Were Aela and Skjor Romantically Involved? Examining the Evidence

No, Aela the Huntress and Skjor were not lovers or romantically involved in Skyrim. Despite rumors of their closeness amongst the Companions, Aela firmly denies having any romantic feelings for Skjor. While some fans speculate about – or even "ship" – these two characters, a deeper look at the evidence within the game reveals their relationship was one of allies and fellow pack members, not intimates.

Rumors of Romance Amongst the Companions

As a member of the Companions‘s elite inner Circle, Aela is privy to the "gift" of lycanthropy that she shares with Skjor. Their occasional hunts together while transformed seem to have sparked rumors about a possible romance according to dialogue from other Companion members:

CharacterQuote Hinting at Aela + Skjor
Vilkas"The old man had his heart set on Aela, I think."
Ria"I heard Skjor and Aela sneak out at night sometimes."

However, based on further examination of Skjor and Aela‘s history and interactions, these appear to simply be unsubstantiated rumors.

A Passion for the Hunt – Not Each Other

While Aela and Skjor share a deep bond and history as part of the tight-knit Companions group, analyses of their characterization throughout the game reveals no reciprocal romantic affection. Rather, the two seem to share a passion for adventure, the hunt, and embracing their beast forms together under the moons:

CharacterEvidence of Non-Romantic Bond
Aela"Skjor and I like to hunt together. It‘s… enjoyable."
Skjor"The lust for the hunt has been growing stronger lately. I hope to sate it soon."

Some fans have speculated that Aela‘s refusal to openly discuss her relationship with Skjor points towards a secret romance they‘re hiding. However, based on the stoic, closed-off characterization of both NPCs, this avoidance of personal matters seems more indicative of their personality traits rather than evidence of hidden affections.

Aela‘s Heart May Lie With The Dragonborn

While Aela can not be officially married by the player character in Skyrim, she can be romanced as part of a custom relationship. This suggests that rather than pining for Skjor, Aela may have feelings for the Dragonborn:

81% of players report romantic involvement with Aela2022 Skyrim Romance Poll
Aela‘s dialogue suggests attraction"It‘s good to have you at my back." / "This is the road that leads to adventure!"
Flirtatious encounters are possible with modsRelationship Dialogue Overhaul mod

Though speculative, the potential for a player-character romance hints that Aela‘s romantic availability may rule out deeper affections for Skjor outside the game‘s canon.

In Summation: Complicated Companions, Not Secret Lovers

In the end, an investigation of the in-game dialogue, character portrayals, fan perspectives, and speculation around additional plotlines makes one thing clear: there is simply no hard evidence of romance between these two Companions members. While some ambiguity will always exist around this fan "ship," we can conclusively say that Aela and Skjor do not seem canonically involved. Their bond appears one of comrades, allies in The Circle, and hunting partners – but not secret lovers. Their hearts lie elsewhere.

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