Is Alhaitham Actually Friends with Zhongli?

The current answer is – we simply don‘t know. While a leaker has hinted the two characters know each other, no specifics on an actual friendship have been provided. As of Version 3.4, their relationship remains ambiguous.

Examining Zhongli‘s Complex Backstory and Relationships

As the Geo Archon Morax, Zhongli has a long and storied history in Teyvat – including at least one notably close personal relationship.

Zhongli‘s Past Lover – Guizhong

Fans widely speculate that Zhongli and historical figure Guizhong were romantically involved based on lore evidence:

  • They ruled adjacent nations in early Teyvat
  • Legends detail a deep, exceptionally positive bond
  • Zhongli still mourns her loss millennia later

Many believe Guizhong to have been Zhongli‘s lover – or potentially even his wife. However, Guizhong perished defending her people from invading gods, dying in Zhongli‘s arms. Her loss appears to have emotionally impacted him since.

Zhongli‘s Current Relationship Status

No further romantic partnerships have been confirmed in present day. While fans ship him with existing characters, like Raiden Shogun or Hu Tao, no lore supports he has taken another lover following Guizhong‘s passing.

In his mortal form as Zhongli, he instead seems to maintain casual friendships and acquaintances – including with the Traveler, Xiao, locals in Liyue Harbor and his adeptus comrades. But no profound personal connections are explicitly detailed.

Zhongli‘s Known RelationshipsDepth of BondStatus
GuizhongLife partner (?)Deceased
Liyue denizensGenerous benefactorn/a
AdeptiFormer colleaguesVariable

Alhaitham‘s Arrival in Sumeru City Stirs Curiosity

As a newly introduced character in v3.4, Alhaitham remains shrouded in mystery. But a few key details on his background have been revealed:

Ascendent Scholar Origins

Hailing from Sumeru City, Alhaitham is described as an elite student who graduated top of his class from the region‘s prestigious Akademiya. His sharp intellect and cool demeanor earned high regard from academics and leadership alike.

Surprise Appointment to High Office

In his Story Quest, Alhaitham finds himself rapidly promoted to Acting Grand Sage – essentially chief administrator over Akademiya affairs. This sudden appointment sparks concern though, as aspects of his personality appear potentially unsuited to the role.

Enigmatic Personality

While intelligent and multi-talented, Alhaitham displays subtle eccentricities in his behavior that others find perplexing. He tends to act very self-assured, if not outright arrogant at times.

Yet sotto voce asides reveal he likely feigns confidence, while privately fighting intense feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy when alone. This contrast makes him a complex, if obscure character.

With so little backstory provided thus far though, the true nature of any bond or interactions between him and Zhongli remains purely speculative.

Curiouser Connections Yet to Be Confirmed

A few noteworthy links could tentatively tie Alhaitham and Zhongli together as comrades, but require substantiation:

Academic Pedigrees – Both are depicted as highly scholarly individuals with a pursuit of knowledge in their backgrounds. As ex-students of Sumeran institutions, might their academic careers have overlapped?

Administrative Duties – Now overseeing Akademiya operations, could Alhaitham‘s new governmental role allow insight into Liyue and Zhongli‘s administration of its people?

Lifespan Discrepancies – Zhongli has lived for several millennia. Alhaitham – as a mortal – likely has not. This vast difference in age and life experience may pose an obstacle to deeper camaraderie.

Without more information directly from miHoYo though, analyzing these potential areas of commonality remains grounded more in speculation than fact.

An Up-in-the-Air Association – For Now

While a credible leaker has indicated Zhongli and Alhaitham know of each other at minimum, the exact nature of their relationship still awaits story reveals.

They could prove staunch allies with scholarly interests binding them together. Or Zhongli may act as a longstanding mentor figure to an ambitious, upstart pupil in Alhaitham. Their dynamic could instead possibly lean adversarial even.

But until more concrete lore on Alhaitham emerges, fans continue left wondering – are they truly friends or friendly rivals behind the scenes? Or do they move in similar social circles while avoiding each other out of preference?

Hopefully Version 3.5 and beyond soon draw back the curtain on how exactly this Geo Archon and budding young prodigy factor into one another‘s intertwining fates.

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