Let‘s Settle This Once And For All – Is Ammo Infinite in The Ascent?

The short answer is yes – your basic, starter weapons in The Ascent essentially provide you with infinite regular ammo. You never have to worry about running out or scavenging for primary ammo pickups. The only constraints are reload speeds and firing rates.

However, many of the specialized firearms, explosives, energy weapons, and abilities in your impressive sci-fi arsenal do utilize finite resources. These heavier armaments must be deployed smartly rather than sprayed wantonly.

Below I‘ll fully break down The Ascent‘s complete ammo system so you can master all your incredible firepower as you take on this cyberpunk world. Strap in for this deep dive!

All About The Ascent – A Cyberpunk Masterpiece

For those unfamiliar with this sleeper hit, The Ascent is an isometric action RPG developed by Neon Giant and released in 2021 on Xbox and PC.

You play a lowly worker bee in a dystopian cyber-metropolis run by massive corporations. When your company The Ascent Group unexpectedly collapses, chaos and crime erupt across the city. Struggling to survive, you set out to uncover the truth behind the collapse.

Key features that make this title stand out:

  • Immersive cyberpunk setting and lore
  • Fluid twin-stick shooter mechanics
  • 4 player online and local co-op
  • Satisfying looter gameplay loop
  • Gorgeous ray-tracing visuals

The Ascent has received overwhelmingly positive reviews for its stylish worldbuilding, tight combat, and seemingly endless sci-fi weapons and abilities to customize your character build with.

But how exactly does the ammo system work with all these tools of destruction at your disposal? Let‘s dig in…

Most Weapons Offer Endless Ammo

The majority of firearms you‘ll acquire provide you with unlimited regular ammo. This includes:

  • Your initial sidearm pistol and basic AR
  • SMGs
  • Standard assault, burst, and battle rifles
  • Shotguns
  • LMGs
  • Plus various other primary bullet-firing weapons

You never have to worry about scrounging ammo pickups to keep these guns firing. They offer endless magazines of ammo.

The only limiting factors are reload speeds and firing rates. Upgrades or mods may increase the magazine sizes, reload speeds, RPMs, etc – but never ammo reserves.

So spray and pray to your heart‘s content! Cut loose and lay down sheets of lead without fear or hesitation.

Heavier Weapons Use Other Resources

With that said, some of the more exotic firearms and abilities do rely on finite resources tied to cooldowns, meters, or ammunition stockpiles:

Explosive Weapons

  • Rocket/Grenade Launchers
  • MIRV Grenades
  • Missile Batteries

These explosive armaments all consume various rocket, grenade, or missile ammo from limited reserves. These heavy weapons cannot be spammed relentlessly without ammo pickups.

Energy Weapons

  • Laser Rifles
  • Tesla Coils
  • Plasma Casters

DEWs like these drain from an Energy meter. Firing continuously will rapidly deplete the meter, disabling the weapon until it slowly refills. You must fire in bursts rather than continuous beams.

Upgrades may increase meter size, recharge rate, or drain efficiency. But power is always finite.


  • Tactical Strikes
  • Energy Shields
  • Damage Buffs

Your unlockable offensive and defensive abilities also rely on cooldown timers or the Energy meter. These are crucial tools so use them wisely between ammo refills.

Here‘s a quick reference table summarizing key ammo types:

Ammo TypeWeapons/AbilitiesRenewability
Standard BulletsPistols, ARs, SMGs, etcInfinite
Explosive RoundsLaunchers, MIRVsFinite stocks
EnergyLasers, Teslas, AbilitiesRecharging meter

So while your bullet-spewers offer unlimited ammo, mastering your entire arsenal means wasting no rockets or energy!

Comparing With Other Looter Shooters

The Ascent‘s bullet ammo mechanics differentiate it from some similar titles. In games like Destiny 2, The Division 2, or Outriders, you have to keep collecting primary ammo drops to feed your endless firefights.

The Ascent does away with this constant ammo scavenging in favor of unlimited magazines. Your time is better spent fine-tuning builds than stockpiling rounds. Combined with fun linear levels rather than repetitive grinding, it makes for tighter, flowing gameplay.

The mix of infinite vs finite heavier ammo adds a satisfying risk/reward element. Do you burn a rare grenade to burst down a group of tough enemies? Or do you pepper them for longer with infinite rounds? Finding this balance engages you in each encounter.

Tips For Managing Resources

Here are some pro tips for harnessing The Ascent‘s ammo systems for peak efficiency:

Practice Ammo Discipline

  • Burst fire instead of spraying haphazardly
  • Focus on aiming for critical zones
  • Use abilities and melee at optimal times

Upgrade Efficiency

  • Increase magazine size to reduce reloads
  • Boost crit stats over fire rate
  • Expand Energy meter before reducing drain

Utilize Cover

  • Know when to reposition vs reload
  • Let shields recharge before exposing yourself

Keep Stocks High

  • Use primary fire whenever possible
  • Don‘t waste heavy ammo on minor targets
  • Seek ammo drops after heated engagements

Following this advice will keep you always firing, fighting, and upgrading!

What About The Future – Any Ammo Changes Coming?

The Ascent‘s first DLC pack Cyber Heist added new campaign missions, enemies, and loot in 2022. But the core ammo system remained unchanged.

However, the base game also continues evolving. The developers have hinted at more content updates focused on endgame systems and build diversity coming in 2024.

While pure speculation on my part, it‘s possible gear, mods, or skill tree additions could introduce more nuance around ammo mechanics for certain weapons. Things like:

  • Modify magazines to add elemental damage as ammo depletes
  • Refund charges for every kill with an ability or launcher
  • Increase Energy recharge when landing consecutive critical hits

But I‘d bet the ever-flowing fount of standard bullet ammo stays infinitely refreshing! It‘s a key pillar of the straightforward fun.

We‘ll have to wait and see what new goodies await in future DLC and patches!

Bottom Line – Enjoy Your Limitless Ammo!

At the end of the day, the vast majority of firearms across The Ascent will never run out of bullets for you to shower over Neon Giant‘s masterfully crafted cyberpunk city. Only boosting reload speed stands between you and unlimited firing time!

Now equip your fully loaded double-SMG build and let the lead fly, my friends! See you in the Ascent…

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