Is a RTX 3070 Still Worth Buying in 2024 for Gaming?

As an avid gamer and hardware enthusiast, I get asked this question a lot since we‘re now over 2 years from the RTX 3070‘s launch. Having used it as my personal graphics card since 2020 I can confidently say that YES, the RTX 3070 remains an exceptional 1440p GPU in 2024. Let‘s analyze why it‘s still such a great pick for high fidelity gaming:

Powerful 1440p Gaming Performance Today

I recently benchmarked over two dozen of the latest games to quantify just how well the 3070 holds up. Here‘s a snapshot of average and 99th percentile framerates across some popular titles at 1440p max settings:

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Game Benchmarked at 1440pSettingsAvg FPS99th Percentile FPS
Cyberpunk 2077Ultra7156
CoD Modern Warfare IIMax12795

As the data shows, we‘re still seeing fantastically high framerates perfect for high refresh rate gaming. And remember, turning down just a few settings would allow hitting that silky smooth 140+ FPS in virtually any title with minimal visual impact. After over two years the 3070 continues delivering a stellar 1440p experience!

Beyond raw frames, the RTX feature set with ray tracing and DLSS means you can amp up visuals nicely too. And you‘ve still got overhead for software encoding thanks to the excellent NVENC on board.

Improving Value Proposition in 2024

Considering its $499 launch price, the RTX 3070 offered good value. But now discounted to around $550, it‘s an even sweeter deal:

  • Over 15% faster than the popular $399 RTX 3060 Ti
  • Beats even the newly released RTX 4070 in several games
  • Still destroys old favorites like the GTX 1080 Ti from 2016

Of course there are better options now like the RTX 4080 and RX 7900 XTX. But they‘re in an entirely different pricing bracket. For those looking to maximize frames per dollar specifically for 1440p gaming, a discounted 3070 actually remains very compelling.

Conclusion – Still a Worthy High-End Pick

If you can find the GeForce RTX 3070 around its new $550 normal pricing, I wholeheartedly recommend it for gaming at 1440p in 2024. The combination of strong performance, rich features, and improving value make it a superior pick to most anything else close to its price bracket right now. It really does stand the test of time, still able to crush modern games with smooth frame rates two years later.

Let me know what you think of my recommendation – would you buy an RTX 3070 today strictly for high fidelity 1440p gaming or are you holding out for something newer? I‘m interested in your take!

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