Does Arthur Morgan Get Mentioned in the RDR2 Epilogue?

Yes, Red Dead Redemption 2 protagonist Arthur Morgan is remembered through subtle references in the epilogue. While never directly named by John Marston or other characters, traces of Arthur‘s presence subtly endures. Like a poignant whisper carried on the wind, the legendary outlaw lives on through wistful mentions from appreciative strangers, the passing down of his possessions, and his enduring sage wisdom.

As an avid gamer and content creator, I am awed by the emotional depth and bittersweet nostalgia that Rockstar has woven through the epilogue storytelling. Arthur casts a tall shadow, and clearly continues impacting our hero John Marston years later. Come, let us pay our respects…

Longing Hints Arthur is Still on John‘s Mind

Ever stoic, John Marston hardly speaks openly about his departed fraternal figure, friend and former gang partner. Yet through poignant subtext, we feel the palpable absence left by sturdy Arthur‘s premature passing from tuberculosis.

There is a lingering sense that John remains haunted by their shared past, perhaps struggling with regret and a grave uncertainty of how to properly honor Arthur‘s memory. Like an old wound that still pains when the seasons change.

"He was a good man, wasn‘t he? Your friend?" – so comments a wistful Stranger to Marston.

Indeed, Arthur was perhaps the best of them. Protective Mary-Beth always picnured Arthur must have had a loving mother to raise such a considerate gentleman. The subtle writing reminds us Marston is not yet ready to confront his trauma and grief. Not directly. The yearning persists like a half-remembered song.

Inheriting Arthur‘s Possessions & Wisdom

Marston proudly inherits the satchel, horse, weapons and favorite outfits from his high honor friend and mentor. He picks up Arthur‘s solemn duty to complete the errands and requests outstanding in his journal pages.

Donning Arthur‘s garb, wielding his custom Schofield revolver by the Mescalero campfire nights, surely conjures memories of riding together side-by-side. One imagines Marston finds comforting council from Arthur‘s wisdom journaled while gazing up into those same New Austin stars. Through inheriting his possessions, a part of Arthur rides along to guide John‘s quest to redemption.

Arthur‘s Possessions Inherited by JohnDescription
Arthur‘s SatchelCore game item for managing inventory and supplies
Arthur’s Horse (Rachel)Arthur‘s main horse, white coated Andalusian female purchased from horse fence.
JournalArthur recorded his inner thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears here. John honors his requests
WeaponsAll of Arthur‘s collected weapons become available for John to wield
OutfitsJohn can don Arthur’s stylish garb earning unique clothing perks

Data Source: RDR Fandom Community Wiki

Visiting Arthur‘s Remote Final Resting Place

"He‘s at peace need to dwell on the past." ~ Abigail remarks.

Should John travel across scenic countryside to the secreted summit final resting place of Arthur overlooking beautiful Grizzlies East, he would find poetic solace up there graced by the eagles that circle above.

An adornment of flowers sprouts to signal Arthur‘s pure high honor. And John just might spy the faint shimmering form of a glorious buck – spectral guide from the spirit world acknowledging Arthur‘s self actualization before fate took him.

What bittersweet silence must fall upon John‘s shoulders. One imagines freshly picked oleander sage placed atop the grave marker about which John says nought but surely thinks much. If the eagle makes a calling sound, might he recall the brother who saved him?

Does he whisper faltering hopes to live brave and righteous as the other did? We can only speculate. And when glowing sunset fades to velvet curtain night, perchance a lone coydog howls woeful, woeful, unto the heavens…

So ends my humble envisioning of this imagined graveside pilgrimage. Though Arthur rests beyond sights and sounds of this frontier, for John his presence lingers, and forever rides along into memory’s amber haze.

The Memory of Arthur Morgan Lives On

And so we leave as we entered, reminded that redemption‘s pursuit casts long shadows. Though the temporally forgotten man named Arthur Morgan rests not five miles yonder, in theme and spirit his memory profoundly imprints the landscape of John Marston‘s epic quest portrayed so evocatively through Rockstar‘s lens.

The redemption arc never truly ends. Legacies become destined from the moment we pour that foundation, even when fate scribbles an early coda.

For those left behind it falls to shoulder up shared burdens of your people, while holding close the realization that one person saved is hope and purpose itself realized.

So rides John Marston steadfastly towards grace and absolution, unable yet to speak aloud his loss, but guided by dear Arthur‘s watchful eye radiating from the vibrant hope growing abundantly through young Jack.

Thus I conclude my additional thoughts and reflections on the affecting epilogue of Red Dead Redemption 2. Just a gamer‘s literary take on vivid storytelling and the hero‘s bittersweet return journey woven throughout. Now then, what do you suppose awaits in the next chapter of Red Dead? I for one can‘t wait to see where Rockstar takes us next!

Share your perspectives friends! Together we build the circle.

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