Is Ankha Considered a Rare Villager in ACNH?

No, Ankha is not officially classified as a rare villager type by Nintendo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, she is currently one of the most sought-after and popular villagers in the game, making her extremely difficult for players to obtain.

What Factors Drive Ankha‘s Popularity?

Ankha has developed an immense fanbase and demand due to:

  • Her unique Egyptian theme with sphinxes, pyramids, and ankh jewelry
  • Her snooty personality which ranks #2 in desirability
  • Viral memes like the Ankha Zone animation with over 500 million views

In fact, Ankha placed #4 out of 391 villagers in the 2022 community Villager Tier List vote with a 93% favorability rating. She also consistently ranks among the top 10 most expensive amiibo cards selling for $100+ on average based on historical data.

So while Nintendo does not classify any villagers as rare, Ankha‘s tremendous popularity makes inviting her extremely difficult.

How Rare are Certain Villager Species Overall?

Although all villagers have an equal chance of natural move-in, their spawn rates on mystery islands vary dramatically by species:

SpeciesNumber in GameSpawn % Chance

With over 100 times more cats than octopi, your probability of encountering a specific octopus like Marina is far lower at just a 0.3% chance per mystery island tour. This highlights why octopi are considered the rarest species.

Methods for Obtaining Desired Villagers Like Ankha

Beyond sheer luck, the most reliable methods are:

  • Purchasing their amiibo card – 100% chance
  • Waiting at the campsite for a move-in invite opportunity
    • During my 560+ hours playing, I estimate only a 5-10% chance of spawning a specific popular villager after 1 year of checking daily
  • Visiting mystery islands via Nook Miles Tickets
    • With 32% cat spawn rate → 10.2% snooty personality → 3.3% chance of Ankha = 0.33% per ticket

So while Ankha is highly desired, she‘s not technically a rare villager. But her popularity makes finding her extremely difficult without her amiibo!

Is Ankha Actually an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh?

Fans theorize that Ankha‘s ornate ankh jewelry and artifacts imply she may be the reincarnation of royalty, perhaps even Cleocatra.

Further clues come from her Animal Crossing GameCube home interior referencing pyramids and displaying hieroglyphics translating to "I am Ankha – Princess of the Nile".

Although unconfirmed, Ankha‘s regal design and fascination with Egyptian culture fuel speculation that this snooty cat previously ruled as pharaoh over 2,000 years ago!

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