Is Arcane Good in Elden Ring?

Yes, arcane is an extremely viable stat for building an effective character in Elden Ring. While arcane may seem obscure at first glance, investing points into it unlocks some of the game‘s most powerful weapons, buffs bleed and other status effects, and increases your item discovery.

Benefits of Leveling Arcane

Here are some of the key reasons why arcane is such a good stat:

  • Unlocks unique arcane-scaling weapons like Rivers of Blood, Dragon Communion Seal, and more
  • Boosts item discovery, increasing rates for rare enemy drops
  • Powers up status effects like bleed, poison, and scarlet rot
  • Enables strong dragon communion and blood incantations
  • Lets you wield Mohgwyn‘s Sacred Spear extremely early

According to testing by content creators, an arcane investment gives excellent returns up to 60 points. After that, there are diminishing upgrades.

Strong Early Game Weapons

One major perk of arcane builds is that you can gain access to devastating weapons very early on. For example, with as little as 20 arcane you can wield the legendary Rivers of Blood katana. Other great options include:

  • Bloody Helice
  • Ripple Blade
  • Marais Executioner‘s Sword

These all outdamage similar weapons available early for strength or dexterity builds. This gives arcane a leg up in the critical early game.

Powerful Status Effects

Leveling arcane boosts your ability to quickly apply dangerous status conditions like bleed, poison, and scarlet rot. This synergizes perfectly with weapons that have innate passive effects. With 60 arcane, you can melt even late game bosses by proccing bleed in just 2-3 hits from weapons like Rivers of Blood.

You also gain access to Dragon Communion incantations that can apply rot breath or other debilitating effects on groups of enemies. This offers crowd control options that other builds lack.

Is An Arcane Build Right For You?

While arcane has some clear strengths, it may not align with every playstyle. These builds require balancing your offense and defense in a high risk/high reward style. You inflict massive damage but have less vigor and endurance than a tanky strength build.

However, for players that enjoy inflicting status effects, finding rare loot, and utilizing unique weapons – an arcane build is extremely powerful and fun in Elden Ring. The versatility and early game power grants an advantage over other starting paths as well.

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