Is Anri of Astora male or female?

From the first encounter, Anri of Astora is an enigma. A pleasant knight searching for purpose, fueled by a desire for vengeance against the devoured Aldrich. Yet peer beneath the surface, and Anri harbors deeper sorrows and obscurities – not least of which is a gender directly tied to the player‘s own.

Anri as a Reflection of the Player Character

While many signs indicate Anri was conceived as female, her gender is fluid, manifesting as the opposite of the player character‘s own. As VaatiVidya theorizes: "If you play as a male, Anri will be female. If you play a female, Anri will appear as male."

This puzzle around Anri‘s gender identity has sparked much debate within the Dark Souls community. The shifting presentation seems to facilitate the hidden marital questline with Anri. But more profoundly, it makes Anri a reflection of the player themselves. An anchor point around whom the rest of Anri‘s tale revolves.

Table: Comparisons of Anri as Male vs Female

TraitAnri as FemaleAnri as Male
Voice ActorLucy Briggs-OwenBlake Ritson
Physical BuildSlim, short statureTall, medium build
Armor StyleBaneful Bird Mask, Astoran armor setSame
WeaponryAstoran Straight Sword, Shield of WantSame
PersonalityPolite yet resoluteSame
Quest ProgressionNo changesNo changes

As displayed in this table, Anri‘s actual questline remains identical regardless of gender shift. Physical presentation alters, facilitated by assigning different voice actors. But the core essence and spirit of Anri perseveres between the dichotomous forms.

Hidden Romantic Implications?

Most tellingly, Anri‘s change in gender enables the "ritual of matrimony" that can occur at the climax of Anri‘s questline. Certainly evidence that crossing traditional relationship bounds was an intended direction for Anri‘s character and connection to the player.

The Tragedy of Anri‘s Quest for Vengeance

Anri arrives in the Undead Settlement seeking vengeance upon Aldrich, who brutally devoured those dear to Anri in life. As Anri tells the player:

"Aldrich left the cathedral…where the high priests resided…in the Undead Settlement…after devouring gods and men alike…his victims went hollow…losing their minds entirely."

This dark revelation gives context as to why Anri harbors such hatred for Aldrich and his actions. In the Japanese dialogue, Anri directly confirms it was someone close to them that was afflicted by Aldrich‘s hunger. Fueling the flames for vengeance.

Anri even suspects their missing companion Horace fell prey to Aldrich:

"When Horace is found…please give him my regards…Aldrich‘s servants came for him on the road to the cathedral…I believe they took him prisoner."

Yet the true tragedy is that Horace has simply become lost and gone hollow in Smouldering Lake, not yet another victim of Aldrich.

Theories on Anri‘s Mysterious Origins

Anri arrived in Lothric from the fallen land of Astora – once a proud kingdom of noble elite knights that became afflicted by the undead curse. As Anri wears the iconic armor of Astora‘s order, they likely originated as one such holy knight.

But what led Anri from those now ruined halls to Lothric? VaatiVidya and others posit that Anri‘s words on the cathedral indicate they may have been traveling with other Astora knights, likely on a mission related to Aldrich. But this company met their demise from Aldrich‘s voracious appetite, sparking Anri‘s quest for revenge.

The details of Anri‘s past remain shrouded in ambiguity. But the Soul of Aldrich item description labels Anri the "koibito" of Aldrich‘s previous form – Saint Aldrich of the Way of White. Often translated as a "sweetheart" or "lover". This has led to speculation that Anri and Aldrich possessed a romantic history that met a tragic end through Aldrich‘s transformations.

Visual Depiction as Female vs Male

Anri as Female (left) vs Male (right)

Visually, Anri adopts a noble warrior style befitting an Astora elite knight regardless of gender. The slender build and Baneful Bird Mask as female gives an unknowable yet alluring style. As male, the broader profile and stakes seem more rugged – but again eyes are obscured through a mask. Dark armor and cape in both forms add mystery.

Emphasis on Identity Ambiguity

Anri‘s whole presentation plays with themes of obscurity and the quest to find oneself under various facades. This transfers to even gender identity taking on a liquid, transferable state. As Anri admits after Aldrich‘s defeat:

"I finally met the man that I wish to marry. It was thanks to you…I…have to go…I have duties to fulfill…"

Here Anri implies they have achieved resolution at last through the player‘s aid. With duties signaling the next step in fully realizing oneself.

A Reflection on the Player

Anri therefore stands as a possible mirror to the player and their personal journey through Lothric and beyond. Their shifting gender keeps Anri accessible as an avatar for self-reflection on the player‘s part. Committing to Anri‘s full questline sees them subtly shift and change in parallel to the player, creating an intimate arc.

Conclusion: Anri Defies Categorization

Anri leaves all who interact with them touched yet baffled. Few concrete clues ever emerge on Anri‘s origins, relationships and reasons for singular vengeance. Even gender itself slips into obfuscation, becoming just another mask donned in the search for resolution.

Yet it is this sense of mystery and of a character existing between meanings and identities that gives Anri such resonance. Defying categorization, Anri stands for seeking the self while forces beyond one‘s control shape the path. Through this struggle, Anri forges an unbreakable bond with the player themselves as Dark Soul mirror images guiding one another down the long roads to redemption.

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