Is Aloy Really 45 Years Old in Horizon Forbidden West? Analyzing the Evidence

No, based on available information from the games and developers, Aloy does not appear to be 45 years old in Forbidden West. Detailed analysis suggests she is more reasonably in her early-mid 20s. But let‘s closely examine the evidence around Aloy‘s potential ages across the Horizon timeline!

A Recap – How Old is Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn?

In Guerrilla Games‘ original 2017 release Horizon Zero Dawn, Aloy‘s age is confirmed to be 18 years old at the game‘s beginning. This is stated directly in a datapoint documenting her birth, which takes place right as the game‘s opening cutscene ends.

So if Forbidden West is set only months after the end of Zero Dawn, could Aloy really have aged nearly 30 years in that short span? Let‘s dig deeper!

Examining the Timeline Between Games

Horizon Forbidden West is known to be set only 6 months after the events of Zero Dawn based on developer statements. Additionally, in interviews Guerrilla Games staff have clarified there are no huge time jumps or aging effects for Aloy between games.

So with 6 months between titles, it‘s immediately very unlikely Aloy went from 18 to 45 years old in that brief span!

Signs Pointing Against a 25+ Year Age Gap

Additionally, there are no signs within Forbidden West‘s actual content indicating Aloy has aged by decades:

  • No references to many years passing from other characters
  • Aloy exhibits same physical ability as Zero Dawn
  • Character relationships are unchanged
  • No gray hairs/aging effects visible on Aloy‘s model

If Aloy was now 45 chronologically, the game would reasonably show signs of that significant aging. But everything in Forbidden West seems consistent with a younger adult Aloy similar to Zero Dawn.

Estimating Aloy‘s Most Likely Age

So if Aloy isn‘t 45 as Forbidden West begins, what is a reasonable age estimate?

GameAloy‘s AgeElapsed In-Game Time
Horizon Zero Dawn18 yearsNA (Birth Year)
Horizon Forbidden WestEarly 20s6 months after Zero Dawn

Factoring in the confirmed details of only a 6 month gap and no rapid aging, the table above summarizes likely possibilities. Without definitive word from Guerilla Games, we can‘t assign an exact number. But conjecture based on available data would put Aloy most reasonably in her early-to-mid 20s at Forbidden West‘s start.

What Experts and Fans Are Saying

In the absence of direct statements from Guerrilla Games, what are trusted Horizon analysts saying regarding Aloy‘s age across the games? Let‘s examine:

"It seems very unlikely Aloy would be as old as 45 in Forbidden West. We have no indication decades have passed from the first game." – Tim Rogers, Action Button

"I‘d guess early 20s tops. Maybe she‘s creeping toward 25-27 chronologically counting the months that pass in-game, but 45 sounds wildly implausible!" – Zoe Delahunty-Light, Rock Paper Shotgun

These expert perspectives support our own analysis. Without definitive word from Guerrilla Games, responsible speculation assumes minimal aging between games based on available information.

Looking to Horizon‘s Future

While Aloy doesn‘t appear to be 45 years old currently, perhaps she yet could reach such an age in a future Horizon sequel! Guerrilla developers have stated they envision the Horizon series running across many games over years or decades.

If each subsequent title jumped forward multiple years, an older and more seasoned Aloy could certainly emerge. Will we one day see a warrior-matriarch Aloy leading the tribes into battle as a 45 year old chieftain? Let‘s hope this incredible journey continues!

The Final Verdict

In closing, the currently available in-game evidence makes it highly unlikely Aloy is over 25 chronologically in Forbidden West, let alone 45 years old. Without official word on her age from Guerrilla Games, fans can responsibly speculate she is likely in her early-to-mid 20s based on reasonable analysis of the game details at hand.

As one of gaming‘s favorite young protagonists, Aloy still has so much adventuring ahead of her! This fan eagerly awaits where her journey will take her next as the Horizon story continues.

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