Is 7 CS Per Minute Good? Definitively Yes For Most Players

As an avid League of Legends gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot – is 7 CS per minute good? Many players strive for perfection with the elusive 10 CS/min benchmark. But the reality is 7 CS per minute is a viable goal for most elos, and signals positive farming skills.

I‘ll analyze CS data across ranks, compare 7 CS/min to pro levels, and provide tips to improve your CS over time. Let‘s dive in!

Detailed CS Benchmarks By Tier

Target CS benchmarks increase substantially as you climb the competitive ladder. But 7 CS/min is good up through Platinum elo.

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TierTarget CS Per Min
Iron – Bronze6-7
Silver – Gold7-8
Platinum – Diamond8-9

As you can see, those rated Gold and below should aim for 7+ CS on average. This shows strong fundamentals – you‘re keeping pace with minion waves, last hitting well, and balancing farming with trading/kills.

8+ CS/min doesn‘t happen overnight. You likely need Diamond skills to achieve it consistently. So 7 is a worthy goal on the climb there!

How 7 CS Compares to The Pros

Now let‘s analyze how 7 CS compares to pro player benchmarks. The best in the world set the pace with near-perfect farming rates:

  • Pro player average CS/min: 9-10
  • Consistently achieve 8-9 CS in lane
  • Flawless last hitting precision
  • Master wave manipulation between fights

Simply put, pros epitomize the elusive 10 CS/min benchmark we strive towards. But here‘s the kicker – even pro players don‘t hit 10 CS every game! Solo queue volatility, early fights, and roaming all tax CS rates.

So while 10 CS/min is the peak benchmark, even pros averaging 8-9 are extremely consistent farmers. This adds context around achieving 7-8 CS/min in our own games. Well above average, though not pro level just yet!

Expert Tips to Improve Your CS

If you‘re not satisfied with your current CS benchmarks, don‘t worry! Here are some proven tips to improve your farming:

  • Practice last hitting – Hop into practice tool and work on perfectly last hitting waves. Alternate between abilities and auto attacks while adapting to damage output.

  • Limit auto attacking – Don‘t just automatically push waves. Consciously last hit to control minion positions.

  • Establish lane priorities – When should you hard shove vs freeze? Have intentional farming goals tailored to champions, matchups and objectives.

  • Upgrade damage components – Rush items like Noonquiver/Lost Chapter to make last hitting easier through mid game spikes.

  • Watch pro VODs – Study how top players achieve 8-10 CS minutes, and replicate their play patterns.

  • Track objectives – Time your recalls with major objective spawns like dragon. Catch waves in transition to accelerate gold income.

Take these tips into your own practice regimen. With concentrated effort over weeks and months, achieving 8+ CS/min is an attainable feat!

The Verdict: 7 CS Per Minute Is Strong for Most Ranks

Let‘s circle back to our original question – is 7 CS per minute good? I think the data speaks for itself:

  • 7 CS/min is well above average for all elos below Diamond
  • Compares reasonably to pro player levels of 8-9 CS on average
  • Shows positive fundamentals – last hitting, wave control and balancing priorities

While 10 CS/min remains the peak benchmark, even pros don‘t achieve perfection every game. So for anyone below Diamond, 7 CS per minute is a viable goal to work towards. With some adjustments to your practice and gameplay, 8+ CS/min is within your reach!

That sums up my complete analysis on CS benchmarks across elos. Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m happy to offer advice or duo queue to help refine your farming skills. That‘s all for now – back to the Rift for more improvement grinding!

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