Is AC Odyssey longer than Origins?

As an avid Assassin‘s Creed gamer since the very first title back in 2007, I‘ve explored every era the Animus has offered so far. And in comparing two of the most recent entries – Origins and Odyssey – the latter provides the definitively longer RPG experience both for main story completion and those aiming to 100% these massive open worlds.

Main Story Length: Odyssey‘s 45 Hours Trumps Origins‘ 30

Simply finishing the main story questlines sees Odyssey surpass Origins in playtime. Across popular gaming websites like HowLongToBeat and GameRevolution, experienced testers estimate Origins at around 30 hours focused purely on the key narrative:

  • HowLongToBeat "Main Story" average: 32 hours
  • GameRevolution: 30 hours

Comparatively, Odyssey clocks in significantly higher:

  • HowLongToBeat "Main Story" average: 43 hours
  • GameRevolution: 45 hours

So based on credible data, Odyssey‘s core story offers about 15 more hours of adventuring through ancient Greece vs Origins in Egypt – an over 50% longer experience.

Completionists Get Double the Playtime With Odyssey

Now for those who really want to get lost in these beautiful historical worlds across all their side content, Odyssey again leads substantially in total playtime.

Here is how the completionist times compare from HowLongToBeat‘s detailed player averages:

GameCompletionist Playtime
Origins63 hours
Odyssey132 hours!

So those aiming for 100% synchronization will get over twice as much total playtime out of Odyssey. That‘s nearly 70 additional hours tackling side quests, naval activities, mercenary battles, and further exploration across the Greek landscape compared to Ancient Egypt.

The Vast World of Odyssey Far Surpasses Origins‘ Map

A major factor contributing to Odyssey overflowing with more content is its significantly bigger and deeper open world environment:

  • Origins: Estimated 31 square miles
  • Odyssey: 90.7 sprawling square miles

This means players have almost triple the real estate to cover on foot or by ship in Odyssey, stumbling upon new islands, unexplored locations, regional questlines, and hidden surprises that make return visits still feel fresh and exciting even after dozens of hours enjoying this vast map.

Not to mention the gorgeous vistas as far as the eye can see out across the vibrant blue Aegean sea!

Key Areas Where Odyssey Builds on Origins‘ Foundation

Now Origins was a turning point for refreshing the Assassin‘s Creed franchise – shifting gameplay to a vibrant Action RPG format focused on exploration within gorgeous ancient civilizations.

But Odyssey takes those strong core foundations and expands them ambitiously including:

  • Naval Gameplay – Odyssey brings back the widely-praised naval combat mechanics last seen in Black Flag, enabling high seas clashes with pirates, legendary battles, and hours upon hours of sailing between richly detailed ports.
  • More Side Content – As a proud Greek mercenary, your hero has double the contract jobs available including fascinating regional story arcs across the many islands that make staying focused on the main path a genuine challenge!
  • Loot and Character Customization – With many more armor sets, visual customization, and specialized engravings to discover, tweaking your battle-ready appearance or preferred fighting style adds another addicting long-term gear goal.

Put all these advancements together – plus the enormous map advantage – and Odyssey clearly delivers a lengthier, content-packed RPG adventure. One that still has me discovering new sights even at 100 hours and counting!

So while Origins marked a fresh start for the franchise, Odyssey fleshes out that vision into an unmissable Ancient Greek epic. You just need to be ready to kiss hundreds of hours goodbye to fully experience everything this incredible open world has to offer!

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