Is 75 Mbps Good Internet Speed? Yes, It‘s Great for Gaming & 4K Streaming

As an avid gamer and streaming enthusiast, I need speedy internet to power my connected household. Based on expert recommendations, 75 Mbps is a very good internet speed for gaming, streaming 4K video, video conferencing, and operating multiple devices simultaneously.

Let‘s dig into the specifics…

Internet Speed Guidelines

Here are the standard bandwidth guidelines for different online activities from internet providers:

ActivityMinimum Download Speed
Email and web browsing1-5 Mbps
Streaming HD video5-25 Mbps
Streaming 4K video25-100 Mbps
Online gaming25-100 Mbps

With a blazing fast 75 Mbps connection, you‘ll have plenty of bandwidth for streaming, gaming, video calls and typical internet use across multiple devices in your home.

According to, the minimum recommended speed for a single 4K streamer is 20-25 Mbps. Since my household has 2-3 simultaneous 4K streamers and online gamers, our internet provider recommends a lighting quick 100 Mbps plan.

But even at 75 Mbps, my family can stream UHD movies, game online in full HD, and video chat without any pesky buffering or lag. Here‘s a peek into our typical daily internet usage:

Devices ConnectedActivitiesEstimated Bandwidth Use
2 PhonesEmail, social media, web browsing5 Mbps
2 LaptopsWork, browsing, streaming20 Mbps
2 Gaming PCsMMORPGs, streaming50 Mbps
TOTAL75 Mbps

As you can see, 75 Mbps is plenty for a busy connected household like mine! I can rest easy knowing my epic gaming tournaments won‘t be disrupted by any connectivity issues.

Optimizing for Gaming & Streaming

While 75 Mbps offers solid speeds, here are my pro tips for optimizing your internet connection as a gamer:

  • Connect your gaming PC directly to the router via Ethernet cable. This avoids congested WiFi channels for lag-free online play.
  • If WiFi is a must, invest in a gaming-grade router with QoS software prioritization for gaming devices.
  • Run internet speed tests when the network is under load to check for consistency and identify choke points.
  • Set gaming software downloads to run overnight to avoid bandwidth battles during peak evening hours.
  • Consider paying up for the next tier plan if you still experience lag with 75 Mbps.

The Future of Gaming Demands Faster Speeds

As gaming technology continues advancing rapidly, internet speeds play an ever-growing role. Cutting-edge virtual reality rigs, cloud-based game streaming services, and visually stunning 8K game graphics will soon push bandwidth requirements even higher for us gamers.

My friends using the new VERSE headsets tell me their immersive virtual worlds consume well over 100 Mbps per gaming session! And as titles like Destiny 2 roll out upgraded visuals in 2024, their developer Bungie estimates players will need 120-150 Mbps for smooth 8K streaming.

While 75 Mbps handles today‘s gaming needs, I suspect 200+ Mbps connections will soon become the new norm for us gaming fanatics. When the world‘s first holographic game launches, I plan to be ready with the fastest fiber optic internet money can buy!

The Verdict: 75 Mbps is Great for Most Households

Based on my personal experience paired with expert guidance, 75 Mbps is an extremely good internet speed for gaming, 4K streaming, working from home, and operating 5+ connected devices without disruption. It meets the requirements of an active, high-bandwidth household like mine with bandwidth to spare.

According to internet speed test site Ookla, the average US internet speed is just below 100 Mbps as of 2022. So at 75 Mbps, you‘re still 20% faster than the typical American household. I‘d only bump up to the next tier if you experience frequent lag during gaming tournaments or UHD streaming sessions. Otherwise, 75 Mbps should fit the bill beautifully. Game on!

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