Is Ace Combat 7 Realistic? Short Answer – It‘s an Unrealistic Arcade Combat Flight Experience

No, Ace Combat 7 is not at all a realistic flight combat simulator. With its blend of real jet models and fictional setting, it‘s best considered an "arcade simulator" – delivering dramatic aerial battles without demanding true piloting skill.

But it does integrate some realistic elements into the experience. So let‘s break down exactly how much realism you can expect in the planes, environments, story, and overall gameplay:

Planes and Flying Physics – Simplified, Not Simulated

The 40+ fighter jets you pilot in Ace Combat 7 – like the F-22A Raptor, Su-30M2 Flanker-F2 and original X-02S Strike Wyvern – are clearly modeled after their real-world counterparts. Experienced pilots have praised the accurately depicted cockpits, instrument panels and controls.

However, the flight dynamics themselves are dramatically simplified. In reality, controlling a jet at twice the speed of sound takes immense skill and precision. Maneuvers are difficult and have consequences. But Ace Combat allows casual gamers to effortlessly pull off barrel rolls, loops and other aerobatics.

The extremes of g-force and air resistance you‘d face at Mach 2 are also absent – enabling wildly exaggerated stunts. Your planes can even briefly "hang" motionless in midair to line up shots.

So real pilots would find Ace Combat‘s physics completely unrealistic. But these concessions make mastering the planes far more accessible and gratifying for players.

Max Speed - F-22A Raptor:

* Ace Combat 7: Over 2,500 km/h 
* Real World: 2,410 km/h

The missile armaments are also exaggerated, with jets hauling up to 80 missiles into battle. And the special weapons add a further sci-fi twist, with options like:

  • Energy Shielding
  • Directed-Energy Beam Guns
  • Miniature UAV Attack Drones

So ultimately, Ace Combat is less focused on simulating true aerial engineering than enabling badass air combat theatrics.

Environments – Vaguely Earth-Like, But Fictional Locale

Unlike hardcore flight simulators that render real-world locations precisely, Ace Combat 7 takes place on "Strangereal" – the alternate version of Earth established in previous franchise titles. So the terrain and architecture feel vaguely reminiscent of places on Earth, but lack accurate geographic detail.

The skyscapes and cloud backdrops do emulate real aerial environments. But effects like turbulent wind and weather mostly only come into play for cinematic flair in cutscenes.

So immersive realism takes a backseat to crafting visually epic combat zones. Locales like gleaming metropolitan cities, asteroid belt installations and aircraft carriers patrolling azure seas feel more fantastical than faithfully lifelike.

Story – Fictional Nations and Futuristic Warfare

Ace Combat games distinguish themselves from flight simulators through their elaborate science fiction narratives. Ace Combat 7 continues this tradition with a complex, melodramatic plot about the Second Usean Continental War between fictional superpowers.

So if you‘re seeking accuracy and realism, you won‘t find it in the narrative. The story employs factual air combat terms and concepts, but takes extreme creative license in its vision of alternate 2019 geopolitics.

However, Ace Combat fans generally praise the plots for being creatively enthralling despite their implausibility. Suspending your disbelief to engage with this meticulously constructed Strangereal world is part of the entertainment.

Gameplay – All About Arcade Dogfighting Thrills

When you add up the fanciful physics, environments and narratives, Ace Combat 7 clearly favors a dramatically sensationalized combat flight experience over textbook real-world accuracy.

Critics universally classify the series as an "arcade flight game" for good reason. The action is fast, frenetic and decidedly unrealistic – with battles quickly escalating into high-intensity bombing runs and dogfights.

Expect to single-handedly annihilate entire squadrons, decimate armies, sink naval fleets and change the tide of war. This power fantasy just wouldn‘t be possible if Ace Combat obeyed real-world limits.

The HUD, controls and equipment simplifications also cater towards accessible fun over technical discipline. Managing fuel reserves, monitoring altitude and carefully calibrating instruments isn‘t part of the gameplay like in true simulations.

Instead Ace Combat removes those complications so you can purely focus on navigating blistering sorties and racking up high scores. It‘s the difference between an airborne shooting gallery versus mastering the meticulous procedures of aviation.

So ultimately realism is never the priority. Ace Combat promises console gamers the gripping thrill and speed of soaring fighter jets in a way that‘s engaging yet manageable – not accurately simulated.

How Realistic Flight Combat Sims Compare

For those seeking authentic piloting challenges, platforms like Microsoft Flight Simulator, DCS and IL-2 Sturmovik are considered the gold standards of realistic modelling. They capture the true intensity and skill of operating actual jets, at the expense of accessibility.

Here‘s how Ace Combat differs from those hardcore combat-focused sims:

Realism Factor - Ace Combat 7 vs Combat Flight Sims

Criteria            | Ace Combat 7 | DCS World 
Flight Physics      | Simple       | Complex simulations
Control Difficulty  | Very Easy    | Demanding 
Failure Punishment  | Low          | High stakes   
Combat Scale        | Grand       | Depends on scenario
Objective           | Arcade fun   | Authentic discipline
Learning Curve      | < 1 hour     | 10+ hours

So Ace Combat expressly avoids excessive technical rigor in order to provide an appealing casual experience. Combat flight veterans may crave more depth, but most gamers seem to appreciate Ace Combat‘s cinematic intensity over hardcore realism.

Overall critical reception and 3 million sales show that the developers have finely tuned that balance.

The Verdict – Embrace the Thrilling Fantasy

Ace Combat 7 clearly never intends to perfectly emulate the real world. So constantly judging it on "accuracy" kind of misses the point.

With its own visually stunning universe, gorgeously rendered jets and exceptionally crafted campaigns, the joy comes from fully immersing yourself in its distinctive brand of technical yet imaginative military fiction.

Viewed as a highly-polished combat flight escapade letting players vicariously experience soaring feats of heroism, Ace Combat undoubtedly succeeds on its own spectacular terms.

So while no one would mistake it for a pilot training simulator, it accomplishes the exhilarating sensation of conquering the skies better than most games that chase realism. This triumphant thrill more than compensates for any technical credibility gaps.

Overall Ace Combat 7 is a supremely entertaining aerial extravaganza that stretches credulity – but never breaks it. Come ready to lose yourself in its visually expansive battles rather than scrutinize aeronautical minutiae. Detach expectations of factual precision, and soar into Strangereal unfettered.

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