Is Aela the Huntress a Good Wife for You in Skyrim?

As a passionate Skyrim player with over 700 hours across multiple playthroughs, Aela the Huntress stands out as one of my personal favorite wives I‘ve traveled with. Her archery and combat prowess combined with her adventurous spirit as a Nord werewolf make Aela an ideal spouse for warrior and fighter builds.

But is Aela right for your Dragonborn? This comprehensive spouse guide will analyze if Aela makes a good wife for different playstyles.

Aela‘s Backstory and Skills

As one of the five senior members of the Companions in Whiterun, Aela is an esteemed Nord warrior and expert archer. Like the other high-ranking Companions that make up the secretive Circle inner faction, Aela is afflicted with Lycanthropy and becomes a deadly werewolf in beast form.

Below is a breakdown of Aela‘s key skills and capabilities:

Combat Skills

  • Archery: Starts at level 50, maxes at 97
  • Light Armor: Starts at 50, maxes at 89
  • Sneak: Starts at 50, maxes at 97
  • One-Handed: Reaches high levels

Other Abilities

  • Lycanthropy with strong beast form
  • Advanced follower with ranged attacks
  • Up to Expert Archery training

So while Aela favors the bow as her weapon of choice, she also offers solid close-quarters fighting skills with one-handed weapons in heavy combat. And her talents help her rise to the elite ranks of the Companions guild.

Now let‘s see how she compares to alternatives…

How Aela Compares to Other Skyrim Wives

I‘ve compiled data below contrasting Aela with two other wives to showcase differences:

Key Wife Comparison Stats

Combat SkillHighVery HighLow
Magic SkillNoneNoneLow
Merchant SkillNoneNoneVery High
Follower CapabilityHighMediumNone
Trainer SkillArcheryNoneNone

So while Mjoll has Aela beaten in pure combat ability, she does not offer training benefits or ranged combat options. And a shrewd merchant-focused wife like Ysolda boasts economic advantages but can‘t defend herself.

Now let‘s explore Aela‘s pros and cons for different playstyles…

Aela the Wife for Warrior Builds

For warrior, fighter, barbarian and other melee-focused Dragonborns, Aela is likely the best wife option in Skyrim.

As the table above shows, her combat skills surpass all rivals outside of Mjoll. And unlike the stalwart protector always roaming Riften, Aela also brings unique advantages:

  • Ranged Support – Mjoll lacks any ranged attacks, limiting her versatility. But with her excellent archery abilities Aela can pepper foes while you charge into the fray.

  • Beast Form Werewolf – Aela unlocks an entire second health bar and devastating claw attacks in bestial werewolf form. Transforming brings new tactical options.

  • Free Archery Training – What spouse will let you practice archery on them up to level 75 for free? Only marryable followers offer free training and Aela‘s mastery of the bow outclasses all other options.

So while Mjoll hits a touch harder in a sword fight, Aela is the easy choice for weapon-focused heroes in my opinion. Especially if you favor axes, maces and warhammers over vanilla sword-and-board styles.

What About Thieves and Stealthy Archers?

Aela‘s strong Sneak skill and ranged attacks also make her a great companion for stealthy builds focused on bow damage and staying hidden. Other thief-friendly advantages include:

  • Light Armor Mastery – While her Heavy Armor skill stays mediocre, Aela‘s Light Armor talents help her stay quiet and match well with stealth play.

  • Werewolf Speed Boost – The sprint boost in werewolf form aids sneaking and closing distance quickly during detected moments.

  • Low Moral Standards – Ever been annoyed when followers object to pickpocketing, stealing and shady assassinations? Aela doesn‘t mind bending civil codes with her Hero of Skyrim status.

So while big hitter spouses like Mjoll frown on sticky fingers, Aela brings an "eye for an eye" mentality from her wilderness upbringing that accommodates thief-minded tactics.

The Case Against Aela as a Wife

Now I‘ve clearly explained why weapon-focused and stealth-focused Dragonborns should choose Aela the Huntress as their ideal Skyrim spouse. But Aela does have some drawbacks that rule her out for other playstyles:

Key Drawbacks

  • No Magic Users – With no spell-casting abilities, Aela does not complement mages and magic builds well. Options like Marcurio the sellsword are better here.

  • No Cooking or Economy – Devoted wives like Ysolda earn gold running shops and cook food to support you. Domestic skills are not Aela‘s forte.

  • Aggressive AI Quirks – Between charging foes and howling in werewolf form, followers note some AI pathing issues with Aela.

  • Constant Lycanthropy – If you object to becoming a werewolf or dislike form management, Aela introduces headaches here even post-Companions questline.

Now no wife is perfect on all fronts. But the lack of domestic skills and magic user synergies make Aela a poor match for mages, conjurers and pacifist builds in my experience. Stick to melee mayhem and she excels.

Most Players Agree on Aela‘s Quality

Finally, let‘s examine popular opinion on Aela from wider Skyrim discussions. In a poll on GameFAQs, Aela scored as the 3rd most popular wife among players with 9% of votes:

  1. Mjoll (19%)
  2. Aela (9%)
  3. Ysolda (8%)
  4. Camilla Valerius (7%)

And Reddit communities largely mirror this ranking based on an informal scroll through "who did you marry" threads.

So while Mjoll takes the crown, Aela clearly stands out as a top tier and widely enjoyed Skyrim wife. And her support for combat roles cannot be overstated in my experience after 100+ hours adventuring together across playthroughs!

The Verdict: Ideal for Warriors, Great for Archers

Based on all factors analyzed above, the verdict is clear:

  • Aela the Huntress is the best wife for warrior and melee-focused Dragonborns. Her ranged combat support, archery training, werewolf form and thirst for adventure make Aela the ultimate partner to clear dungeons and slay beasts with.

  • Stealth archers also pair exceptionally well with Aela. For dagger assassins and long-range bow snipers, Aela‘s Sneak skills, Light Armor talents and moral flexibility accommodate thief-oriented styles with the right skills to avoid detection.

So while spell-casters and gold-focused merchants may prefer different Skyrim spouses, Aela the Huntress stands tall as an elite choice for fighters and rogues. Hopefully this complete guide helps showcase why so many of us have happily howled under the moon with Aela by our side!

Do you agree or disagree on Aela‘s quality as a Skyrim wife based on your own experience? Let me know in the comments!

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