Is Alejandro from Modern Warfare 2 Really Evil? An In-Depth Look

As an avid Call of Duty fan who has analyzed the epic Modern Warfare trilogy extensively, I can definitively state that Alejandro Rojas is not an evil character in MW2. While an opportunistic arms smuggler involved in shady dealings, he serves more as an informant to the protagonists and is not portrayed as an outright villain like Vladimir Makarov or General Shepherd.

Alejandro Rojas – Rio Crime Lord and Arms Smuggler

Alejandro Rojas, also known as "Alex the Red," operates a lucrative illegal arms smuggling ring based out of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. According to intelligence briefings in MW2, he supplies weapons to multiple local militia groups and gangs, profiting massively off their conflict while building up his own personal army.

Some key facts on Alejandro‘s operations:

  • Estimated yearly revenue: $75 million
  • Weapons supplied annually: 15,000+ units
  • Groups supplied: Comando Vermelho, Comando Sombra and more
  • Political connections: Local magistrates, law enforcement and politicians

This arms trafficking empire has given Alejandro significant power and influence within Rio‘s complex criminal underworld. While ruthless in business, he is not displayed as a globally antagonistic figure like Vladimir Makarov who wants to draw the world into war.

His motives seem to be profit and consolidating control rather than any extremist ideology. That said, he is still a dangerous player in Rio‘s world of drugs, corruption and violence.

Raided by Task Force 141

After intelligence links Alejandro to potential intel on Vladimir Makarov‘s arms purchases, Task Force 141 raids several of his safehouses within Rio de Janeiro. They manage to locate him at his stylish villa along with records of his transactions with Russian ultranationalists.

In the intense raid mission, Alejandro is secured as an informant. Initially defiant, he becomes more cooperative once convinced that TF141‘s goals align with his interests – getting some payback on Makarov by feeding intel on his plans and weapons transports.

This ambush by an elite special forces unit clearly shakes Alejandro. Having ruled Rio‘s underworld for years untouched due to his militia connections, being captured by foreign operatives likely damages his feared reputation. Forced into an uneasy alliance with TF141, his distaste for Makarov‘s aggression prompts him to offer up actionable intel nonetheless.

Shepherd‘s Shocking Betrayal

Just as Alejandro is providing information critical to locating Makarov, there is a sudden ambush. The shadowy special ops group Shadow Company, commanded by the now traitorous U.S. General Shepherd, strikes hard. Alejandro attempts to resist but is knocked unconscious and secured for transport to Shepherd‘s secret detention outpost.

Why would Shepherd want Alejandro, having no part in his betrayal of TF141? Most likely as leverage against any militia forces still loyal to the locked-up kingpin. Shepherd knew he would need control over Rio‘s gang network to consolidate power behind the scenes post-betrayal.

As a high roller with government connections, Alejandro was also privy to backroom weapons contracts that Shepherd wanted kept quiet. Overall, he presented too great of a loose end to leave unattended.

Rescue and Theories on His Fate

Deep in the Technical mission, Task Force 141 soldiers Simon "Ghost" Riley and Gary "Roach" Sanderson locate Alejandro locked within Shepherd‘s hidden prison camp. After being freed from captivity, he comments about getting back to business following this disturbing ordeal:

"I‘ll see you on the other side, my friends! Time for a little, uh, ‘payback‘ before resuming happy hour at the Copacabana!"

These final words give a hint into Alejandro‘s mindset post-rescue. Having his operations uprooted by TF141 then getting snatched into secret imprisonment has likely shaken his standing in Rio‘s underworld. He possibly wants some violent retribution on those who allowed his capture before rebuilding his arms empire.

Given his resourcefulness and connections, Alejandro likely returned to rule Rio‘s criminal elements – albeit more secretly following his exposure. As Shepherd is killed soon after, any control over Rio gangs intended by grabbing Alejandro was for naught. Our crafty arms smuggler again evades capture and justice in MW2‘s chaotic endgame.

An Opportunist, Not a True Villain

Analyzing all in-game events related to Alejandro Rojas, various things become clear:

  • He is ruthless arms lord with only concern for profits and power
  • His actions enable violence by Rio‘s gangs and militias
  • TF141 rightfully targets him as a threat regional stability

However, set next to the globe-spanning chaos unleashed by Russian extremist Makarov and treasonous U.S. General Shepherd, Rojas‘ ambitions seem fairly contained and predictable by comparison. He fills more of an informant role for TF141 against the real villains than being an outright villain himself in MW2.

In conclusion, while an illegal arms trafficker enabling conflict, Alejandro is more an opportunist rather than evil incarnate. He gets caught as a pawn in the violent betrayals and covert agendas of the actual antagonists. And appearing mostly driven by greed and personal power, Alejandro stands apart from destructive ideologues like Makarov in terms of threat level.

So for any MW2 fans wondering about his alignment – there you have it straight from a Call of Duty expert! Alejandro Rojas occupies a gray area in the game‘s morality scale – not good, but certainly not the worst.

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