Is Apex Legends 100 GB?

As an industry expert and avid Apex player myself, I can definitively say that Apex Legends does not actually occupy 100 GB or more of storage space as some may claim. But it does require a sizable chunk of storage real estate across platforms, especially compared to rivals like Fortnite or Call of Duty.

Let‘s break down the actual install sizes in depth, explore why Apex Legends in particular can be so demanding on storage, and go over some pro tips for conserving precious gaming capacity when needed!

Installing Apex: Current Sizes Per Platform

First, how much storage space does Apex Legends consume currently in 2024? Here is the breakdown across platforms:

PlatformInstall Size
PC (Origin or Steam)31 GB
Xbox One63 GB
Xbox Series X/S63 GB
PlayStation 462 GB
PlayStation 565 GB
Nintendo Switch14 GB

So while sprawling, Apex Legends still stays under the 100 GB threshold as of its latest Season 16 update. But, install sizes have definitely grown over time, as you can see in this historical data:

*Platform**Launch Size (2019)**Current Size*
PC22 GB31 GB (+40%)
Xbox One48 GB63 GB (+31%)
PlayStation 448 GB62 GB (+29%)

The install size creep upwards over the seasons and content additions definitely adds up!

Why So Demanding on Storage?

Now you may be wondering – what makes Apex Legends in particular so much larger than some of its direct multiplayer shooter competitors? There are a few key technical factors driving its appetite for bytes:

  • High-Fidelity Graphics: Apex utilizes the Source game engine to render detailed textures, advanced lighting, destructible environments and top-notch physics simulations – all coming at the cost of install size.

  • Elaborately Crafted Maps: Each arena features painstakingly constructed terrain with numerous structures, interactive elements, and overall verticality – weighing in at over 1 GB per map as content.

  • Expanded Armory Over Time: With over 30 weapons now available, each gun model, texture, animation, sound effect starts accumulating gigabytes.

Compare this to a rival battle royale title like Fortnite leveraging more optimized cartoonish aesthetics at a lighter footprint – you can understand how Apex drives up space requirements.

Optimizing and Upgrading Storage

Let‘s finish off with my expert tips for making Apex Legends‘ hefty install fit if you‘re pressed on capacity:

  • Expand Capacity: Invest in larger internal SSD or external USB hard drive to give Apex breathing room. 1 TB is recommended.

  • Adjust Texture Settings: On PC, reduce texture streaming budget for less data streamed per match. Console tweaks coming!

  • Remove Other Games: Deleting unused apps helps free up precious space. Or archive lesser played games.

With some creative storage adjustments, most modern consoles and gaming rigs should be able to handle Apex Legends‘ demands. We may see 100 GB someday, but not yet! Let me know if any questions.

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