Is Apex Legends More Violent Than Fortnite? In-Depth Analysis

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot by concerned parents and gamers trying to decide which of these hit battle royale games is right for them. While both share the same basic premise of dropping 100 players onto an island to fight it out, Apex Legends edges out Fortnite when it comes to violence and mature content.

Violence and Gore

Clearly, Apex Legends features more visceral violence:

  • Blood splatters appear on screen when damaging enemies in Apex Legends. Fortnite has no blood at all.
  • Apex Legends allows brutal “finishing moves” on downed enemies, executing them in various graphic ways. Fortnite simply makes defeated enemies vanish.

In my experience, the violence in Apex elicits more of an “ouch” factor compared to the cartoonish action of Fortnite. Seeing the blood and hearing the crunches make fights feel more visceral.

However, some key perspective:

  • The violence remains unrealistic rather than graphic – characters respawn each match instead of dying permanently.
  • Visuals are creepier on some Apex Legends maps with skeletons and toxic waste, but still avoid depravity.

Verdict: Point for Apex Legends due to inclusion of blood, finishing moves, and overall more realistic feedback when damaging enemies.

Age Ratings

Official age ratings back up Apex Legends having more mature content:

  • Apex Legends: Rated T for Teen (13+) by ESRB for Blood and Violence
  • Fortnite: Rated T for Teen (13+) by ESRB for Fantasy Violence
  • Europe: Apex Legends received a PEGI 16 rating while Fortnite received a PEGI 12

So while the ESRB gives them the same 13+ minimum age, the specific content descriptors call out blood and violence for Apex. And European ratings draw a clearer line, with Apex at 16+ versus Fortnite at 12+.

Verdict: The experts agree – Apex Legends has more violent content than Fortnite.


Apex Legends goes for a more realistic graphical style than Fortnite‘s cartoon art direction:

  • Weapons, animations, characters feel grounded in realism rather than fantasy.
  • Finishing moves depict violence against helpless characters in visceral fashion.

This realism makes the action seem more mature, though still avoided being too graphic.

Verdict: Point to Apex Legends for more realistic (and thus mature) violence.


Apex Legends has some interactive elements that expose players to more potential mature experiences:

  • Native voice chat allows open mic with random players. Players could encounter profanity/toxicity.
  • Text chat also connects players with random teammates.

Fortnite Battle Royale has taken measures to limit exposure:

  • No native voice chat support at all.
  • Text chat only enabled between pre-approved Epic Friends.

Soparents may want to disable chat functions in Apex Legends to prevent undesirable interactions. Fortnite‘s protections are baked in natively.

Verdict: Apex Legends‘ open chat poses some risk of mature language. Fortnite‘s chat is restricted.

Is the Violence Excessive?

For most teenagers, despite Apex Legends having advantages in realism and viscerality, the violence likely does not cross into being disturbing or offensive:

  • The visual style maintains a comic book style instead of going for graphic realism.
  • There is no extreme profanity, sexual content or excessive gore – this is mainstream entertainment.

However, sensitivity varies child by child, so each parent must make their own judgement.


In summary, our in-depth analysis shows Apex Legends is more violent than Fortnite when you compare factors like:

  • Blood/gore
  • Finishing moves
  • Realistic graphics/physics
  • Age ratings

However, the violence is unlikely to be excessive or disturbing for most teenagers. Good parental judgement is advised, and limitations to play time/chat can allow mature teens to enjoy Apex Legends responsibly.

I hope this comprehensive comparison helps families evaluate both games on the key issue of violence and make an informed decision that matches their child‘s level of maturity and sensitivity. As a passionate gamer myself, I personally enjoy the visceral thrills of Apex Legends while respecting that Fortnite better suits younger kids getting into gaming thanks to the cartoon style and protections around chat. There‘s room for both titles when matched to the appropriate audience!

Let me know in the comments what other popular shooters you‘d like to see compared! I‘m here to provide well-researched, unbiased looks into the latest video games so parents and gamers alike can contextualize the media they are consuming.

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