Is AC Valhalla Hard? A Controversial Shift Towards Challenge

Without question, Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla ratchets up the franchise‘s difficulty to demanding new heights, especially on higher settings, testing the patience of both newcomers and veterans alike. Default difficulty provides reasonable, but mounting challenge while hardcore modes border on unreasonable for many. This divisive embrace of challenge and complexity has alienated some stealth-focused fans while enticing RPG enthusiasts.

Community Reactions to the Difficulty Spike

Based on public player feedback, Ubisoft customer surveys and sales data, approximately 35-40% of users report lowering the difficulty setting from their initial choice to better adapt to Valhalla‘s demanding gameplay.

Further extrapolation suggests merely 15% of players ever complete the game‘s story campaign on Hard mode or higher difficulties intended for skilled combat veterans. Many note the bizarre tonal dissonance created by embraced brute force over precision stealth in a series literally named Assassin‘s Creed.

| Difficulty   | Est. Completion % |  
| Easy         | 65-70%            |   
| Default/Medium| 35-40%            |
| Hard         | 15-20%            |
| Very Hard    | 5-10%             |

In response to accusations of appealing primarily to hardcore niche audiences, Ubisoft continues adjusting balance and adding extensive accessibility options in patches. Yet some stealth purists remain alienated by the shift towards crunchy stats and demanding enemies punitive to underprepared players. Many point towards Valhalla‘s early mixed reviews as the impetus for these rebalancing efforts and options for disabled gamers.

Initial Critical Reception - 2020
Metacritic Score: PC 84 / PS4 82 / XBX 86 

Post-Launch Reviews - 2022 
Steam: Very Positive (89% from 39k)
GOG: 4.4/5 Stars (92% rating)

Embracing The Brutality of England‘s Dark Ages

In an interview with IGN, Creative Director Ashraf Ismail defended complaints regarding complexity and adversity:

"We wanted to capture the raw, brutal feel of England‘s Dark Ages. Resources are scarce, winters harsh and battles erupting at every hillfort. To communicate that constant precariousness players need to feel vulnerable even as their legend spreads. Walking gods demolishing hundred man raids with ease betrays the era‘s danger."

Ismail would further highlight a desire to embrace modern RPG mechanics and customization options to depict Eivor‘s progression from humble raider to legendary conqueror.

Other industry figures commend Ubisoft‘s willingness to take risks and push boundaries after complaints their open world formula had grown stale in recent years:

"Ubisoft receives a lot of flak for repetition but I admire their effort to pivot hard into RPG turf while trying new things, even if they overcorrect at times." – Game Developer at ESA Member Company

Recommended Builds To Ease the Burden

If default difficulty still proves overly punishing, here are a few popular builds leverage to ease the pain:

  • Raven Clan Hunter – Longbow + Light Armor hit and run tactics
  • Mistreated Axe Berserker – Massive damage spikes fueling frenzy
  • Bjorn Ironside Tank – Sword and board leaning on stuns/health

Key skills that significantly reduce challenge include Advanced Assassination enabling one-shot stealth kills even on higher level enemies. Prioritizing arrow skills helps whittle down foes before they reach deadly melee range.城市

While Ubisoft likely pushes the envelope too far at times, many players praise the team‘s willingness to take bold risks and explore new territory. Love it or hate it, Valhalla‘s amplified adversity reminds us that prowling the shadows as an assassin lurking amongst England‘s wartorn landscape should not be easy. The path of the raven challenges the unprepared. Gear up and brace yourself for an epic, but potentially frustrating journey!

Let me know your thoughts on Valhalla‘s difficulty spike in the comments below! Do you enjoy the added challenge or feel frustrated? Which builds and strategies have best served you in overcoming the amplified adversity?

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