Is ak74u or MP5 better in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War?

The debate around whether the AK74u or MP5 is the superior SMG has raged since the launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Both weapons have lethal potential in capable hands. Let‘s break down their key differences and analyze which situations suit each weapon best.

Devastating Damage Profile of the AK74u

There is no denying the AK74u packs a seriously hard punch up close. Within 15 meters it delivers lethal damage, capable of killing in just 4 shots out to 14 meters.

Damage Per Magazine

WeaponShots to KillTotal Shots Per Magazine

The damage per magazine advantage is clear here – those extra shots to kill add up over multiple engagements, giving the AK74u more killing potential per life.

This raw stopping power gives the AK74u a niche at holding down fixed positions – think squad spawn points or Overkill loadouts. Enemies pushing into close ranges can be quickly overwhelmed.

As top player Scump argues: "The AK74u absolutely melts if someone tries jumping in your face off spawn – it‘s like easy mode for squad spawns."

The MP5‘s Lightning Reflexes

However, across other handling characteristics it is the venerable MP5 that claims the edge:

Mobility Comparison

WeaponMovement SpeedADS TimeSprint Out Time

The MP5 enjoys snappier reactions in terms of aiming down sights and firing out of a sprint. This hyper-responsiveness suits an aggressive SMG style focused on flicking between targets and pushing contested spaces.

Recoil control also favors the MP5, enabling reliable tracking of spray patterns into sustained fire. The AK74u demands more manual compensation which can be punishing in hectic engagements.

As veteran ZooMaa emphasizes: "The MP5 feels so crisp up close. You can just fly and gun kids because of how fast it handles."

Effective Ranges – When to Wield Each Weapon

Due to its precision and lower recoil, the MP5 can remain deadly accurate even at distances stretching to 30 meters in the hands of a sharp shooter able to control the spray pattern.

Conversely, the ideal range bracket for the AK74u tops out around 17 meters. Past this, the extra shots to kill and harsher recoil kick reduce its effectiveness considerably.

Analyzing time-to-kill charts shows that while the AK74u kills fastest up to around 15m, the MP5 overtakes it from this point onwards in terms of TTK. This highlights ideal engagement brackets for each weapon:

Ideal Range Brackets

WeaponLethal Range
AK74uUp to ~17 meters
MP5Up to ~30 meters

So while the AK74u is punishing up close, the MP5 offers more flexibility to thrive across common combat distances.

Loadout Considerations for Each SMG

Given their particular specialty ranges and handling attributes, the AK74u and MP5 lend themselves to tailoring class setups toward certain multiplayer roles:


Ideal for anchor positions in objective modes or squad spawns in Domination. The damage can quickly shutdown enemies blindsiding your location while 5.45 caliber ammo limits mobility reduction.

Compatible long-range partners include the Krig 6 or QBZ-83 for versatile Overkill capability.


Thrives up close on the offensive – perfect for running and gunning Hardpoint hills or getting aggressive as a mobile Slayer. Syncs well with a long-range AR that covers the MP5‘s dropoff such as the ever-popular XM4.

Overall the weapons enable different strategies depending on the player‘s role preferences and style of SMG play. Neither can claim being outright superior in all scenarios – they remain equally popular choices filling separate niches in the Cold War meta.

The AK74u provides heavy close-quarters utility while the MP5 enables freedom of movement lethality. Let us know your weapon of choice @CODeSports!

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