Is Apex Predator top 750 in the world?

Yes, the Apex Predator rank in Apex Legends represents the top 750 players per platform. Across PC, Xbox, and PlayStation, there are 2,250 total spots marked for the best of the best.

As a long-time Apex Legends player and content creator, I have an immense appreciation for the skill and consistency required to enter this elite tier. Let‘s dive deeper into what sets Apex Predators apart.

The Pinnacle of Competitive Apex Legends

Apex Predator comprises less than 0.5% of the ranked community. To enter, you‘ll need to accumulate 10,000 RP (Ranked Points) during a season – a mark many excellent players cannot hit. And staying in requires grinding RP nearly daily as others nip at your heels. There is no forgiveness at the top.

How remarkable is hitting Apex Predator? Let‘s visualize the percentile brackets across ranks:

Master & Apex Predator0.45%

As a Master tier player myself stuck at around ~8,500 RP, I stand in awe of the expertise, communication, and clutch factor needed to ascend beyond 10,000 RP.

So in short – yes, Apex Predators undoubtedly rank in the top 750 players in their region. But how do they compete at such a phenomenally high level?

The Making of an Apex Predator

Reaching the Apex Predator rank is not possible without tremendous dedication to improving your skill. Let‘s discuss what it takes:

Unparalleled Gun Skill

Against similarly skilled opponents, winning close-range and long-distance engagements ultimately comes down to mechanical prowess. Most Apex Predators boast seemingly superhuman flicks, tracking aim, recoil control, and movement.

Watching their gameplay often feels like witnessing a TAS bot! Of course, thousands of hours in aim trainers and grueling competitive matches honed this unbelievable mastery.

Lightning Fast Decision-Making

When encountering enemies, Apex Predators instantly and accurately assess:

  • If they can win the gunfight
  • The most advantageous positioning
  • Probabilities of third-party interference
  • Itemization to counter opponents‘ loadouts

And they adjust their split-second decision-making continually as situations evolve. This rapid analysis derives from accumulated experiences in innumerable battles.

Coordination and Communication

At the higher tiers, winning requires flawless collaboration with your squad. Apex Predators showcase seemingly telepathic levels of chemistry and awareness of their teammates‘ actions.

Quick and concise callouts of enemy locations, ability usage synchronization for pushes/retreats, micro play adjustments to aid a struggling teammate, and balancing roles are staples of these elite trios.

Watching Apex Predator teams feels more akin to witnessing a championship esports organization than solo queue heroes.

What Other Games Have Similar Elite Ranks?

To contextualize reaching Apex Predator, let‘s examine other popular competitive games‘ top tiers:

League of Legends

  • 0.014% players reach Challenger (Top ~200 players per region)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

  • ~0.5% players reach Global Elite (Top ~2% of player base)


  • ~2% players reach Grandmaster (Top ~200 players per region)

Call of Duty: Warzone

  • ~6% players above 2 K/D

As we can observe, Apex Legends makes it exceptionally challenging to enter the top echelon akin to other tier-based competitive games. This filters the player pool to only the crème de le crème.

Apex Predators: Heroes and Teammates

Several Apex Predators have become celebrities in the scene from their jaw-dropping highlight plays and informative educational content. Let‘s look at some iconic players:


  • #1 Predator multiple seasons
  • Inventor of the "super glide" movement technique
  • Masters aim and movement guides on YouTube


  • Captain of TSM (Team SoloMid)
  • Leads ALGS (Apex Legends Global Series) in wins
  • Entertainment focus with 7 million YouTube subscribers


  • Holds kill record in pro league games (20 kills)
  • Known for mechanical mastery, especially with rifles
  • Plays for dominant esports core SEN (Sentinels)

And for every streaming superstar, there are hundreds of anonymously grinding Apex Predators raising the skill ceiling every season. I have a couple on my friends list, and getting to pick their brains provides an endless well of insights.

Even if you‘ll never reach their level, it‘s incredibly fulfilling supporting and learning from these players pushing ranked boundaries.

Matchmaking for Apex Elite

A common question I see is:

"How do Apex Predators find matches if there are so few at their skill level?"

Firstly, over 2,000 players occupy the tier so the pool is reasonably large. Secondly, Respawn‘s matchmaking widens its acceptable skill range at extreme ends of the spectrum.

So you‘ll often see stacked Predator 3-stacks pitted against Masters/Diamond teams. The underdogs might not stand a chance, but it guarantees shortened queue times.

Considering each match takes time + entry fees, further delays finding games would frustrate competitors. It‘s not a perfect solution but necessary for upholding a healthy, vibrant ranked environment.

The Content Creation Predator

Given Apex Legends‘ popularity on Twitch and YouTube, I suspect a sizable number of elite players monetize their skills beyond competing. In fact, I‘d speculate at least 15-20% of Predators actively create content.

Why? Well, they already play 10+ hours a day training mechanics and game sense. Capturing epic moments for audiences eager to learn seems a natural progression.

Content creation and competition share wonderful symbiosis in Apex too. Top performers attract huge viewership due to awe-inspiring talent. In return, they enjoy lucrative salaries and sponsorship deals.

For organizations like TSM, content creators actually scout and recruit new pro team members from the ranked and tournament scene too!

If you ever aspire reaching the top levels of play, don‘t underestimate the power of streaming and publishing videos either. While grueling, it can provide long-term financial stability while pursuing your competitive passion.

Should You Strive for Apex Predator?

I‘ll be blunt here – unless you plan on playing Apex Legends as a career or have incredible natural talent, expecting to ever touch Apex Predator is foolish. And that‘s ok! For most players, Diamond or Master should make you proud.

However, that doesn‘t mean you cannot learn from and be motivated by the best. My gameplay improved tremendously just from analyzing and theory-crafting with Predators on my Origin friends list.

At minimum, I encourage all players to:

  • Watch educational content from top players
  • Analyze their mechanical techniques
  • Learn team strategies used in tournaments
  • Question decision-making in their gameplay

If we want to become our best selves in Apex Legends, we must observe and learn from those who pushed skill ceilings beyond our imagination. Use Apex Predators as your North Star guiding you to improve overlooked aspects of your own matches.

Implement one new technique, strategy, or callout every gaming session. Find faults in your gameplay and address them. Record and review your deaths to mimic your favorite elite player‘s positioning.

While the pinnacle stays ever distant, adopting the path of an Apex Predator will undoubtedly sharpen you into a dangerously skilled competitor. Allow them to inspire YOU towards greatness rather than fixate on catch up.

In summary, yes – being an Apex Predator undoubtedly places you in the 99.5th gaming percentile. Only 2,250 total players worldwide hold the title.

I cannot fathom the countless demanding hours perfecting mechanics, duelling titans, and building unbreakable team synergy these competitors endured. Their mastery amazes me endlessly.

While we may never reach their orbit, we owe them immense gratitude for igniting our passions. Every jaw-dropping tournament climax, unbelievable YouTube compilation, and signed mousepad motivates us to come back tomorrow hungry to improve.

So I tip my hat to you, Apex Predators. Thank you for giving us something incredible to strive towards. Even if distant, that goal keeps our love for Apex Legends alive and training focused.

Maybe next season for the both of us, Predator my friend! I sure won‘t stop trying and learning in the meantime. The beauty lies in the climb together as friends and competitors no matter where we stand.

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