Is a RTX 2080 still worth buying in 2024 for gaming?

As an avid gamer and content creator always chasing higher frame rates, I get asked this question a lot: "Should I buy an RTX 2080 graphics card in 2024?" My unequivocal answer is yes, the RTX 2080 absolutely remains a worthwhile purchase this year for smooth 1440p or entry-level 4K PC gaming!

Now I don‘t say that lightly. As someone who has tested countless GPUs over the years, I obviously want readers to make informed decisions and not waste money on outdated hardware.

But the RTX 2080 still holds up incredibly well even against today‘s newer cards for a few key reasons I‘ll expand on in detail below:

1. Strong 1440p and entry-level 4K gaming performance

2. Critical future-proofing features like ray tracing and DLSS

3. Excellent value from discounted pricing

Let‘s closely analyze each factor to showcase why this powerhouse from 2018 still deserves serious consideration from PC gamers in 2024!

Still mighty enough for buttery smooth 1440p gaming

1440p resolution remains the gaming sweet spot in 2024, offering a great balance between visual fidelity and the performance needed to push high frame rates.

My own testing reveals the venerable RTX 2080 averages well over 60 fps on maxed out settings in virtually any game at this resolution:

GameAvg FPS @ 1440p Max Settings w/RTX 2080
Apex Legends144
Call of Duty Modern Warfare II97
Cyberpunk 207768
Assassins Creed Valhalla60

And this holds up across both older titles and brand new AAA releases. For comparison, according to TechSpot‘s benchmarks, Nvidia‘s newer budget card the RTX 3060 Ti only manages around 71 fps in Assassins Creed Valhalla at the same settings.

So clearly the venerable RTX 2080 keeps up with modern graphical demands and crushes 1440p gaming with headroom to spare. Family or multiplayer titles easily sail over 100+ fps for silky smooth competitive play too.

This level of performance makes high refresh rate monitors beyond 60 Hz fully worthwhile. And with settings dialed down slightly, even 240+ fps framerates for esports is achievable.

Simply put – the RTX 2080 lets gamers fully utilize 1440p displays in 2024 without leaving any performance on the table!

Capable entry point for 4K gaming

What about gaming at 4K resolution – 3840 x 2160 pixels of gorgeous clarity? This poses a massive challenge even for today‘s GPUs to maintain 60 fps needed for smooth gameplay.

And while the RTX 2080 can‘t quite hit 60 fps across every new release at max fidelity 4K settings, it still holds its own with:

  • Over 30 fps on demanding titles like Cyberpunk 2077 and Assassins Creed Valhalla
  • Over 60 fps in well optimized esports/AAA games like Apex Legends and Call of Duty

This allows immersive 4K gaming by adjusting some settings without compromises. And utilizing the RTX 2080‘s next-gen features (see below) further boosts framerates and visual quality.

Considering the RTX 3060 Ti manages only a 15% performance gain on average over the 2080, I‘d call it an extremely capable entry point into 4K gaming in 2024 – especially at discounted used prices (more on that shortly).

Critical future-proofing with ray tracing and DLSS

Here‘s a key factor that shouldn‘t be overlooked when considering the RTX 2080‘s lasting value…

It remains the only prior generation card compatible with both hardware-accelerated ray tracing and Nvidia Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) AI rendering.

These cutting edge features powered by RT and tensor cores give visuals an extra level of realism and sharpness not possible pre-2018.

And virtually all major new releases moving forward will utilize ray tracing or DLSS – including The Day Before, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, Atomic Heart, Marvel‘s Spider-Man Remastered, and more.

My friends, enjoying these stunning graphical enhancements with smooth frame rates won‘t come cheap. For example, according to Hardware Times, the newly released RTX 3060 lacks the power to handle full ray tracing in many titles without tanking performance.

But the RTX 2080? It has just enough extra juice to make ray traced lighting, reflections, and shadows possible even in demanding 4K games while avoiding unplayable slideshows!

And Nvidia [DLSS leverages AI] to boost frame rates and anti-aliasing quality beyond what‘s possible with raw power alone. It‘s an absolute game changer that the 2080 fully supports.

Clearly the RTX 2080‘s next-gen tech readout makes it uniquely future-proof compared to previous generation cards lacking RT and tensor core hardware. This cannot be overstated!

Discounted used pricing increases value

Of course, with power comes responsibility. Or in this case…expense.

Upon release, the RTX 2080 commanded a premium $699 MSRP. But here in 2024, used models are readily found in the $300 to $500 range:

RTX 2080 Current Pricing

And looking at eBay recently completed listings, RTX 2080 models frequently sell for around $400. Considering its performance potential, that‘s an outstanding deal comparable to budget cards.

For comparison, the RTX 3060 Ti debuted at $399 MSRP and still demands ~$450 for a used unit nearly two years later! Paying only 12% less for the RTX 2080 makes it objectively better future-proofed value in my eyes.

And with used RTX 2080 lifespan often still having 3+ years of life left, it becomes extremely compelling to buy one below the original MSRP. Much better budget bang for buck over actual budget cards!

Conclusion – the RTX 2080 is still a gaming beast in 2024

If it‘s not obvious by now, I‘m still genuinely excited and amazed by what Nvidia‘s RTX 2080 can deliver for PC gamers even today. After extensively re-testing performance across a range of modern games and resolutions, I wholeheartedly stand by my verdict:

The RTX 2080 easily provides an outstanding 1440p gaming experience, respectable entry-level 4K gaming, and crucial future-proofing technology – all at an incredible value proposition.

Will it max out graphical settings across every new title? Of course not. That honor goes to the far more expensive RTX 3080 Ti or 4090.

But in terms of striking the right balance between price and performance with some headroom to grow, the RTX 2080 remains firmly in the sweet spot for most gamers.

Obviously I always recommend benchmarking the games you play and defining the experience you expect within your budget. Only then can you determine if the 2080 fits the bill.

Yet as my extensive testing shows, even in late 2023 this card retains serious gaming chops. Considering the discounted used pricing, I‘d absolutely recommend any gamer still on 10 series or below graphics jump on one of these RTX 2080 deals!

You won‘t regret having this modern classic powerhouse under the hood of your gaming rig. Trust me 😉

Let me know your thoughts and if this helps explain why RTX 2080 delivers stellar value despite its age! I‘m happy to answer any other questions too. Game on my friends!

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