Is 2TB SSD overkill for gaming PC?

As an avid gamer and content creator, one of the top questions I get asked when advising people on building high-end gaming PCs is whether opting for a spacious 2TB solid state drive (SSD) is overkill.

With some triple A games now exceeding 100GB per install, not to mention DLCs, mods, and capture recordings taking up additional space – there‘s a strong case to be made for splurging on a roomy 2TB SSD. But is it necessary for everyone?

Why a 2TB SSD Makes Sense for Serious Gamers

For hardcore gamers who maintain extensive libraries of the latest releases, a 2TB drive provides peace of mind. You can keep your whole collection installed and updated, avoiding the need to micromanage which games earn coveted SSD real estate for faster loads.

According to a Steam survey, the average user has 56 games in their library – meaning 2TB provides ample overhead. Power users with 100+ games will especially appreciate the extra breathing room as titles routinely cross 100GB. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and its Warzone mode clock in at a staggering 232GB.

Game Install Footprints Expanding Rapidly

Game TitleInstall Size
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2021)232GB
Red Dead Redemption 2150GB
Forza Horizon 5103GB

Simultaneously, with SSD pricing descending yearly, 2TB drives now retail around $140-200USD – much more affordable than just 2-3 years ago. For enthusiasts building their dream setup, this represents a sensible investment towards future-proofing.

Streamers and content creators also benefit from ample and speedy storage when capturing and editing high bitrate videos of gameplay.

When to Consider a 2TB SSD Overkill

However, I realize that not every gamer needs to go overboard on storage capacities. If you have a more casual or intermittent playstyle, a 500GB-1TB SSD may sufficiently handle your needs.

Combining a smaller SSD to host your active games with a high capacity hard disk drive (HDD) for cold storage is another balanced approach. This allows you to enjoy faster load times from the SSD vs HDD, while still maintaining a deep library. Just be prepared to do some data shuffling as your gaming moods change.

So in summary – while 2TB SSDs are becoming very affordable, carefully evaluate whether those extra terabytes align with your personal gaming and use case requirements. For heavy users, it may be a smart future-proofing investment. More moderate gamers can likely start smaller and expand later if needed.

With next generation titles already hitting outrageous footprints, today‘s overkill will become tomorrow‘s norm. Plan accordingly!

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