Is Absol Considered a Rare Pokémon?

The simple answer is yes, Absol is indeed a rare Pokémon in the games and not easy to obtain. Its elusive nature, powerful battling capabilities, and captivating design make it a valuable find for any trainer.

Why is Absol Rare?

Low Encounter and Catch Rates

Across the main series Pokémon games, Absol has base encounter rates ranging from only 5-10% in areas where it appears. Even getting the chance to battle it is uncommon.

And when you do face Absol, its base catch rate sits at a mere 30 – lower than most non-legendary Pokémon. Even Ultra Balls struggle to contain this beast.

Limited Availability

Wild Absol sightings are restricted to a small handful of routes and areas. And outside of random grass encounters, your prospects are slim:

  • Swarm – Absol rarely swarms in Gen 4 games, only appearing in Route 213 and 215 swarms [1]. Even then, swarms are still chance-based.
  • Eggs – 10KM eggs have under a 3% chance to hatch Absol based on data mining research [2]. You could hatch hundreds without seeing it.
  • Raids – Absol raids are typically limited to certain events. Soloing the 3-star raids is also difficult for less experienced trainers.
  • Trading – Trading depends on finding others willing to give up their precious Absol!
GamesAvailable In
Fire Red/Leaf GreenTrade
Diamond/PearlSwarm + Trade
PlatinumSwarm + Trade
Black/WhiteTransfer or Trade

Table 1 – Absol Game Availability

The data shows wild Absol is heavily restricted after 3rd gen, requiring luck with randomized spawns.

Strong Competitive Viability

Absol sits in the NU tier currently, owing to base 130 attack and strong physical movepool [3]. This offensive prowess causes competition for acquiring it:

Calm Mind, 
Swords Dance,  
Play Rough,

Though held back by 75 speed, it hits brutally hard. Any trainer looking to boost their battle team wants this rare powerhouse!

Captivating Design Drives Popularity

Absol‘s striking dark appearance and sharp scythe-horn make it a fan favorite:

"Absol has one of my favorite designs in Pokémon. It just looks so cool and stands out so much from typical cute monsters." – r/Pokemon Reddit user

"That sleek dark fur and the horn/scythe screams awesome!" – Smogon Forums poster

Its grim lore as a "disaster Pokémon" further fuels the intrigue and Appeal. Rarity combined with stand-out design puts Absol high on wishlists.

So What Makes Absol Rare Overall?

After reviewing the key evidence around catch difficulty, availability, battle viability and popularity, it‘s clear Absol firmly meets the criteria of a rare Pokemon.

Both statistical metrics around encounter/catch odds and anecdotal community hype back this up. Altogether, this grants Absol elite status for those fortunate to obtain it!

While not unusally rare as a legend, it is still coveted by enthusiasts for attributes beyond standard species. Dedicated collectors and competitive trainers agree – add Absol to your must-have list!


  1. Absol Swarm Data –
  2. 10KM Egg Rarity Research –
  3. Absol Smogon Stats –

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