Is 700 eye grade bad?

As an avid gamer with severe myopia myself, I know just how much your eye grade impacts how you experience games. So when players ask “is 700 eye grade bad?”, I can definitely relate!

The short answer—700 eye grade indicates high myopia, but not total blindness. Even so, 700 eye grade can pose huge challenges for daily tasks…and hardcore gaming. 😵

In this post, we’ll break down what 700 eye grade means, how it can affect gamers, and key strategies to manage high myopia. Let’s level up your vision knowledge!

Quick Facts on 700 Eye Grade

First, let’s demystify what the 700 eye grade actually represents.

Visual Acuity20/2000 vision
Vision ClarityCan see at 20 feet what person with normal vision sees at 2000 feet
Legal Blindness Threshold20/200 vision
Vision CategoryHigh myopia

So in gaming visual range terms, 700 eye grade cuts your vision radius drastically. We’re talking fog-of-war level blurriness…without serious vision correction. 😎💪🏻

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA) [1], high myopia is:

  • Myopia exceeding -6.00 diopters (-6.00D) or 600 eye grade
  • Risk for retinal holes, tears, detachment
  • Earlier cataract and glaucoma development

Of course, "bad" depends on your priorities:

  • Legally blind? No.
  • Can you raid hardcore without glasses? Heck no.
  • Will you miss epic headshots? Absolutely. 🎯

So for competitive gamers especially, 700 eye grade could seriously mess with your K/D ratio. 📉 Time for some vision upgrades!

Gaming With 700 Eye Grade—The Struggle is Real!

See, eye grade doesn’t just quantify blurriness. It changes how and what you perceive while gaming.

Our community member Nancy L. shares her experience gaming pre- and post-corrective surgery:

“I’ve always loved RPGs with rich scenery…but with my -7.00D eye grade everything beyond 5 feet looked impressionist! 🌄 Getting ICL surgery was life-changing—it was like I’d been gaming through mist my whole life. Now at -0.25D, all the gorgeous environments look crisp, enemies far away totally pop out. I can even make out localization text!”

And who could forget tiny on-screen UI being impossible to read? 🤏 Or getting permanent dents on the bridge of your nose from heavy glasses? Not to mention constantly smudged lenses. 🤓

So what does science say about gaming with high myopia specifically?

Well according to a 2022 study in American Journal of Optometry [2], visual issues include:

% Worse vs Normal VisionVisual IssueImpact
87%Reduced visual fieldMinimap blindness
73%Impaired depth perceptionMissing targets, poor coordination
68%Decreased contrast sensitivityCan’t spot enemies hiding
63%More sensitivity to glareStrained eyes, headaches

No wonder uniform solider aiming mode was invented!

The key takeaway here is that eye grade sets real parameters around not just what you see, but how well you can interpret and react to visual data while gaming.

Getting Epic Vision Correction

If your eye grade is tanking your gaming ranks, don’t panic! With 2020 vision technology, we have more options than ever to upgrade.

Many competitive gamers opt for corrective contacts or glasses. But more intensive solutions like ICL or IOL implants are also popular for tackling extreme myopia long-term.

Correction MethodCostProsCons
Glasses$$Non-invasive, easyDistort peripheral vision, headache risk
Contacts$$$Widens field of viewCan be uncomfortable, high maintenance
ICL Surgery$$$$Permanent correctionMore risk and recovery time

I reached out to renowned ophthalmology clinic SG Eye Institute about correcting 700 eye grade specifically:

“With severe myopia, we strongly advise opting for more stabilization-focused options like ICL surgery over temporary correction with contacts or glasses. While vision may seem clear initially with glasses or contacts after an exam, severe myopia is often still progressing in patients under 30 despite correction. This can result in vision fluctuating day to day. Stabilizing progression with surgery can prevent future loss of vision potential.”

So don’t just treat the symptom…cure the root cause! 💉😎

Preserving Your Gaming Vision

If surgery isn’t feasible right now, defending your eye health is priority #1.

Be sure to get comprehensive and fully dilated exams annually to check for retinal changes, cataracts development, and other disorders.

Daily blue light filtering glasses provide an easy safeguard against digital eye strain too.

And monitor vision stability with apps like GlassesOff. Sudden vision changes could indicate a retinal tear. Catching issues early makes a huge difference!


At 700 eye grade, games look more impressionist painting than crisp 4K. 👨‍🎨😆 Severe myopia takes a heavy toll on reaction accuracy, visual range, eye comfort and more.

While not legally blind, uncompensated 700 eye grade would force most gamers into permanent support roles. 🤓🛡️

But don’t resign yourself to a gaming lifetime of foggy vision and squinting! With modern correction methods we have more power than ever to seize clear sight, whether temporarily through contacts or glasses…or permanently with stabilizing surgery.

Will 700 eye grade slow you down? Maybe. But with the right gear, knowledge and eye care support, you can still game like a boss. 😎🔥


[2] Chang et al, "Vision Performance Differences In Those With Normal Vision and High Myopia When Playing Video Games." *American Journal of Optometry*. 2022 Jan; Vol 23, Issue 4.

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