By the Gods! Africa is WAAAY Bigger Than You Ever Imagined

As a hardcore gamer who adores open world adventures, I‘m constantly amazed by the incredibly diverse lands brought to life in games. I‘ll explore lush fantasy realms in Skyrim, lose myself in the retro neon cityscapes of GTA Vice City, and loot tombs in the deserts of Assassin‘s Creed Origins‘ ancient Egypt.

But lately Africa has me more awestruck than any game world ever could…

Because real-life Africa makes even the largest fantasy worlds look tiny!

Seriously, it‘s mind-blowing how HUGE Africa is. Let‘s compare…

Africa is 1.8 Times Bigger Than the Entire Game World of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim!

Bethesda‘s iconic RPG game world is estimated to be about 37 square km. Impressive, right?

Now get this…Africa is a whopping 30,370,000 square km!

That‘s 1.8 times larger than Skyrim. Or over 810,000 Skyrim game worlds could fit inside Africa!

My brain can hardly comprehend that. Just imagine if Bethesda made an open world Elder Scrolls game the size of the entire continent. It would be the most epically expansive fantasy world ever designed!

And when you add up all of Africa‘s geographical diversity – from epic mountain ranges, to tropical jungles and forests, to the mind-blowing Sahara Desert – no game studio could even come close to replicating it all.

The African Continent Has More Natural Resources Than Vibranium in Wakanda!

In the blockbuster Black Panther film, the high-tech African nation of Wakanda becomes hyper-advanced thanks to its supply of the valuable fictional metal Vibranium.

Well real-life Africa has its own invaluable treasures that make Vibranium seem common as iron!

I‘m talking mind-blowing quantities of…

  • Gold – Africa holds 30% of the planet‘s gold reserves (worth $1.5 QUADRILLION). That‘s enough gold to forge amulets and weapons for over 500 billion RPG characters!

  • Cobalt – Africa provides over 70% of the world‘s cobalt production every year. A key metal used in lithium batteries that power our gaming laptops, phones and wireless controllers!

  • Platinum – About 96% of the world‘s platinum comes from Africa‘s mines each year. A rare metal that‘s 30 times more valuable than gold, used to build hard drives and processors for gaming PCs and consoles!

No wonder Africa is nicknamed the "Mother Continent." Its valuable natural resources help fuel both real world economies AND our entire gaming hardware industry!

So let‘s give props to Africa for making our open world adventures possible!

Africa Has Over Double the Land Area of RDR2‘s Massive Map!

Few gaming worlds feel more gorgeously expansive than the Wild West frontier brought to life in Red Dead Redemption 2. That highly-detailed map spans a HUGE 29 square miles (75 sq km) for players to get lost in.

Yet even RDR2‘s giant open world is dwarfed dramatically by Africa…

Because at over 30 MILLION square km in land area, you could fit 400,000 Red Dead Redemption 2 maps inside of Africa!

So real-life Africa has over double the square mileage. Which is almost unbelievable to imagine.

Just think what a new Red Dead or Grand Theft Auto game could do with a beautifully rendered African wilderness…spanning plains, deserts, jungles and savannas left to right.

With this gigantic landmass and environments unmatched in biodiversity, Africa is every open world gamer‘s dream come true!👏

Let‘s Explore a Game Developer Partnership with Africa!

Real-life Africa shatters our assumptions and awakens newfound awe about just how insanely BIG this mother continent truly is.

And when you combine its treasure trove of invaluable natural resources – that help power gaming worlds both real and fictional – this place clearly deserves gaming‘s attention.

So as gamers and game developers, let‘s partner more with African nations to faithfully translate more of its beauty and diversity into our virtual worlds!

From the splendid gold resources fueling massive RPG adventures, to the sweeping grassland savannas and deserts perfect for vast open world experiences…

Africa‘s staggering size and riches remain massively untapped for breathtaking new gaming concepts. Just imagine what could still be uncovered!

So if you feel as awestruck as me by the mother continent‘s impressive scale and wealth, let your favorite game studios know!

The brilliant developers behind Elder Scrolls, GTA, Assassin‘s Creed and more need to unleash Africa‘s epic grandeur into daring new masterpieces for us to get lost in.

Stay tuned fellow gamers…because I see a bright future unfolding where we get to explore ALL of Africa‘s magnificence through more ambitiously boundary-pushing games!

This continent-spanning opportunity still awaits 😃

What African environments or cultures do you want brought to life through future games? Let me know in the comments!

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