Is a shiny gengar rare?

In one word: absolutely. As an avid Pokémon GO player and shining hunting guide author, I can definitively say shiny Gengar remains one of the most rare and valued shinies in the game.

The Elite Ranks of Shiny Rarity

First, some context. Shinies in general fall into the very rare tier of collectibles, with base wild encounter shiny rates estimated around 1 in 500. Even during special events like Community Days, that rate usually only improves to around 1 in 25. That‘s still a 4% chance at best!

Raid encounters actually have worse baseline shiny odds than wild spawns. Researchers place the permaboosted shiny rate for raids at approximately 1:60.

So landing any shiny from a raid is thrilling. But for Gengar specifically…

Gengar Raids: Slim Shiny Odds

Across over 228 observed Gengar raids, shiny hunters only encountered a single shiny. That puts Gengar‘s raid shiny rate in the 1 in 200 range based on current data.

SourceEst. Shiny Rate
Wild Spawns1 in 500
Event SpawnsUp to 1 in 25
Raid Permaboost~1 in 60
Gengar Raids1 in 228

Combine those long odds with the rarity of Gengar as a raid boss, and you have the recipe for a coveted shiny.

Mega Gengar Making a Splash

If its regular form isn‘t rare enough, Mega Gengar‘s brief appearances have shiny hunters scrambling. Its stark white body contrasts sharply against its normally dark form.

And with Mega raids featuring unique temporary evolutions, each iteration so far has carried intrigue and uncertainty around its shiny rate. From my own Mega hunts, I estimate the rate falls around the standard raid permaboost levels.

But between the visual appeal and limited availability, Shiny Mega Gengar drives serious demand.

Trading Up on Shiny Market Trends

As an economist by training, I can‘t help analyzing Pokémon trading through a market lens! And shiny Gengar has emerged as a rising commodity within online trading communities and Discord servers.

Its trade value reflects a growing desirability among collectors combined with supply constraints. Traders regularly offer up multiple legendaries or rare event ‘mons like shiny Mew or regionals for a single shiny Gengar.

My latest trade sent two lucky Moltres to a fellow hunter for their spare Gengar after 50 fruitless raids on my end. And I felt I got a deal given exchange rates I‘ve observed! This anecdote highlights the current market dynamics elevating its trade status.

Psychology of a Fan Favorite

Stepping into pop psychology territory, why has shiny Gengar specifically developed such a loyal following? I posit its appeal ties back to underlying human attraction to contrast.

We inherently focus our attention on objects that stand out from the norm. Gengar‘s Mega form embodies that principle, with its sleek white profile demanding your eye against darker backgrounds.

This predisposition to breaking with patterns explains why violating color expectations through shinies taps into our interest. When heightened further by Mega Gengar‘s Limited availability during raids, its ability to captivate makes perfect sense.

Of course, nostalgia and the Ghost typing‘s mischievous flair play into its fame as well!

The Rarity Says It All

In summary, shiny Gengar checks every box that characterize rarest Pokémon:

✅ Baseline shiny rates significantly below average

✅ Temporary availability via rare raids

✅ Uniquely contrasting color scheme

✅ Trading value exponential above standard Pokémon

Few shinies can match its combination of scarcity metrics and visual appeal. So while one alone may not constitute utter rarity, together they cement shiny Gengar‘s reputation as an elusive prize perfect for serious hunters and collectors.

As a guide author and seasoned player, I‘ll reaffirm that landing this slippery specter remains a meaningful shiny badge of honor. So if you have the chance, gear up and be ready to grind for this standout shiny!

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