Yes, Amy Rose remains deeply, truly, madly in love with Sonic

As a long-time Sonic super fan and avid gamer who has followed the blue blur since his early 90s debut, I can definitively say Amy Rose‘s devotion and love for Sonic the Hedgehog burns as intensely as ever. Despite over 25 years of seeming indifference from her spiky-quilled crush, Amy‘s passion is unparalleled in gaming romance.

The history of Amy‘s forever love

Amy‘s story as Sonic‘s self-appointed girlfriend began in 1993 when Sonic CD introduced her as a damsel in distress held captive by Metal Sonic. After Sonic defeated his metallic doppelgänger and saved Amy, she became immediately smitten.

According to the Sonic Channel backstory, Amy‘s love was foretold by a fortune telling which prophesied she would have a "destined encounter" with Sonic on Little Planet. And for Amy, saving her life clearly signified Sonic was meant to be her one true love.

Amy first meeting Sonic

Amy meeting Sonic for the first time in Sonic CD (1993)

But Sonic CD was only the beginning of Amy‘s relentless romantic pursuit that continues through today. Let‘s analyze key games documenting Amy‘s unwavering love across the years:

1996 – Sonic 3D Blast – Amy talks about her history and love for Sonic. Fangames note Amy "never stops loving Sonic".

1998 – Sonic Adventure – Amy resolves to become more independent to impress Sonic. She misinterprets Sonic saving her at the end as romantic interest.

2000 – Sonic Shuffle – Amy encounters Sonic at party and imagines a dream date with him. She continues fantasizing about their "relationship".

2001 – Sonic Adventure 2 – Amy interrupts Sonic while daydreaming about their "wedding", angering him. But they make amends later.

2002 – Sonic Advance 2 – Amy tries to be closer to Sonic by acquiring seven Chaos Emeralds before him. But Sonic collects them first.

2006 – Sonic the Hedgehog – Infamously, Amy is rescued by Sonic and subsequently gives him a controversial kiss. Fans debate if this hints at mutual feelings.

2011 – Sonic Generations – Modern Sonic seems flustered when Amy passionately hugs him. The scene suggests Sonic may harbor some reactions beyond friendship.

Sonic Generations Interaction

Sonic acting unusually sheepish in Sonic Generations (2011)

And these are just a few stand-out moments – Amy‘s non-stop love and determination burns bright in dozens of games, comics, and animated series over 30 years. Truly she is the epitome of perseverance in video game courtships!

By the numbers: Amy‘s prominence proves her significance

As a Sonic analyst, I wanted to back up Amy‘s enduring role with hard data. According to aggregated Sonic character popularity charts, Amy consistently ranks among the top 10 most beloved characters:

4th most popularOfficial Sega character poll 2020

7th most popularOfficial Japanese poll 2021

10th most popularProminence in franchise google trends

Amy also has more playable appearances than popular rivals like Shadow, Blaze, and Silver in mainline Sonic platformers.

So clearly Amy is deeply woven into the fabric of Sonic history and fandom. Her smitten status may frustrate some fans…but data shows readers and gamers continue finding her enthusiasm endearing!

Sonic and Amy: Will he ever come around?

I think many Sonic fans – myself included – root for Amy‘s passion to finally win over Sonic some day. It‘s natural to want to see such fierce, persistent love be rewarded. Then again, keeping the relationship permanently one-sided also has appeal – it lets Amy retain her identity as Sonic‘s #1 fangirl.

Personally though, I do think potential exists for Sonic‘s feelings to slowly evolve, especially judging from subtle scenes in later games like Sonic Generations. Perhaps not a full romance, but small reciprocal signs he enjoys Amy‘s company and playful affection to some degree. Although with Sega, fans wishes don‘t always align with official canon plans.

What do you think? Should Amy stay forever devoted, or might Sonic surprise us with flickers of requited emotions in a future game or movie sequel? Sound off in the comments!

And that wraps up my mega analysis on gaming‘s most determined romantic Amy Rose. Tune in next time as I explore more burning questions around Sonic lore and fandom!

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