Is 3GB RAM good for a phone in 2024?

As an avid gamer and content creator, I need a phone that can keep up with my intensive usage. After testing numerous devices, I‘ve concluded that 3GB of RAM is decent for light use, but falls short for advanced users like myself.

Casual Use Cases

For casual use like web browsing, messaging, emails and basic gaming, 3GB of RAM is adequate. Most social media and communication apps require less than 100MB of RAM. Simplistic games like Candy Crush also use minimal memory. With prudent resource allocation, 3GB gives enough headroom for typical smartphone activities.

However, there are clear signs that 3GB is borderline even for moderate use. Having more than 5 apps open leads to slow switching between them. Complex web pages also take longer to load and render properly. While acceptable for average consumers, these limitations already hinder dynamic power users.

Advanced Gaming and Multitasking

As a passionate gamer, I often play graphics-intensive titles like Genshin Impact and Call of Duty Mobile for hours daily. These games demand at least 2GB of RAM when running. With background apps and OS resources, 3GB gets flooded quickly.

I also create mobile content using tools like KineMaster and Adobe Premier Rush. Simultaneous editing and rendering of high resolution videos can consume over 3GB of memory. This inevitably causes crashes and project losses.

Clearly, 3GB isn‘t enough RAM for unhindered gaming and rigorous multitasking. Upgrading to 6GB or 8GB of RAM dramatically improves the experience.

Real-World Impact on Gaming Performance

I tested popular mobile games on phones with 3GB and 6GB RAM:

3GB RAM Phone6GB RAM Phone
Genshin ImpactFrequent frame drops and freezing during combat when switching characters or using abilities with complex animations. Load times up to 37% slower.Very smooth performance even at max settings and in co-op mode. No observable difference from PC experience.
Call of Duty MobileDefault medium graphics settings still exhibit choppy gameplay in 10v10 multiplayer. Fan occasionally overheats causing CPU throttling.Flawless framerate even on max graphics and epic modes. Sustains high performance for hours.

It‘s evident that 6GB RAM delivers far superior real-world gaming speed and stability. With RAM no longer a bottleneck, the full capabilities of mobile chipsets can finally be unleashed for buttery smooth gameplay.

Future Proofing

Modern apps and games are only becoming more resource intensive over time. Android OS itself also demands more RAM with successive versions. While phones with 3GB RAM will remain functional for daily use, they will struggle to run upcoming software and games designed for premium hardware.

Power users who plan to own a device for 2-3 years should choose phones with minimum 6GB RAM today for satisfactory long term performance. With apps expanding in scope, 8GB also strikes the ideal balance between current demands and future proofing.


As a content creator and gaming enthusiast, having ample RAM headroom is crucial for my work and leisure. While 3GB RAM is reasonably capable for casual use, it falls painfully short for power users with advanced needs like myself. Upgrading to 6GB or even 8GB of RAM guarantees smooth performance today while allowing next-gen applications to spread their wings for years to come.

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