nostalgia

As someone who‘s dug into basketball history, 2K23 gifts us old heads some incredible throwback love through two modes.

MyNBA Eras, an all new addition, has you relive different chapter of NBA history. Choose from the Magic vs Bird 80s era, physical 90s glory years, Kobe/Duncan 2000s, and more. Not only are team rosters and uniforms true to each time period, but even gameplay rules change to match each season!

The Jordan Challenge also returns celebrating MJ‘s career with iconic moments to recreate. I‘ll never forget finally beating Thomas and Laimbeer‘s Pistons in the 1991 Eastern Conference Finals with young Jordan. Or witnessing his 63 point playoff explosion against the vaunted ‘86 Celtics defense.

As a ride-or-die Bulls fan, it brought me back to watching those games as kid in genuine awe. 2K did an amazing job honoring His Airness here.

Wrapping Up Other Modes – MyCareer, MyTEAM

Of course staple modes like MyCareer and card collector MyTEAM round out the package. They wisely shifted the story premise here as your custom player tries going pro in basketball while navigating a promising music career too with famous cameos.

I‘m also hyped building my fantasy lineups to take online facing off against current stars like Luka, Steph, Giannis and legends from previous generations now. Moments challenges and limited time events keep pulling me back daily.

Reviews Score Solid Play Experience on PS4

Alright enough from me – what are the actual critics saying about 2K23 on PS4? Let‘s check some other passionate gamers‘ and journalists‘ impressions.

Well across 25 media reviews, NBA 2K23 on PS4 averaged a strong 8.4 / 10 rating according to Metacritic with over 85% recommending playing.

The gameplay upgrades earned heavy praise especially for more realism and balance fixes. Reviewers enjoyed MyNBA eras for the nostalgia and main modes remained deep and addictive.

As expected most did mention clarity, responsiveness and loading times as better on next-gen. Though for PS4 the overall opinion was quite positive and felt like a quality iteration given the engine stayed the same.

NBA 2K23 Offers Great Bang for Buck If You Put In Hours

Look, $70 is understandably steep when budgets are tight. But dig into the sheer amount of content and games accessible across MyCareer, MyTEAM, Play Now, MyNBA and more – you‘re looking at endless hours of hoops action.

Based on gamer profiles tracked by HowLongToBeat, the average main story playthrough clocks in around 63 hours. For completionists like myself striving to maxMyPlayers, snag GOAT cards in MyTEAM, complete Jordan challenges and build dynasties?

Over 200 hours on average invested per game. When stepping back that means potentially just 35 cents per hour of entertainment supplied! Where else can you get that value from one purchase?

Not to mention the game goes on sale for $20-30 within months on Playstation Store making it an absolute steal long-term.

And while VC microtransactions catch some warranted criticism, for passionate ballers spending time daily grinding badges, reflex drills and joining squads those costs add up slowly.

Closing Verdict – Green Light Purchase for PS4 Owners

Like I said up top, based on visuals still holding up reasonably, core gameplay being leaner and meaner than ever thanks to the adjustments, a solid single player story experience plus effectively endless multiplayer hoops action?

NBA 2K23 is a definitive YES for PS4 gamers – especially at a discount which won‘t take long. Unless you play 2K as your 100% daily go-to title where max fidelity and lighting fast load times are absolute must-haves, no fear enjoying this from the couch either offline or online.

Veteran ballers can dig into welcome refinements raising the skill gap while casual fans enjoy upgraded presentation playing their favorite current stars or NBA legends of the past.

And curious first-timers wondering if 2K23 is an inviting jump-on point to the world of virtual hoops? Rest assured you‘ll have a blast learning controls while being dazzled by slick TV-style pre-game intros, half time shows and post-game highlight reels. Polish has these guys feeling like ESPN broadcasts.

So that‘s my take – hope it helps guide your decision one way or another! Let me know down in comments if you have any other questions. And be sure to smash those Like and Subscribe buttons for more of my weekly gaming reviews and NBA 2K tips & tricks. Thanks for watching!

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